Swedish election

is it possible, boys? election in 29 days

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Amazing turn around.

Is it happening bros?

>Moderates want to govern - with SDs support

>The moderates open for talks with the Swedish Democrats - in order to govern the country even if the RedGreens become the greatest.


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What is S ?

For how much time Jimmy is running the political game ?
Do you think he will get a good score ?

Good to see you guys can do it and lock these socialists out.

Holy Shit, This could be the first right wing in ages that isn't opposition in Sweden.


pray for us

That statement came from S and M quickly responded that they would never speak to the nazis

Uncertain if it is actually happening, from what swedeanons have said the Ms are pretty much jews who like having muslims around out of the belief it drives down wages

other way, first they said that they WEREN'T going to negotiate, but in less then 24 hours later this happens

"Others" 2.4%, I wonder how much of it is AfS. Regardless polls are not accurate, SD will get 30% np

if M doesn't cooperate with SD, it's gonna be another 4 year S rule

im optimistic and you should keep in mind that sd probably have atleast a few more % then what it says because some people are scared of people knowing they vote for sd

Who's willing to work with SD? Can they form a coalition?

From what I know, Sweden is a free market country, with - I will not say low but average - taxes. What are the socialists in a free market country ? What are they doing ? In Sweden it is supposed to be very easy to be an entrepreneur no ?

The other side is working hard on their propaganda so it should be just fine

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fucking fuck

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i swear i'm actually gonna commit if they get another term

You are celebrating already, but you should be campaigning hard for the next 29 days.


Lofven looks like a mongrel

SD are useless cucks. Civnat fag lovers who won't deport a single shitskin

Best we can hope for is they get some sort of influence and fuck it all up for the next 4 years so based Afs/NMR coalition can take power

My bosses were walking around the office today taking bets on who's going to win...

Personally I hope SD win the election because an M/S coalition would just mean more work for the office I work at and I really don't want that.

Don't, if they make another DÖ SD+ AfS are going to be 55%+ by the time the next election comes around.

They are ideologicaly locked against any solution to the problems, and even now a large part of normies are on the SD vagon.

As todays normies see SDs internal Top-down structure and ridiculous levels of corruption and "kiss the leaders ass or get evicted for racism" for themselves, lots of people are going to leave for AfS and we'll be looking at something like 30% SD 20% AfS.

Outside of the parilament there will be a significently strengthened NMR probably looking at 2400 members or something as compared to their current ~1200 projecting significent preassure.

Det Fria Sverige project will also be getting into gear with their model of explicitly swedish-only comunities around their "Svenskarnas Hus" conscept.

Nationalism in sweden has a bright future no matter who wins this current election. A SD+M goverment would just be the cherry on top of the cake of a already massively popularizing nationalist movement.

>touching tips

He's the proof of the long held view (since Mosely at least) that national goverments are a strawman held up infront of the people to deflect the peoples anger from the actual ruling Oligarchy.

The man is a absolute moron, as everyone can clearly hear every time he opens his mouth. No serious person could claim this retard is actually in charge of anything.

they are gonna deport them though??

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The body politic will never wake up to this it is the most sophisticated form of control they have invented to date.

Yeah, Democracy is fantastic. Goverment by victing-blaming. Gotta hand it to the jews.

"You voted for this, it was your choice to exterminate yourself, you live in a free democratic society" is a really good line to tell someone.

As our Uncle said, small people tell small lies, and can't even imagine that anyone would craft such a massive scheeme of deception.

When you think about how absolute their control over the information we consume is, it doesn't seem that surprising so many fall for the lie. Our only hope is to take control of this insane beast and direct it ourselves.

In Europe we're well underway in several countries.

As long as we can regain some ground on social media free speech and maintain at least the current level of alternative media freedom we're looking at a nationalist goverment in Sweden at latest in 2026.

SD vill fortfarande ta in kvot flyktingar och ta in invandrare från indien och kina.

>nationalist goverment in Sweden at latest in 2026.

Afs won't be getting 30% of the vote. Maybe 15% of the vote by 2026

Jo, och folk kommer vara arga när de slutligen fattar att Jimmie inte har någon hemlig plan.

Något de alla så gärna tror på.

Men det enda sättet att bevisa deras oduglighet för allmänheten idag är att rösta in AfS och dem samtidigt, så att AfS kan visa att de är på riktigt samtidigt som Jimmie står och kramar de nyaanlända afghanska Kvotflyktingarna (nu 1000% bättre än andra afghaner vi lovar)

23 percent.

I spit on your 23 percent. Do they even have a coalition partner to get to 60 percent like our FPÖ has?

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This isn't Helpful

your FPÖ only has 26% so come on
but yeah SD and M have begun talking

Naah in all likelyhood AfS will get 2.5ish % this time and ~5-8% in 2022

That will force SD to be the "kick the foreigners out" party everyone actually wants them to be, Or completely loose all credibility and loose all their voters to AfS in 2026.

