They are preparing for the midterms, in which they hope to win and then begin the process of impeaching and removing trump from office. When they do this they dont want counter narrative from all the other social media news pundits because it will be MSM talking in one solid unison.
I hope all you anons are prepared.
as usual this will probably we ignored
Reason behind the internet purge. Removing Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
Jones was taken down because of the Parkland shooter tape showing obvious mind control trauma.
Future proves past.
Nah Trump is basically unstoppable at this point, and also removing him would make him a Martyr which would cause way more problems than actually keeping him there.
we're ok, op.
Jones needs to slow the fuck down for a couple months, take the ban, focus, team up with D'Souza and do a proper documentary on
This will kill the shill. Time release with Mid-term election and we have a critical hit.
tmz has the tape.
jones was taken down because he opened the discussion for the biggest corporation outside of nations (apple) being absorbed by china.
The political and corporate Establishments are proving in real time they have no willingness to entertain those who will not fully buy into their dogma.
The Left are cheering and celebrating the silencing of political opposition using corporate censorship and are willing to even attack their own for not willing to join them in suppressing free speech. The Left have shown their hand and their willingness to impose censorship and become the "fascist" they claim to be fighting.
Keep in mind this was known all along and constantly posted in alternative media and places like Jow Forums and now they are being proven to be correct.
>he doesn't know about the secret board
No shit
They started purging directly after the election
no censorship is no fascism.
You dont give fascist platforms the voice there opinions for the same reason you dont give a child rapist a child.
Both communism and fascism involve massive government censorship.
Gunnuts are literally waiting for them to take down their idol. Why don’t they just wait it out for two years and win an easy election?
Inb4 shill I voted for trump
You are proving your detractors correct and the political and corporate winds turn quickly. Keep defending censorship and you will find yourself on the receiving end. You pro-censorship advocates are setting a trap for yourselves and justifying your own silencing.
This china meme needs to stop. There are enough distractions, and Israel and their influence is infinitely more dangerous to this nation than some dog eating gooks
Both "Communism" and "Fascism" share the same traits of authoritarianism also broadly referred to as simply fascism. Either they get to fully control everything including speech or they SHUT IT DOWN.
There's always a wall and a can of spraypaint.
shitposting IRL will be more effective than anime profile pic nazis on social media blabbering on about muh maga 1488
Qbert addicted this
You mean authoritarian, you utter waste of space
sure you do, or you become the fascist. stop using that label if you do not know what it means.
multiple big tech companies conspired to oust a popular figure on a single day. this was in conjunction with dnc plans to stifle alternative sources of info.
that, is fucking fascism! you lefties sold your souls, and became the enemy you pretend to hate.
OP is right, by the way
Dems last chance is rigging their way into a House majority in the midterms. So please go vote in November. Dem majority house will get ballsy with trying to impeach Trump. Mark my words.
They do the same stupid shit each time, and it just collapses worse and worse every time. The more they ban, the more edgy pol-tards will become more and more subversive.
Voted for the primary in michigan will vote for the midterm.
lol@you dems who think there is a blue wave. It'll be more like a red tsunami and I think you know all know it. You know you've already lost otherwise you wouldn't be paying shills like OP and countless other losers to shit up Jow Forums that is not the tactics of someone who is winning but someone is desperate to hold onto the last remaining shreds of power before trump decides to have you all in front of military tribunals.
Actually I think giving you the platform to speak your words is like giving a child to a child rapist.
Sorry, Mohammed, I'm gonna have to shut you down.
Really ?
Whos the child, retard, you? Society?
And facists are the rapists of course, we must take things without consent right?
And you must be the shiny knight of justice sent by Marx to make the world safe, that means your the good guy. Must feel good to be the good guy, silencing free speech with the help of monsanto, punching innocent people with Soros legal fund nazigold, advocating for pedo acceptance you guys are totally good
whatever happens we can't take it outside we have to stay on the internet it is our battlefield
Yep. It's obvious. They're trying to do to the internet what they did to newspapers and TV news. They will fucking die if they keep pushing this shit.
No one on the left wants a pence presidency either, user
Prepared doesn't begin to tell you about my plans for the short and long term
All I'll say is this: If you see a middle-aged guy wearing a GWAR t-shirt and spraying bullets at negros screaming 'Leroy Jenkins!!!!', that's me.
calm down FBI
Why not both?
>Implying that the trainwreck of the left will come to power
who cares, he does (((their))) agenda anyway, barely has a strength to voice some disagreement here or there
They still think she can win
>Israel and their influence is infinitely more dangerous to this nation
Both this nation and the entire world.
BTW, there can be many simultaneous reasons for the rise of censorship by the globalist media. The idea that it's simply one of them is silly and naive.
I've got a canoe and me and my dog are gonna go hide in the woods for a couple years. Y'all have fun calling each other names and larping from the basement. I'll be back when the bombs start dropping. I've already told you how to recognize me.
So let me get this straight. You believe that they got rid of Alex Jones is because they were afraid his "news"coverage would push people to side with Trump and his endorsed candidates? So lets assume there are people out there who watch AJ and think he is a reliable and reputable news source to the point where the other outlets are fake and liars, and they took him off the air? And they expect these people to turn to other news sources they believe to be liars, because? I think i'm missing some key component here.
I'm warning you guys, we have to win. If the left ever gets power again they will put us in camps. The will take our children. This isn't a game we can afford to lose.
It's becoming clearer each day that the Left has no intentions of respecting democracy and following the rule of law. This is getting increasingly dangerous because the more they push, the more they become an enemy of the state and soon citizens will take action.
The only possible reason is a false flag operation planned for sunday. After they failed to link the alt-Spencer movement with Trump supporters they they're going to try to blame a Charlottesville on the alt-Jones movement. That's my predicition.
I don’t care. Trump was THEIR last chance not ours.
This isn’t a game noguns can win.
there is no "left", stop using t_d terms on Jow Forums.
there are only (((masters))) and manipulated masses, there is no single ideology behind it.
The amount of delusion here is schizo level, I can’t believe how many neckbeards have bought into this shit.
Go paddle your ass up a river, society will continue without you; there won’t be a civil war, just more dancing with the stars and bullshit political theater, no matter who’s in office.
If you ever wondered how reasonable people get radicalized look around. Jow Forums has created an army of mouthbreathing radicals who think they’ve figured out secret agendas that are nothing more than business as usual.
There is no grand conspiracy; just a bunch of billionaires and petty tyrants manipulating the masses for financial gain. If you had even a fraction of their money and control you’d be doing the same thing to preserve your own legacies.
Go ahead and fear “the Left” while the money masters on the right fuck your future and brainwash you to vote against your own best interests.
Liberals are the real patriots. Conservatives sold their souls a long time ago when they got in bed with the Christian right, who want nothing more than to push us towards a holy war to justify their stone age belief system.
t. Jew
Jones is the canary in the coal mine but it also makes deplatforming people very palatable to normies, puts right wing free speech proponents in the tough spot of defending Alex Jones and his "whacky conspiricy theories" just like when they were defending "Nazis" being attacked by AntiFa. Its a beautiful tactic and only possible when you have the leftists controling and coordinating the media orgs