/RO/ Diaspora Protests General

Quick Rundown:

>Reddit are fucking themselves with a Ciolos fleshlight whilst people are REEE-ing against the current corrupt government.

>Gendarmes used tear gas since some protesters started throwing bags of piss at them, and they brought a water cannon on standby.

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Let me know when they switch to .308

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Good fuck those cunts hope they get arrested.

it's not happening


More info here with pics

They don't have the balls to do that when the winter protests started the football hooligans threw some firecrackers and some flares and everyone scattered within minutes.

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>consequences will ripple
Don't give up.

>neo liberals fighting social democRATS

I have no dog in this fight. I'll be comfy in my bed watching the chimpout

You know whats funny? I meet some of these diaspora fags and they are full blown liberals and I mean Sweden level of liberals, I hope the police breaks their neck.

More info:


The problem is we have no one who we can truly vote for, PSD are ex-commies corrupt to the bone a bunch of filthy maggots that thrive in the swamp, and on the other side USR with Ciolos who are Sweden green party tier, it's either the axe or the gallows.

Prepare for the long blog posts after the protests about how glorious the whole thing was, and for the l*ddit circlejerk that comes with it.

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I dont even know why these faggots are even protesting about salaries are up,pensions the same hell even ROBOR is down now all we need is for inflation to tick down and things will be comfy again.

Because they're corrupt to the core which I understand the problem is they believe USR will magically bring back the country to life which is impossible, also I saw some Antifa faggots in the live as well.

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>the fucking opposition politicians in the crowd, pretending like they somehow aren't a bunch of corrupt hacks as well
>tfw you know nothing will happen, nobody gives a fuck, in one month nobody will care

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Indeed, but at least we can laugh at the leddit circlejerk that comes out of it as well as the huge blog posts about how brave everyone was.

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I am going to vote PSD and there is nothing you can do to stop me, these people are losers protesting and diaspora should not be allowed to vote in our elections as they are traitors

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You have people in wheelchairs throwing themselves to bring down the government, you may not reach the voting station.

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>anti-psd are literally retarded
I'd rather take my chances with the gipsy and peasant side as they are atleast physically fit, not a bunch of autistic nu-males

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Its like a big fucking concert, most people there dont even know what they protest against, its all about hooking up with qt revolutionary wannabe chicks and screaming like a cretin cuz its friday night and Bucharest is boring unless you got money to go have a nice night out

Exactly this, people treat these types of demonstrations like going to the circus, selfie sticks everywhere, it's like what those Instagram whores do for followers , you're nobody if you don't have a fucking picture from the current protests, don't get me wrong , I'd be the first in line if there's a real party to fight for and if it meant getting rid of all the fucking commies once and for all, but this bullshit, I'd rather laugh my ass off from home.

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happening is starting. water cannos are out

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buie bsd :-DDD

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Tear gas as well

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digits for socialist hanging by the balls from a lamppost


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Serb diaspora here, what is HAPPENING bros?

And no we will not give you back Kosovo it is not your clay.

If it's anything like Muttistan, internationalists pay politicians to pay people to pay other people to cause trouble.

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Hunger games, the reddit edition

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Care to specify?

The absolute state of Jow Forums, didn't even realize when it turned to /cuck/

just a defeatist faggot larper
well, he's partly right, nothing will really happen at the end of the day, no fire, no explosions, no blood, no nothing

People are sick of PSD ( ex-commies so they organized this protest against the current government because they're corrupt to the bone in hopes of bringing it down), most of the people there are diaspora nigs ( people who work outside of Romania) as well as normal folk + reddit faggots.

Cine nu sare , nu vrea schimbare *dans tribal* , votati USR ca vine Ciolos si automat saurul din timisoara si ferentari si alte zeci de locuri se opreste din furat , automat ivan din sat nu mai violeaza gaina si nu mai e bat muie de la ora 5 dimineata pana la 4 seara si tot asa.

