Is this beaner considered as white now in America?

Is this beaner considered as white now in America?

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As long as blacks think so.

>tariq nasheed
begone troll

No, that's just a dumb nigger that hates spics.

>hispanic white supremacist

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Wash yo ass.

>hispanic white supremacist

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lol I love Tariq's channel, it really gives insight to the "woke/educated" black power crazies. Look at how they justify calling a spic with neck tattoos a "white supremacist." Because some spics waved a nazi flag this suddenly means they're white supremacists, and not only that but ANY hispanic who targets blacks is also by definition a "white supremacist"

White supremacy is so powerful that non-whites are now some of the largest purveyors of it. This shit is fucking hilarious

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You can be a white supremacist and not be white, its called a house nigger

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We should support and encourages more races to become white nationalists.

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Those spics are no different than you mutts that think youre white. These spics are the ones voting against the interest of most Hispanics coming from SA because they hate their own people as well as other non whites. They essentially are Hispanic white supremacist because they are supporting the white state


No probably just the media calling him a white supremacist because he hates black people even if he doesn't give a shit about white people, and no people in my experience seem to think of hispanics as their own group not really white per say.

niggers think fascism = white supremacy?

or the rare smart black man

>hispanic white supremacist

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Dude don't even say anything. Let that shit stand (and fall) on its own feet.

>a hispanic white supremacist

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>They come from a shithole country and realize is better to learn from a more successful state AKA white state
>hate their own kind
Are you stupid?

>hispanic white supremacist
The joke tells itself

I suppose tariq is just too fucking stupid to realize that there is literally no race on the planet that doesnt think niggers are the worst. Dont have to be a white supremacist to hate the most retarded race on the planet. Youbjust have to be non-blwck

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You can be Hispanic and White, Hispanic is a culture not a race

Ever since that Jew-Spic killed that skittles: yes

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anybody can be considered white in America

even a poo in loo like Nikki Haley identifies as white on US statistics. Jews, Arabs, Hispanics, Persians, doesn't matter you're all white.

Percentage of real whites in the US is largely inflated. In reality US is less than 49% white.

I assume it just means he owns a MAGA hat or something. Leftists, in true leftist fashion, have redefined every political position that's not their own as white supremacy. Seriously, just pick some asinine topic and ask a lefty if it perpetuates white supremacy. Then laugh as they issue a 10 minute lecture on how fish hooks are white supremacy or something

Yeah. Wakanda is the quintessential white supremacist state

Tariq is fucking hilarious, a liberal pet gone wild

Compton is all spic now.
Those gang wars in LA were not gang wars
It was a race war
and the Spics won

you better wash yo ass


But he's clearly a mestizo

>hispanic white supremacist who hated niggers
>fugging ypepo and their invented social construct colorism

>whypipo iz gon be a minority!
good luck niggers!

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seems like a good portion of young white americans are black supremacists these days so isn't that strange

they call them white supremacists to manipulate alt right murder by ideology statistics

Is this guy tariq nasheed twitter real? Like is this guy legit or trolling his own people? It just seems too much and I cant wrap my head around the fact that he has followers.

>Is this beaner considered as white now in America?

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>hispanic white supremacist


Nigs can really only 'SEE' three races, white, black and chinese. All people fall into these categories for them on sight.

It truly bothers me that people give this guy attention. Please stop.

blacks all hate black people too, don't fool yourself.


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Im a spic. I hit the genetic lottery and have been blessed with an IQ that would put me in the 99.99th percentile for my race. Do you think i want to perpetuate jewish degeneracy? Fuck no. I am marrying a white woman. I am employing myself. I am buying land in rural America. I have a respectable arsenal. Im gonna have several kids and they will learn about the crimes of the jew.

Sieg Heil.

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To a nigger, everything not a nigger is white, kike.
To a kike, everything not a kike is a goy, kike.
