England is a belief

>england is a belief
now this is the power of "conservatism"

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>conservatism is now just another form of liberalism

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1688 was a mistake

Was Aethelstan not English then because he didn't purvey the virtues of classical liberalism?

The level of this cuckery has me fucking enraged.

according to "conservatives" and liberalist, no. Also, everyone can build an england everyhwere, if it has muh liberalism as a doctrine.

what would be england without the english, what would pakistan be without pakistanis. Culture is the child of the people and not the other way around you dingus

England is the land of the Angles. Literally.

PJW has really overstayed his welcome and I wish he and his platitudinous civnat cuckservative horse shit would take a big long fucking hike off a cliff and never come back

>what would be england without the english
an anti-collectivist dream island

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He's not wrong

"The English are not English. They're ideas"

Get the fuck out of here PJW

What's the psychological theory of seeing your own faults in others and attacking them for it because of your own insecurities?

>being represented by a thing is being the thing

projection / projecting


>imajjun my shokk!

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>if the english didn't exist it wouldn't matter in england we would still hold free speech at a high standard and use WESTERN values
what makes a retard think like this

Ah. Ok. That's why "anti-racists" are so obsessed with race.

Kind of agree to be honest.

Race doesn't really matter here. It takes a fucking hard case to be proud to be white here when there are so many white pieces of human filth walking around.

Also, the American "WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE" shit is an utter cringe-fest.

I still hate muslims though as they go against everything we hold dear.

All civilizations are imaginary belief systems. If you would just stop trying to pretend they're real, you would do a much better job defending them.

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everyone who is anglo saxon needs to watch this


so you want english culture, english food, english law, english values, english think
but no english
got it okay

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>being this much of a cuck
race always matters

That's not what he said

they are castrated beyong repair
literal eunuchs who always give in to the anti-white coalition (they are not even the "left" anymore)

Seen it often, downloaded and archived it too.

Don't worry about him he's clearly a Jew or a blackie or something

Conservatism is the conservation of the status quo. Liberalism is the new status quo, so naturally it'll work to conserve that.

Spend half an hour in the company of a chav and you will agree with me.

The people who are worst behaved here are the white under-class dross.

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Okay, let's contemplate this very briefly:

>England is represented by a set of beliefs

So, are people who reject those beliefs kicked out of England? No? Then that statement is fucking retarded and self-refuting, because there is no mechanism to enforce those supposed beliefs.

he said that race doesn't matter, but english values matter. but would there be english values without the english? explain please

>So, are people who reject those beliefs kicked out of England?
According to alt-lite "conservatives", they are not even english.

>All civilizations are imaginary belief systems

They're not any more imaginary than any other group of individuals. Is a family "imaginary" just because its members periodically die or are born? Perhaps you meant to say "arbitrarily delineated", but that isn't the same thing. Colours are arbitrarily delineated but they are real


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>The people who are worst behaved here are the white under-class dross.

How many grooming gangs and mass terror attacks are they responsible for?

not really because liberalism always seeks to "liberate" and therefore perpetually "go forward" with rights and bullshit like that
Conservatism doesn't do that ( or at least shouldn't but modern cuckservatives are a joke so who gives a shit anyways )

you probably think that because you personally don't have to deal with the non-whites in your country as often. i'd tell you to take a look at crime statistics by demographic, but you live in a euro country which probably means your government doesn't collect such statistics for fear of "inciting hatred".

keep in mind that white people are the ones who created modern society and all the great things in it. if you're actually a white brit, take some pride in the accomplishments of your ancestors.



England wasn't classically liberal until the enlightenment. Was it not England before that? What were we in the 1200s?


Fuck off, Berkeley. I refute you thus: *punches your nose*

English values are not exclusively English. We got them from others, who got them from others, who got them from others, who got them from others...

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Well, practically our entire ruling class are pedophiles and the Irish have been bombing us since the turn of the last century.

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so then why do you call them ENGLISH values

England was built by white Englishman, therefore only white Englishman can be true to England.
Everyone else is a fucking invader, just because a paki lives in England and enjoys living there, doesn’t mean he loves England for what she is. He will always be a paki first and foremost.

>Well, practically our entire ruling class are pedophiles

This is true, but allowing your country to be overrun with hostile foreigners is as great a sign of degeneracy as the corruption in your ruling elites

>and the Irish have been bombing us since the turn of the last century.