This is a long game, and people are slow and uninterested. But over time this will become clear even to the low-info voters.

Yet austria still has a higher percentage of muslims than the uk

Is not only the muslim problem

>Jo, och folk kommer vara arga när de slutligen fattar att Jimmie inte har någon hemlig plan.
SD kommer begränsa invandringen och förenkla för repatriering.
Vi kommer fortfarande ha invandring, men på en hanterbar nivå. SD är gammelsossar.
När vi får svenska chimp outs pga begränsningar i bidragen osv så kommer AFS ses som det enda alternativet, alternativt så kommer SD och övriga partier att radikaliseras i riktiningen lag och ordning över allt annat.

Det rör sig i rätt riktning, även om jag förstår att vissa vill ha den slutgiltiga lösningen nu. (Och jag håller med, det är alltid bättre att komma med en permanent lösning från början. Men det är bättre att få in folk som vill börja lösa de omedelbara problemen (SD) istället för att vilja elda på dem (7K).).

Det här valet handlar om att etablera en pro nationalistisk närvaro på över 20% i riksdagen.

Most people only want controlled borders, they only want to kick out the criminals not mehmet at the pizzeria.

>Do they even have a coalition partner to get to 60 percent like our FPÖ has?

FPÖ has proven to be a completely ineffectual governing party, basicly just a foil for Kurtz.
Bending over and letting Kurtz fuck Identitäre Bewegung and the whole activist right-wing austrian youth in the ass without doing jack shit.

Enjoy your kosher sandwish. Don't start whining when they keep importing niggers and brown filth only these ones are "totaly christian and not monkeys at all".

Or ofcourse "Invaders" from Israel without any place in the holy jew state, that can help pay Austrian pensions.

I just want to say you guys have done a noble thing taking all those refugees in and trying to be open and respectful of all people.
It hasn’t made life better for your current inhabitants and continuing on the way you are. Isn’t going to make things any better. It’s time to get tough, close the border turn inward, and face the problems you have for your people.

Sweden got to be the way it was because of the Swedish people, long before mass migration. The repercussions of what you’ve done to yourselves will be felt for generations. You’ll be lucky to recognizeable as Sweden in our lifetime.

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>Le Pen

Euros won't win with votes, your Government won't allow it.

True, but I have yet seen a politician in europe actually offer a solution the moral decay. They only see the problems, but provide no actual solutions just bandages.

Hope so.
Else you will get POZed

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SD 2018

FPÖ has 26% cuck, fuck off.

20%+ är kanske en emotionellt viktig gräns, men SD är på 28% i mer seriösa mätningar av typ Sentio och Yougov.

20%+ för SD är en självklarhet, alla som ser problemen och tar dem på allvar borde rösta på AfS. Även om man av någon anledning tycker att SDs absurda interna korruption är något possitivt borde man rösta på AfS för att det enda som kommer få Karlsson Jimmie och Jomshof att få brått att faktiskt göra något är om ett radikalare parti än SD når ett valresultat som visar att de är ett faktiskt hot mot dem, och inte 4k röster som SvP tyvärr fick.

the problem with your logic is that you're looking at old results


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is an anti-migrant coalition possible?

You don't seem to realize that Le Pen actually pulled millions more votes for the FN than they got in their last elections.

Convincing millions of people is a long term process, but France is certainly moving, alongside the rest of europe (except for Spain for whatever reason lol) in a nationalist direction.

It’s terrible that those fires happened, as it looks like those might save the Greens from falling below the threshold.

Chances are that you’ll get some sort of GroKo like Germany, but SD is nearly as large as it can reasonably expect to be, what you should see is S bleeding more support to V, which is already happening.

Only during the next election do I think that they’ll be forced to let SD govern with M.

Still, if SD becomes the largest party, that will be fantastic for normalizing anti immigration sentiment. It will give normal people permission to speak up about it when they notice the problems and consequences.

Lettuce be real tho. SD are cucks and socialists as well. They are for Nato, for the EU, for an increase of UN refugees, for gay adoptions and so on.

I'm unironically "wasting" my vote on AfS. My heart can't take voting for SD. I've bet A LOT of money on them making it above 21,5 % so that would be nice pls

We only have Balkan Muslims mostly, you have true Muslims and billions of blacks.

>for the EU, for an increase of UN refugees
the fuck are you talking about?

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Is there a super right wing party I can view for when I come home, lads?

It's not only possible but inevitable. Salvini is allready working on one with Hungary, and there was that theaterical production of him and the german guy Seehofer.

The EU is currently extremelty worried that there will be enough nationalist, anti-EU delegats in it's parliament after the next election to just completely gridlock the whole beurocracy and grind it all to a halt.