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Oh look a few hipsters and football galleries are on the street again....


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there are some psd ministers that are fucking illiterate and maybe even retarded, but Ciolos cabinet had the same shit and even hid footage of one screaming "faggot" after a tv debate

>EUjew bootlickers vs illiterate ex-commies
The only positive result would be if the police opened fire.

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B-b-b-b-ut i was told that ciolos would make us a type 1 civilization , were they lying?

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Imagine if these tards chimp out so hard someone dies. If a gendarme or bystander gets hit all these tards will disappear into the ether.

>We Wuz Water Balista

Ultrasii sunt trollii absoluti si /oameniinostri/.
>se baga in jandarmi chiar daca ii doare in pula de cauza celor de pe plebbit
>ii fac pe jandarmi sa dea cu gaz pe toata multimea
Nu puteti nega asta.

the fire is rising

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Clar , is singurii cu benis de acolo , multi is de umplutura ca la carnaval .

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They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>100.000 de oameni
>If I keep repeating it it will become true.

CE CANCER is televiziunile eeei mama
"Protestatarii transmit ca vrem o tara ca afara"
Ce usor ii sa vorbesti in numele tuturor mortii matii de curva

>implica ca plebbit nu vrea asa ceva

Normal ca vor chestia aia plebbitorii
Ii trimit in pizda lu viorica prostila de plebbitori tampiti

>most of the people there are diaspora nigs
I bet you no more than 20k are.

Inca 2 ore si vor fi protestatari ce vor sta si pe antenele parabolice ramase de inainte de 89' ca nu vor mai avea loc nici pe scarile de bloc.

plebbit neo-liberal faggots, nothing more nothing less.

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>8 ani de crestere economica continua
>salarii dublate in acesti 8 ani
>gazul din marea neagra nu a mai fost dat degeaba corporatiilro
>bancpost tre sa cace 400mil euro amenda
>medicii nu mai pleaca de la cresterile de salarii
>punctul de pensie a crescut cu nu mai stiu cat
>la fisc mai depui 1 singura declaratie (maxim 5 daca esti baller)
>impozitul pe salarii e intre 0 si 16%
>CAS a scazut si urmeaza sa creasca
>impozitele au scazut cu nu mai stiu cat


da-va-n plm de retardati cu UE si "democratia" voastra de spoliere a natiunii.

Even less than that.
There were 15k at the beginning. Doubt all of them were from diaspora.
Some might have come now some might have left.

uiti de degenerarea absoluta si de stricatul chestiilor ampulea, sunt mai ceva ca niste cacatpieliti fara scop

I can already hear the plebbit screams while they pee sitting down about how peaceful everything was before the dark times, before the hooligans.

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"realitatea" e practic reddit televizat.
Au zis "tineri frumosi si liberi" neironic

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Said it to literally spite A3 desu.

>I am merely pretending to be gay

ce facem despre cele 6 milioane de romîni răniți la protestele din 10 august?

Pai cica se mobilizeaza 30 de tari pentru cele 60 de milioane , + placa tectonica de sub bucuresti a cedat ca foarte multi sareau fiindca voiau schimbare.

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what are they protesting?

>tfw plebitors will keep claiming they got punched by a gendarme to get pitty points form this day onward

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>50% I have nothing better to do tonight
>50% booty blasted plebitors

I miss Tudose so much, the guy was an absolute monster of a PM.
>literally call banks thieves and claim he doesn't have a bank account because he doesn't trust them constantly reporting yearly financial losses
>astutely realizes that all these foreign corporation and banks report yearly losses so they can avoid taxes and intends to call an audit on their filthy Jew asses
>threatens the chauvinist hungarian minorities that if they don't cool down with the irredentist provocations they will hang from flagpoles
>suddenly suspiciusly loses his party's political support and is forced to resign because he stepped on too many toes

Dăncilă a worthless roastie.