Bit of an exaggeration there, it was pretty much only 1970s through 1990s, and even then it wasn't continuous like in Belfast

> fallacy of definition

"Family" as a biological process is real. "Family" as a social group is imaginary. You really should try to learn the difference, because reality and imagination operate under very different rules, but each is very capable of killing you.

if your skin is black you are clearly not british french or german

Fuck off Sargon.
Nobody likes you.
Go back to sucking off the American and Candian 'intelectuals'.

he's rite tho. Inshallah

so because there are some bad white brits in your country, you think it's okay to have them replaced with people who haven't formed a functioning civilization in thousands of years? come on man, great people make great civilizations, if you replace the people the with africans you'll have africa. see pic related. HAVE SOME PRIDE

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English girls belong to Muslim cock desu.

= Alex Jones and crew were crypto-Commies

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> Bit of an exaggeration

1867, 13 December: Clerkenwell explosion: members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), nicknamed the "Fenians", detonated a bomb against the outer wall of Clerkenwell Prison, in an attempt to free one of their comrades. The explosion damaged nearby houses, killed 12 people and caused 120 injuries.

Not really.

Genetics have primacy over everything he said. Why else did certain peoples develop certain ideas and institutions?

Spencer asked the same question. We will probably never get an answer from the pea brained muh classical liberal centrist "conservative".

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Fuck you Sargon.

I like to ask these people this and watch the gears in their heads spin. What English values specifically distinguish us from French values, or German values, or Irish values? Why reject European integration at all if we all have the same values and are thus the same people?

That's just what they're known as in the present day, but we by no means invented them. Merely adapted for the context of the island.

It's all so tiresome.

The libshits he's trying to outmanoeuvre with the rhetoric over racial shit not only don't care what he says, but they know they're full of shit on English racial issues.
Hurp durp guess it makes me Hitler for noticing race is a thing!

so why do you feel like you should build your country on these values, and why do you want to impose that on other people, if they are just values you like and you adopt what gives you any say on what other people follow in your country

Europe is formed of a multitude of different flavours of the same values. They differ slightly here and there, but the west was founded on the ancient precepts laid down by the Greeks, and then by the Romans, and so on and so forth.

>those textbooks

Fucking hell it reads so badly.
History books can be dry and just stick to the facts, then the opinion pieces can be a bit wetter and more flowing.

This reads....this reads like total garbage.

what I mean is, if that is the case you have no authority, if there is no set of values specific to england and the english and you merely adopt what you see fit why is it wrong to adopt islamic values, since they outbirth you and they will be the majority in some years

so you mean white values correct? so those have nothing to do with race?

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I'm really starting to hate cuckservatives like him. Punching right to try and placate our enemies who will never be placated

you are so fucking pathetic and cucked. Whites created modern society, have some pride and realize that importing third worlders will actually harm you. Unless of course you are a third world invader and refuse to address this, or some merchant

Eat shit Sargoy.

For exactly the reason I stated: context. There is no context for Sharia in England, though there is certainly context for it in Saudi Arabia. The context of the Roman occupation laid the foundations for the development of our country, as did the Norman occupation much later. Different kingdoms, different dynasties, but very much the same. That is why we build our country on those values, and why all who live within our borders must abide by them. I didn't adopt these values on a matter of 'like' or 'dislike', I conform to them because they are my context.

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Exactly the same values. If the English are defined by values and values alone. These values shared by all other western Europeans, then we're all the same people with no more difference than between someone from Surrey and someone from Yorkshire. It's a distinction without a difference.

The kikes have inserted controlled operatives into every facet of political discourse. They will never rest until European genetics are erased forever

I understand what youre saying however that sentiment of racial indifference can only exist in a nation that is still 87% white. If that was reduced to 50 % I can assure you that youd feel very differently about the issue esp with the ubiquitous anti-white intersectional narrative being spewed continously. I dont expect PJW to explicitly mention race but he shouldnt explicitly deny it. Wanting to remain a majority in your own nation is not racist. Wanting a relatively homogenous nation is not racist - claiming otherwise is to accept the SJW narrative that anyone who rejects the diversity mantra is racist

As I said to the other guy, context matters. Is the land the same in Yorkshire as it is in Surrey? Or is Yorkshire colder? More rugged? Harder to work? Fostering a sturdier, more robust outlook on social and economic spheres?

so you have context of certain races laying certain rules in your land and you live by them, and you want to preserve that, but the english have nothing to do with it
By your point of you I see no reason why muslims wouldn't impose martial law and sharia over you, if you just adopt laws and morals according to context the current context would want you to adapt muslim ethics and laws
By your logic, races come and go, along with their morals, so why would it be bad for the muslims to take over

The core beliefs are identical, which is what allows integration to happen. It's why a Frenchman can move to London and live relatively comfortably without the fear of breaking taboos. It's a different story when it's an Arab.

