Post redpilled literature

Post redpilled literature

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i prefer the hentai version

Dune is very redpilled. LotR is too.

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what's redpilled about dune remind me

Hmmmmmm, I wonder where Lucas got (stole) his idea of a giant man-eating vagina in the desert from

ur mom lol


The power of men to become avatars of the spirit of their time and place and change the world.

Probably one of the most individualist series ever made, if you actually read the whole thing

Noone read it

It has to be readable to make any sort of impact.

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Miles Teg

heavy focus on genetics and how some are just better. The not so subtle violent nature of the not muslims. themes of human nature always seeking conflict and needing it to advance properly

Guys, only make suggestions if there are good audiobook versions

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anyone here ever read shock doctrine? is it good? female author so i'm hesitant


user BTFO

I'm sure the book is good, but god was the movie a clusterfuck. So much lost potential.


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This right here is the most redpilled thing you can possibly read

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Can you please elaborate

God I hope Denis Villenuve doesn't fuck up the new movie version. I still would have loved to have seen Jodorowsky's vision come to life, but I can only hope for a much truer to the book adaptation.

that's because they tried to squeeze a 600+ page book into just over 2 hours of film. The new Dune is doing it right by breaking it up into 2 movies.

There are red pilled elements and some blue pilled elements if you consider ecology manipulation to be a blue pill subject

It’s really more a Tao pill.

Mein Kampf

Anything by Yukio Mishima

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Axlotl tanks for example

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It will just be politically cucked like everything else is. I'm sure they will manage to take something and make a vague relation to Trump or some shit.

Because Chads get concubines


Patriotism is fuggin intense

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you fucking what? the Audio Renaissance Dune series is fantastic, with multiple readers for when perspective changes, background audio to set mood and tone as well as subtle sound effects depending on locations.

the later sequels tone it down to just using multiple readers and a few ambient backgrounds, but the first book is an exquisite audio experience.

Generation of Vipers by Philip Wylie. The original red pill book, published in 1942. Names the Jew even.

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Herbert said that he based the Harkonen off of the Nazi party. I never saw the resemblance. How about you anons?

Audiobooks are redpilled as fuck. Being able to do shit in your life while taking the same input as reading a book is god tier, unless you are a women and can't multitask.

telepathic matriarchal jews successfully alter the course of history by interbreeding with royal families across the human sphere

Also this is redpilled as fuck, one of the best things I ever read.


Fury by Kuttner

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based nigger cat

I just finished reading this, what the fuck is red pulled about it

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Nice, thanks

Ecology manipulation is redpilled in Dune. Arrakis was essentially ruined by the (((Spacing Guild))) which used spice and had a monopoly on the (((spice trade))) and (((banking))). Herbert also believed you couldn't trust the American government, that it was lying to the people to preserve its own power and was full of corruptible violent maniacs.

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Orphans of the Sky by Heinlein

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probably based off the fatass Goring who acted pompous and aristocratic.

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>thinking you can truly digest the contents of a book while focusing on anything else.

I was getting more of a Nero or Caligula vibe from him. Debauchery, mixing sex and violence, and the like.

A white guy uses Muslims to fight against Jews, using their own tactics against them and ascending beyond a human

Imperium by Yockey

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>Exclusive group of bankers control the entire galaxy's economy and politics
>violent sandpeople pseudoreligious extremists overthrow the aristocrats using violence
>a cult manipulates genetics to also control galactic politics
>the ubermensch is created by carefully mixing various white genes into an intellectually superior being

Read Spengler too if you have the patience.

>A modern analysis of the unsatiable appatite of the third world mongrels which will consume the planet, leaving it barren of life and all vestiges of civilisation.
Good choice

>anyone who has a countervailing opinion is a nigger
Tolkien is still unreadable, despite your non-argument.

Lotr is a great read.

John Norman Gor books

fuck of NIGGER

How illiterate do you have to be to not be able to read some of the most normie friendly books that exist?