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Coruption as usual
Asta se bat liberallii si comunisti sincer urasc coruptii psd ca toata lumea dar sincer cand ii vad cu steaguri straine sper sa moara toti.


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>am fost gazat de 6 ori de un jandarm si un jandarm mi-a omorat familia cu bastonu dati susvot pentru o lacrima

Nimeni nu cred ca neaga faptul ca uraste coruptii , ex-commies , leftists etc , probablema e ca acuma se bate ciobul cu oala sparta, 7 paranteze USR cu 8 paranteze PSD.

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Damn I don't know who to support or hate.

Might As well just kill them all.

Well, that's the whole point, there's no one to support at the moment, they're both under many paranthesis, their leaders want to show who has the biggest nose I reckon, we don't have any good parties atm , not even half-parties sort to speak , we're either choosing new-age plebbit liberals or ex-commies.

bunica mea a fost gazată de jandarmi în mașina mobilă de gazare apoi bătută cînd avea doar 10 anișori

/comfy/ Livestream here, get in here lads

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Based and redpilled leaf
Say hi to your bull, Tyrone for me

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>PSD are a bunch of corrupt cucks
>the opposition like PNL and USR are just as bad and arguably worse
There's no saving this country is there?

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Legiunea is the salvation

Muie psd

Daca votez, cu cine sa votez in '19?
Daca nu am cu cine vota, sa votez cu psd sa detin plebbitorii?

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you're currently the biggest cuck nation on this board. also "it" is not inclusive enough, you fucking bigot. you might get arrested for saying it that way

gypsies lol

Doar nu vota, e inutil

Go to Jow Forums faggots you and every other country general

Eu am votat de fiecare data chit ca e un mare BS , am prins ceva partid mai nationalist noname si aia e.

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eu as vota orice fute paradigma asta de sclavi corupti.

usr e o gluma proasta, teldrum a facut combinatii intr-un an de guvernare ciolos cat nu a furat in tot guvernul ponta

pnl nu mai zic.

deci cauta un partid de anonimi cu convingeri de dreapta si voteaza. mai adu un om sau doi pe care ii stii ca vor o schimbare si convinge-i sa voteze. nu cred ca poti face altceva, decat sa incerci sa fii subversiv in felul asta. aducem niste no-name la 5%-10%, intra in parlament si ii vedem ce fac. alta solutie nu e. partidele mari sunt putrede, pline de traseisti, si isi au spatele unii altora

>implica aducerea unor anonimi la 5% e o chestie realizabila daca nici dracu nu stie de ei

Merge Noua Dreapta?
Par destul de buni, dar nu imi pun increderea in democratie.


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nu, e controlat de se caca pe ei

It's news faggot, we have your Antifa threads every other day of the week

Mie personal ND mi se par un honeypot si s-au pierdut pe drum de mult, cum am zis nu avem efectiv nici un partid concret , cum a zis si cauta si tu ce prinzi.

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bazat si rosu-pastilat

Voteaza PRM daca nu apare un partid ca lumea intre timp.

Alianta Noastra - Marian Munteanu

L-a atacat (((presa))) pentru antisemitism la ultimele alegeri in ultimul hal ca sa nu intre in parlament.

>Meme Dreapta care nu sunt instare sa aiba procentul mai mare ca PRM fara Vadim.

Lets make a communist party what do you guys say?

Well this looks like fun. Hopefully the protests get more bloody.

>it's just satire Mr. SRI

There is one already and I am not memeing about PSD.

Yeah nah

nu, Moishe.
Legionar primesc, jidanesc nu.

Fuck diaspora, let them stay in the west and wage slave.

I hate these pro liberal pro EU fuckers. Hope the guards fuck them up cos i would.

eat my dick SRI, I want BLOOD

Romania is just sad. No actual right wing party. Unlike the Bulgarians who are in a coalition with ethno nationalists.


Nigger with the exception of EU cucks there is no ideological based party here, and you know what it's better for us. We don't have to spend days debating mandatory gay bathrooms like you.