Classical liberalism is shit, it paved the way to the present state. I don't know why civic nationalists prattle on about it. Oh wait, they are useful idiots of the jew meant to mute the reaction against bolshevism.

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"out-liberaling" is a nice term for that

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so you just want white, you are okay with white, but English is too much of look through the magnifying glass, just a white ethnostate

Well the context is changing as we speak. Without the English, there is no England. A country is its people.

>tfw not muh classical liberal
>tfw not english anymore

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This guy is the embodiment of onions.

Don't be overly dramatic. They want us enslaved, not erased.

i mean civic nationalism is practical in some sense
we agree race is super important, we agree culture stems from race and alot of races degenerates cohesion and free thing and leads to violence
But sometimes you have vast population shifts you can't do nothing about and oyu just gotta make them larp their hardest under authoritarian rule, that can only happen if they are less than 20% of the general population though

Your heard it lads, if some anglo here is not on board with Sargoy's type ideology you're not english, no matter that your family has always been on that dirty island forever. Welcome to the classical non collective-collective of individuals liberalists.

What I'm saying is that England's moral identity has multiple layers from our Celtic roots, to the Roman settlers, to our relationships with the Scots and Wales and their relationships with the Norsemen, the Norman's relation to the Romans etc. Our history is our moral compass. The work of the Romans and their descendants have ensured that Europe will always prosper because of our shared history, our shared context. We can appreciate other's outlooks because they stem from the same governing belief system.

The muslims do not have this relationship with us. They come only to invade, and they will destroy our history if we let them. They won't add to our virtues as European nations have done, they will remove them completely and install their own barbarous practices. They are not our brothers.

It always was.
Capitalism is the root of liberalism

Sargon and Paul joined ukip to pull it further left into the center

>our Celtic roots, to the Roman settlers, to our relationships with the Scots and Wales and their relationships with the Norsemen, the Norman's relation to the Romans etc. Our history is our moral compass. The work of the Romans and their descendants have ensured that Europe will always prosper because of our shared history, our shared context. We can appreciate other's outlooks because they stem from the same governing belief system.
so you are okay with migrants from ireland and sweden but not from pakistan
okay so you can stop larping now, we are all at the same boat here, just be frank abou that stuff
what you are saying is
>english values is a mix of western european values manipulated by the english population
so that has everything to do with race

>Now now, I'm sure if we just had a debate with the Vikings they'll just stop raping our women, stealing our wealth, and burning our churches and monasteries.
>Danish invasion isn't a problem, as long as they integrate.

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It is, nonetheless, garbage formatted into a story young minds are inclined to believe. It often takes an incredibly traumatic shock, and often even their own death, before they even begin to question whether such a beautiful story was really a lie all along.

Imagination has only one unbreakable law: "Where imagination contradicts reality, reality overrules imagination." Without any other rules, imagination can alter the behavior of Earth's apex predators to a suicidal, homicidal, even genocidal degree. Imagination can't so much as move a grain of sand without a human's help, but with enough humans believing in a meme, it can cause extinction level events not even the laws of physics are capable of.

Where are you getting the idea that values=race? If an Arab baby was born in England and both its parents died, yet it was raised in an English house, would it instinctively recite the Quran?

So is the Magna Carta. Why dont you fuck off and come back with something better?

Fundamentally it comes down to whether or not someone is prepared to accept the law of the land. It's very much just a case of "Don't like it? Fuck off back home then"

if it was the only baby in england no, but if there were other arabs sure, he would be more inclined to side with them than you. He looks like them, acts like them and their history are his history
You don't want like 1000 arabs spread through english villages prohibited to practice their religion and culture? That would be brutal

>England is represented by liberal values and traditions
So what the fuck was England before liberal philosophies were even a thing?

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There's nothing liberal about the Magna Carta, nor the Bill of Rights of 1689, which only gives any security to English Subjects who are Protestants.

Early barbaric modalities.