Tolkien wrote in an archaic way because he wanted to evoke feelings of reading old history or religious texts. He's one of the all-time great imaginations, but an atrocious writer.
>Reminder that Tolkien only created Middle Earth as a playground for his linguistic autism and wrote all of his books as a history of his made-up languages

Jodorowsky's film version would have been epic

digits confirm

i'm a philosopher myself )))

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This one is good for starting kids on the redpilled road

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Fucking how?

Not actually red pilled. The Bene Gesserit are space occultists who foment religious conspiracies across galaxies and they're supposed to be the A OK protagonists

probably not.. he was aiming for too much surrealism and very eccentric, which dune is not.

dune is hyper-realistic, it's basically an allegorical documentary.

Fucking this. I hate the Jodorowsky Dune meme. He was a subversive kike.

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They are not the protagonists though...

I usually do mindless tasks like lift weights while listening to books. Currently listening to Starship Troopers.

Ayo just finished Dune great read thx for the rec Jow Forums

Oh shit I'm sorry you're right lady Jessica and her messiah emperor child are basically an afterthought.

Muad Dib or however you spell it was supposed to represent the culmination of their space cult prophecy.

Are we really discussing this?

You're right, it wouldn't have been accurate to the book. I was just getting at it would probably have been a pretty great piece of film.

You didn't read them all.. Duncan is the ONE.

> WTF the book has over 100 pages and no pictures?
>How do you reed a book without pictures?
>t. nigger

???? They are nihilistic and do what they do for power and control's sake; like the Spacing Guild uses the economy, the Bene Gesserit use genetics. Much of the plot surrounding Jessica and Paul is that Jessica thotted, fucking Leo, thus fucked up the bene gesserit's plan to control the Kwisatz Haderach. Obviously he couldnt avoid the Jihad, it was his fate, but what matters is that he resisted the matriarchs control.

Ideologically the best fascist movement of the early 20th century. It's just a shame that the Romanian government of the time was so deeply infiltrated by Jewry.

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>the political plot can be summarized as "stay the fuck away or I'll blow shit up!"
>the entire Bene Gesserit subplot reeks of New Age hindu bullcrap woven in pop-sci terms
>Fremen are super soldiers because they, uh, live in the desert
>Harkonnen are thinly veiled cold war Russkie paranoia
>pew pew lazors

No thanks.

>telepathic matriarchal jews successfully alter the course of history by interbreeding with royal families across the human sphere
this is a factually accurate statement about the overall plot

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Oh I forgot

>shields go nuclear if you hit them with lasers

Gotta be the most stupid red herring in genre literature.

>what's redpilled about dune remind me
homosexuality and (specifically) fat old guys in power raping young boys was the hallmark of depravity

Am I the only one who didn't really care for Dune???

I found Paul to be too perfect. He is just naturally good at everything he touches. So there is no character developement. He's just a boring character, even unlikeable. Same with his mom a bene gesserit who just manipulates and lives parasidically off of other races.

However the universe is very intersting. And I found the idea of the Harkonen being such a glut with wealth and affluence, it perverts him and he's literally a pedophile who prays upon young boys. I found that part rather red pilled.

But I think I'll pass on reading the entire series...

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Redpilled as fuck, even if it's one of Heinlein's lesser known books. Probably would be banned as racist now.

I basically agree with you, Radovan. I particularly didn't like the fact that the Fremen were *surprise* better soldiers than the Sardaukar. That was gay bullshit.
That being said I do like the fact that the setting feels distinct. There isn't much of a superimposition of modernity on the customs and ethics of the Dune Universe, which I appreciated.

>I found Paul to be too perfect. He is just naturally good at everything he touches. So there is no character developement.
same thing with jesus, hercules, luke skywalker and harry potter. They all have abilities due to their parentage no regular man can ever gain via work and study alone

it's a hero trend brah

Yeah, he's a bit of a Mary Sue. And the story is hard to read. But the concepts and the lore of the universe is 11/10.

Redpilled my ass. You've obviously never read the whole series


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It's the special bloodline archtype you see repeatred throughout western literature. An aentirely redpilled trope because it venerates the worth of bloodlines and lineage. Funny enough, it's the trope the latest star wars movies are attempting to subvert (Rey being a god from parents of no worth).

What timeline am I in where I agree with a Leaf that the kid raping elements of a book are the best/most redpilled parts?

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