Why is there a statue of Lenin in the United States of America?

Why is there a statue of Lenin in the United States of America?

Attached: Statue_of_Lenin_Seattle.jpg (257x387, 32K)

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Because Seattle is full of commie faggots

Because there can be. There's satanic shrines and statues in public places too. Just part of living in a free country

It was supposed to be Lincoln - but the artist is really bad.

It's washington, what do you expect?

By that logic people should have no problem with confederate statues then.

Seattle isn't in America desu.

Because it was bought by an American and is displayed on his private property. Problem?

That's racist tho

you're. and they don't. it's not a problem until subversives explicitly try and force it be a problem, like this Lenin statue.

So I can put a Hitler statue in my front yard then?

Because we have freedom of speech.

Go for it. It's your property.

Because Seattle.


devil's advocate: the lenin statute is on private property and confederate statues are on public property

I'd wager that a Confederate statue on private property would be fair game.

>lenin statue
>on private property

Attached: unnnnnngh.png (811x628, 93K)

i'm from the town with the biggest Lenin statue in the galaxy so during my stay in that city last year I made sure to visit him. I was a bit lonely, you see, the only other company I had was this random egyptian girl playing hard to get on snapchat. He is standing in an artsy yet commercial area. He had red paint simulating blood on his left hand at the time. Also, the first bus I got on in Seattle had 'liberal bullshit' scrawled on the newspaper. But apart from that, everything was as expected: antifa stickers, scammers, hot asians, obese white women with black children in tow, obese pot smokers with no manners, etc

vladimir ilyich is also on a roof in new york and at a texas restaurant and likely elsewhere

Also worth mentioning that the Lenin statue is routinely defaced: dressed in drag, spray painted, etc. It's not like the yuppie Amazon employees who live in neighborhood are putting copies of the Communist Manifesto at it's feet.


it's also been for sale for years now

>Lenin statute defended in America because it is on private property
How many levels of irony are we on?

Don't worry, the Big One is coming soon. California's been slow slipping for ~16-18 months and we still have four weeks until all the planets will no longer be within a 180 degree ecliptic arc from the sun. youtube.com/watch?v=AJjFubcICGA

lmao fucking retarded libshits

U wont no balls.

Attached: 4.png (112x112, 22K)

for laughs

A few polls showed that a majority of Americans did not want the statues taken down.
It's just pure abuse of power by areas with Democrats in control.

Yeah you got me.

Unless you have some shit like a homeowners association, then sure you could.

>making money
>off of a lenin statue
jesus christ I feel like the irony was lost on the gay who casted this failed abortion

it would be awesome if someone destroyed it

of course its ripe for vandalism like a Hitler statue but if someone put up Mao, Pol Pot, or Che nothing would happen because conservatives don't commit petty vandalism
its how Lenin would want it...

I used to live literally on the block it's erected on, I worked at the hostel there. This guy is the only person who has it right in this thread.

It's in the neighborhood "Fremont", which attracts tourist by being lel randumb and having wacky statues and shit, and the Lenin one is there just because it's cool and funny to be erected in America, and because the story behind it is interesting. In the same neighborhood there is a giant troll holding a car under a bridge, spaceship statues, a signpost with mileage to various places including "Xanadu" some millions of light years or something pointing into the sky, it's literally a joke.

Sperg out about it all you want though it'll only make you look retarded. Seattle lefties are pretty fucking far from being communists, they make too much money. Definitely SJW though.

The best one is actually in Las Vegas in Mandalay Bay.

Attached: NVLVElenin_3806.jpg (280x210, 11K)

>like a hitler statue
>is a lenin statue

do you not realize how retarded you sound?

It literally gets it's hands painted red constantly by some angry Russians

It’s to mock commies since we like to put shit on it all the time