Jews vs Muslims - who would win a race war?
Jews vs Muslims - who would win a race war?
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The rest of the world
you mean us vs us ?
Muzzies, jews cant do shit without white armies.
iran alone could destroy israel
too bad mutts would retaliate
If wh*Te dogs stopped interfering ba'athism would become a reality and Israel would get dabbed on beyond comprehension
fpbp kek
jews, of course. Frankly, muslims are much worse than jews.
Jews. Muslims aren't smart enough to fight off the subversion. Look to the middle east for proof.
Jews because they are manipulative as shit.
They will control everyone else to fight for their cause, and they will thank them by devolving the shit of of their helpers societies.
the world
damn respect pajeet
There is no subversion thats why jews have to trick whitey into destroying sandniggers because jews literally cannot do a thing to sandniggers on their own thats why sandniggers have ruled the jew's home territory for thousands of years.
muslims won centuries ago, it wasnt until the whites took over the sand that they decided to put the jews back where they came from.
Muslims. Jews only survive through parasitism and the goyim doing the dirty work for them. In a strictly Jew vs Muslim war, Jews will get Shoah'd pretty quickly.
They just summon America.
Jews would get mulattos in civil war and tribal war based on geography and culture easily.
Barron is the only pure one left. Inb4 DRUMPF sets him up on a playdate with the cute Jewish girl from school.
Forgot pic
based poo
But they're both the same "race"
Blacks are horrible soldiers in actual warfare so no the nigger hordes of jews would be wiped out in hours by the sandniggers.
B A S E D Pajeet
first poo best poo
Mohammed kaak dicht s.v.p.
Why fight? It won't change the fact neither are human
and guess what country the jews control
The Jews totally whooped the Muslims asses during the 6 day war
With whitey's help, without whitey the jew would be the slaves of sandniggers right now. If Israel is so powerful why cant it even conquer Jordan on its own? Dont even think of touching Arabia or Iran you stupid kike.
Thats how you spot a based indian.
Ivanka pre-Nose shrinkage, was questionable as hell.
Jew gene was coming through pretty hard.
Open borders to Israel and allow the Muslims and Africans to flood in.
Who cares
They still won
Everything you say is irrelevant you pathetic brainlet
>Jews vs Muslims - who would win a race war?
Aw look its getting mad because it realizes it cant do anything without whitey.
Israel already has agents in most Arab governments. Plus Muzzies are fucking terrible at war tactics. Just look at the Yom Kippur war.
Side note: Fuck Muslims.
Ashkenazis are mostly Eastern-European. Ivanka's mother is Eastern-European, although not Jewish.
Jews. no matter how hard kebab is trying to remove Israel jews will always win.
If we didn't protect them the sandniggers would wipe them off the face of the earth in a year
>If we didn't protect them the sandniggers would wipe them off the face of the earth in a year
Eastern European Jews have more in common with Jews around the globe, than they do with the Europeans they've lived next to for 100s of years.
Come on Bong, don't play dumb.
Poo is right, but gets killed too, just before niggers- killed off too!