House, M.D

Ok, so I've been binging this show for the last week.
It's pretty based.
Makes fun of addicts.
Names the Jew, multiple times, literally.
Two blondes marry and kill an African for the greater good.
Girl gets blacked, and then leaves him after reflecting on her mistake.

Watch this thing. The tropes aren't the best, but it's fun watching something that would be banned today, and started a lot of careers in the recent past.

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I already watched it when it aired because I wasn't born in 1999

Holy shit, it's almost like no one watches it. Why should anyone care about what's on it?
Oh yeah, you're all netfixing on your smartphone like a good goy.

Fuck off faggot. Nice argument btw.
I'd like to see this show broadcasted today on the big three. When was the last time you saw two episodes of people making fun of a Jew for his nose?


>it's another "cantankerous misanthrope who always has the perfect pithy remark is allowed to keep his job in spite of breaking several moral and ethical codes of conduct because he's just so darn good at his job" show

People like watching this shit because they'd like to believe they're also such a unique snowflake they can just "be themselves" with zero social or professional repercussions

This is why your daily life is full of incompetent jackasses

family guy and south park are pretty mainstream and they do that all the time.

shit is old. House tries to kill cuddy (with shitskin child) with a car, wilson dies from cancer.

>family guy and south park are pretty mainstream and they do that all the time.
Yeah, but they pay through the nose for it (no pun intended).

The point was that it was on mainstream primo broadcasting space, and they got away with OP. What other threads did this? The Wire was pretty good, other than the second season.

Is there anything in the last 10 years that fits this bill?

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old fag

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Yeah, like you don't watch tv.

liar trying to edgelord.

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>t. born after 1999
enjoy your ban

If you've seen one episode you've seen them all. That said, I still watched them, because it's fucking great.

Archer names the jew a few times.

Easily my favorite regular TV show of all time. You're right in that there's no way it could air today. People would be calling it racist, misogynist, anti-semetic, problematic, transphobic, and all sorts of other things. House literally makes fun of virtually every race, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and anything else you can think of that people get shitty about these days.