Will Trump ever stop ramping up this dumb trade war...

Will Trump ever stop ramping up this dumb trade war? Anybody who has ever studied international economics knows that tariffs are the dumbest policy imaginable. Fuck Trump.

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Tariffs are the best domestic policy possible, as they shift bargaining power to labour. What the fuck are you smoking?

Donald Trump wasn't the one to ignite this trade war. there were tariffs put on the US from other countries for decades. Why aren't they being called out for their dumb policies? All Trump did was give them a taste of their own medicine.

Trump will fund the entire federal government with tariffs and remove income tax along with the FED.

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Trump wants to GET RID of tariffs.

He offered to Justin Trudeau that if Canada
gets rid of Canada's tariffs on US imports then
the US will get rid of their tariffs
on their Canadian imports.

An even playing field not protectionism.

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Report any and all rulebreaking troll threads.

Can memeflags be removed already? They add fucking nothing

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Stupid thread spamming cunt.

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You are an embarrassment to lolberts and ancaps all around the world

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Trumptards are an embarassment to the human race. The entire community of academic economists say that tariffs decrease the national welfare. People who are against free trade are the equivalent of creationists.

Normally shills like you don't take so long to reply. What gives? Were you busy receiving your 5-cent shareblue bonus for that ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING AMAZING POST?

What the fuck is shareblue? Is this your pathetic attempt at gaslighting, commie?

Well, if you're so genuine, then how about you drop your memeflag? Happily getting rid of mine for this occasion

What are you expecting? You commies are fucking retarded.

You cannot remove income tax, as taxation is the governments sole revenue stream. You cannot remove the FED either.

>t. Rothschild

Ah, nevermind. I was expecting you to be from Israel, because I'm a judgemental asshole. Carry on.

the goal is to lower tariffs by making bilateral deals you little fartbaby

>The entire community of academic economists
No they don't.
Further "the national welfare" is not the same statement as "the economy".
"national welfare" is an intangible entity, that cannot be proven true or false. That's a "nonstatement".

no trump wants to look tough and important. he used tax payer money to float some bullshit story about the turkish lira imploding which the decline wasnt even more than a days full worth of trading reduced

there are headlines to the effect of a all time low in the value of the lira which dont sync with any 1 month chart for the value of the lira let alone 5 year. half the clips on the internet show the days trading of the currency at still growing levels while they floated the story and the decline didnt even reset the board for the day

its a pathetic display of half assed orchestrated lies akin to the obama administration all just to distract people from a housing market collapse in america

Rothschild or not removing the FED would collapse your economy.

>tariffs are the dumbest policy imaginable

Tariffs are what built the nation you dumb bastard.

>he used tax payer money to float some bullshit story

Trump can start a fucking month worth of stories via Twitter while taking a shit. Why do you have to lie? Why do you have to be so dramatic?

If tariffs don't work why does everyone and their brother have tariffs on the US?

Settle down, Levin, they'll be temporary.