The ex-Communist factor is relevant because they are yet too shitty to be receiving Third World immigrants, while all of them suffer emigration to EU/West.
The demographic woes of rich countries are masked by immigrant fecundity and inflow of young Third Worlders
Christian Martin
Turkey is collapsing you will have plenty of white Muslims to rebuild your population
Eli Smith
The "demographic timebomb" meme is the shittiest meme on this planet. >the society had more people than it could support >it correcting itself is somehow a bad thing >future generations getting a larger portion of the pie is somehow a bad thing Of course the solution is always third worlders.
I can't wait until every one of these enemy propagandists like "Peter Kotecki" gets strung up. I hope somebody's keeping a nice long list.
Aaron Reed
>and only thing that can help is to import millions of niggers
Andrew King
Yup. At least people know what's up. The comment sections here are full of "fuck of with this Soros propaganda" and "still don't want the dirty muslims and niggers you are peddling", etc.
Luke White
Dont worry our government has passed laws already to take 30k foreign workers a year, as it stands until now we got 7k.
Oliver Sanchez
Fucking reeee
Lincoln Price
Why are you angry?
Kayden Gray
All countries have to fall in line with the Global depopulation policy. One way or another. (Except Israel).
This is why you have been poisoned with Endocrine Disruptors.
Your Sperm Count is 60% below where it should be. That is extermination levels.
White people are not needed to slave in the fields and the factories.
Carson Butler
Thanks OP for reminding me to buy tickets before they get expensive again (because of so many people leaving)
Because I don't want you to get infested by niggers. "Whatever comes to your neighbour will sooner or later knock on your door as well" - proverb
Luke Nguyen
I don't see the problem. If your population is to shrink, so be it. If your problem with that is that you can't afford to care for the elderly anymore, you're retarded. If the elderly wanted to be cared for in their old days, they should have had children.
Ryder Foster
Yes and no. Dont worry they are asian so its okay.
Mason Powell
>Dont worry they are asian so its okay. Civic nationalists get the rope first.
I said it before and I'll say it again: All migrants should be unloaded into Serbia. We're already dead as a country, might as well do it quickly.
I can't wait to watch them rape these morons to death. I have stopped identifying as Serbian a long time ago, I don't want to have anything to do with these """people""".
I'd literally rather live with shitskinned Bulgars.
Ayden Jones
I misspoke. Jews get the rope first.
Levi Sanchez
Then you would have to kill 5 million expats also since by that logic all of them are jews.
Brody Carter
I'm fine with that. Whatever it takes to have you hanging among the first.
Christian Campbell
Cigan kike
Oliver Mitchell
>Not listening the entire continent of Africa.
William Davis
Are you trying to be retarded? I dont care, even today we are supposed to have a massive protest with diaspora coming home and are threatening to kill the police.I cant wait to leave this shithole.
James Roberts
I lol'd. How is the weather in Kosovo my "Serbian" friend?
Nicholas Torres
If you don't care about the fate of your nation, you deserve to die. That is all there is to it.
Aaron Parker
Don't respond to him, it only encourages more shitposting
Kevin Evans
Why? There is no way to change things so why should I?
Michael Murphy
>Oy Vey!!! You must import more slaves for the corporations and government goyim!!!
Daniel Howard
We are officially giving up on Kosovo, Vucic will announce it soon. Fuck it anyways, its useless to us
James Miller
already left, cba about that shitty post-soviet country where i was born you do the right thing
Julian Thompson
>Why Are you trying to be retarded? >There is no way to change things so why should I? Your crystal ball can't see into the future. No matter how much of a gypsy you are.
Oliver Taylor
What about the Serbs living there?
Chase Edwards
There are no political parties that take in consideration races, we are already under 80% ethnic romanian, we are losing 5% of the population each year to immigration, we are having the highest diaspora in the world.All political parties are corrupt and have problem with the law, the people are dumb and weak, the number of non whites since we entered the EU has increased massively, the gypsies are the only demographic to rise in number each census and the economy is going to explode.So tell me why should I want to be here or care?