For once optimism is actually warranted. Even though the kebabing of europe continues, more and more are waking up and reacting to it in whatever way they feel they can do from within their safe littel SWPL bubble.


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It doesnt matter if they win elections unless they get 45%+ of the votes and government positions no change will happen.

I meant in sweden

will anyone govern with SD?

KEK please confirm that SD wins

Bump for afs.

They need 51%

We all should campaign hard for them, the first right-wing party to become strongest party would be an important milestone and signal.

No since there will other small political parties that are nationalistic which they can make an alliance.

>tfw we actually need to win first before doing anything more

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EVERY party in sweden is socialist.
there is NO difference between any swedish party except migration issues.
they all want super high tax and government control of everything.

Are you doing your part, Jow Forums?

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Yes it is.



What parties are you talking about My dear gypsy friend?

A party need 4% to enter the Riksdag.

Maybe the center left party (M) who are basicly the same as the 1990s american Democrats under Bill Clinton except not as stron on border enforcement.

Potentially allso their right-flank KD if they don't fail to pass the 4%

If you can control the flow of information it is entirely possible to convince people that deportation of kebab is in their best interests.

Of course it's possible. All you need to do is nuke Stockholm and Göteborg.

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It's possible, and don't forget polling is a few weeks in arrears. We gonna have a Swedish elections party?

>60% coalition

Nigga, who cares about the coalition? FPÖ has 26% and the rest of that coalition are cuckservative globalist shills.

Hey, atleast it's a start.
We don't need to go full on NSDAP.

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>government control of everything.
Well M want to sell everything state owned to their friends and then regulate the market so that noone can compeete. I guess that could qualify as "state controlled" to whatever extent there is a point in differentiating between swedish state and private sector.

All the companies are allso into the whole fag-tranny-niggermania agenda.

Wasnt there an extremist right wing party that is going to be part of the election?

please let the SD win, sweden needs this meltdown of buthurt

>(except for Spain for whatever reason lol)

Give it 5 years. Now that Italy has closed their ports, all the routes are now going to Spain. They already got a shit economy, and add some ficki ficki to that and you'll have an Italian-style backlash eventually. This migrant flow will keep on going till the last country shuts its borders.

I wouldn't be surprised if certain cucked countries will start flying in refugees on tax payers' money once the sea route is closed. Of course, that will only keep on going until the People revolt there too. But it is going to happen. As America and Italy has shown, the accelerationists were proven right.

What sweden actually needs is a group of descisive men, a long deep ditch, and a lot of bullets.

But yeah hearing these people cry live on TV again as SD once again doubbles in between elections is going to be great.

SD will get 35%. Mostly opinion polls gives fake results for SD. In the last election, the polls predicted about 7% for SD, but they got 13%.

>As America and Italy has shown, the accelerationists were proven right.

America has shown nothing, they are still way more migrants per capita than Sweden.

Depends what parties you are talking about.

There is NMR and AfS.

If NMR gets 4% there is No chance SD can work with them becouse of "muh nazis"

And AfS is the old SD youth party wich got expelled by SD and they are now competing with SD about their voters.

Me myself would vote for AfS. Becouse AfS wont change. AfS Will drain the swamp.

I'm not talking about the actual immigration rates, I am talking about the fact that People are now openly voting for policies on building walls and deporting immigrants. That congress is working against Trump is a different question, that touches on Americas political system.

Then the election are pointless because they will be singled out by all the other parties.

So what? SD is already singled out by all the other parties, and they still increase massively. If AfS gets past the parliamentary treshold, they will for sure be a potential coalition partner for SD.

The problem is, not unlike Germany, Spain has their own sucessfull and popular fascist dictator with which to shame their population of how horrible they are.

They allso have the absurd lie of the "golden age of the moorish invasion" when everyone were happy and multi-cultural and equal. Untill the evil patriarchal crusader nazi christians expelled all the happy nice brown people and jews and destroyed spain with their horrific backwards catholic culture.

Which is what they unironicly tell their children.

So Spain is going to be a slow one to get going sadly.

Which is allso really bizzare because Franco was actually really sucessfull and a overall good guy under whom the country actually blossomed economicly. Yes you couldn't advocate against the country or it's population or be against christianity but it was not a repressive state as such.

They will not get majority and not be able to pass laws.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

Have you been past a kindergarten lately? I don't need to tell you what color they are in Malmö, but I was in bumfuck nowhere the other day and 40 % of the kids were some kind of foreigner

Most likely they will get none or very little influence even after this election. But that doesn't really matter because of

What I wrote here Nationalism in Sweden has a bright future ahead of it unless the government can magic-wand away every problem of the nigger invasion right about Yesterday.

Nigger you crazy

You will have to wait for another election cycle which meas a couple of more millions non whites, but what do I know.

The Syrian Menace has yet to reach Luleå, but hey I wouldn't complain about another NSDAP since the south is fucked.