Juan Thomas
I still want to come back though. I'm confident that with USR/Ciolos/whatever other party Soros decides to fund, things will be looking up.
Matthew Lewis
You’re so naive and gullible
Landon Diaz
>all political parties are corrupt and have problem with the law >what is USR/Ciolos
Literally nothing we can do about it or with it. Its for the best to just fuck off with Kosovo and focus on real problems. Guess they are Kosovars now
Benjamin Myers
its funny how i can almost read it... just to realize it could be something entirely different faucking slavic latin, mane
Lincoln Fisher
The best immediate response is to bann all contraceptives
Long term society needs to be de-atomized and become organic once more
Jayden Morgan
>So tell me why should I want to be here or care? To not be one of the cowards fleeing and ensuring the destruction of your people. Without your people, your tribe and your family you're nothing. If your people die, thousands of years of genetic divergence will have been for nothing. All the work, suffering and sacrifices of your ancestors will have been for nothing. No matter what you do, you can't feel from that reality. But for as long as a small fraction of your people are alive, all hope is not lost.
Eli Stewart
Yes, bad only for the elderly who didn't have kids. The next generation will be perfectly fine, no long term problems.
Hudson Miller
Together we modify the constitution.No more criminals in public office.
Jace Gutierrez
Polish government trying to raise birthrate by social subsidies (500+, recent news to reintroduce taxes from singles (called "bykowe ") but this is IRL encouraging pathology living in PRL-times flats (seba's and karyna's for example) and draining the finances of state (literally communism)
Kayden Moore
at least there's something we are best at
Gavin Anderson
But bombs explode? Like, a demographic timebomb would be a country over-producing citizens at such a rate their infrastructure cannot cope. Like, parts of the UK.
Tavali-mi-as pula prin coliva ma-tii. Ori lingatorii astia de cur european, ori PSD si pseudo PSD(PNL/ALDE), ori unguri(UDMR), ori glume proaste(PMP)
Hudson Flores
My ancestors got conquered and mixed with all the invaders so nothing of value will be lost to begin with and nobody cares here so fuck them I have nothing in common with them or other people my age besides wanting to leave.
Caleb Carter
This. At least in Euro societies.
Daniel Morris
Why must you act like a low iq animal? And there are no political parties to represent us, but vote who you care I dont give enough of a fuck since I will not stay here to see the consequences.
Isaiah White
I'm not on Kosovo. I wish Bulgaria would get strong again and remove kebab that will be Serbia.
You won, congratulations. Last of the Serbian people will die in less than two generations. I just wish I can be there to see their faces when it starts happening.
The best course of action would be to dump all the refugees here as a containment. At least that way, white people will still exist.
Xavier Rivera
>My ancestors got conquered and mixed That happened to everyone. But not all mixes are the same. That's like calling beer, wine and mud water the same, because they are all pretty much the same stuff mixed in different proportions. Your people are unique, and you're sentencing their legacy to death. This kind of atomization is honestly really fucking disgusting. Maybe it's for the best that you leave, so only those with any spine remain.
Connor Carter
Damn, that's that new UN (((Global Initiative))) that some user posted a couple months ago. Apparently all countries will be forced to take in at least 30K migrants per year, because (((We're the UN and fuck you)))
All the people with a spine left a long time ago, this country destiny is set it will be a majority gypsy and non European majority in 3 generations from now.
Austin Garcia
Well yeah. For Africa the procedure must be >Sterilization for food Niggers will take the offer, or starve
Easton Cooper
why are men playing video games and shit instead of working constantly to provide for a family, video games should be illegal
Jaxon Thomas
I don't see my belonging to Romania as related to genetics, but more to, let's say sort of a "spirit". And it's a shithole, the culture is shit, the people are shit, the history is shit, this "spirit" is shit. But we still share it and belong to this tribe. And we can change it - but of course, giving up on it completely and calling yourself eternally powerless won't change shit.
Charles Harris
>caring about whites They will be gone even before us, and we are doomed lmao
Aiden Ortiz
Whatever. Hopefully you die before leaving your people, so you won't get to infect any other country with your jewery. Or maybe your host country will have the sense to hang you, so you won't contribute to its mongrelization.
Isaiah Ortiz
no Italy?
Jason Rivera
>stop having babies goy, they're so expensive and you'll be happier without >uh oh, looks like your country is shrinking goy, guess you'd better import some young immigrants
Jeremiah Edwards
Considering the 4 to 12 million Romanian diaspora chooses Italy disproportionately, I don't think they have any problem with that sort of thing
IIRC while the Bulgarian population is shrinking, the Bulgarian Turkish and Pomak populations are plummeting.
Ryan Long
What happened to your country that has got you so fucked up user? cope harder cunt
Camden Powell
>what is USR/Ciolos Neomarxist feminist SJW pieces of shit, that's what.
Nathaniel Sullivan
You cant change it since this is what we have always been, hell compare us under Monarchy the neighboring countries and see we were shit even then. I dont intend on destroying the country I will move to are you insane? All I am saying is there is no possible way to change things because if I voice this opinions I will get fined and arrested.The people here dont care of their future only the present and money they make or women they fuck.No point in saving these people that have no will to survive.
Italy's population is several times larger than the romanian one, so even if 25% of romanians moved to Italy(impossivle) it still wouldnt be enough
Austin Cook
>I dont intend on destroying the country I will move to are you insane? Niggers didn't intend to destroy Europe by moving here. Your weak will and foreign genes won't be wanted anywhere.
Tyler Morgan
nah, Bulgar birthrate hovered around 1,0 a few years ago, I dont think they can eve rrecover
Caleb Perez
Those, who are genetically indisposed to having children, will eventually die alongside their genes. Few generation in the future, the population will be made entirely of people who do want children.
Angel Cooper
Honestly, this. Romania needs to be turned into a nuclear wasteland ASAP.
Christopher Jackson
Who knows its not that it matters.
Michael Wood
I will give my hardest to integrate hell I am willing to change even my name if it will help the country I will move better, this place is beyond saving at this point.
Henry Fisher
can't be white if you're a muslim
also turks aren't white
Nolan Watson
I am moving to Finland and I am going to fuck your wife.
All of them are plummeting desu. Another proof the "turks" living here are genetically Bulgarian who converted to islam during the slavery. They were 900k at one point, less than 500k now.
Won what? There won't be any of us left either.
David Rivera
>I will give my hardest to integrate Why do you think integration is a good thing? It'll only get your genes mixed in with the general populace and lead to genetic pollution, i.e., regression and stagnation.
Grayson Collins
>Few generation in the future, the population will be made entirely of people who do want children. Yeah, like arabs and gypsies.
Chase Sullivan
> this place is beyond saving at this point. no, it is NOT
this has nothing to do with low birthrates. young east-europeans go west thanks to free movement and workingpermit to the west, since they earn more there and can take better care of their parent who stay in the homeland. this is not a problem. wealth coming in thanks to this. real problems are countries like germany or japan, where the native population has 1.2 kids on average.
Nathaniel Watson
communism, then a fuck ton of corrupt politicians in the last three (((free))) decades
Hunter Rodriguez
Death to traitors!
Evan Davis
Yes it is. Only genocide can save Romania from Romanians. That, or an absolutely massive eugenics program.
Liam Miller
Amazing arguments. Totally upboated.
Edit: Wow, thanks for the gold!
Thomas Lewis
Death to mă-ta!
Angel Parker
share your point, however it can be extended to every west country in europe. Europe destiny is set to become a giant hellhole because of people wanting to be self genocided without giving any shit.
That's why I will leave too but I will settle in someplace far away from all this shitstorm, a place where no shitskin could ever live in because the language will be impossible to learn for them
Well in time that pollution will refine like it always does. Totally we are doing just fine, make sure you go out today and protest because it will surely make a change.
Austin Clark
You didn't make any arguments to begin with, you fucking mongol rape baby.
James Smith
Fuck off, kike.
Gabriel Williams
Are you retarded? I talk about the turks you subhuman gypsie.