Why are Indians fleeing the future superpower?
Why don't they just fly to Canada and walk in
You ever shit in a truckstop bathroom? You ever shit in the Ritz-Carlton? America easily has the best roadways in the world.
they are trying tpo prove the wall wont mean anything and want the left to have significant numbers to take over because the left have some ghey dream of streets covered in shit. just look at san fransisco. ghey and covered in shit
>Why are Indians fleeing the future superpower?
Have you been to that shithole? even the nice parts are comparable to our slums. Awesome temples tho. Wish I could have seen their civilization before before the end of the last ice age when the ice sheets collapsed and flooded the coastal regions where the more developed cities and trade would have been.
Africans and muslim chads crossing borders as refugees.
Indians and south asians doing the same.
In late 80s and 90s indians used to do a lot of visa scams.That is how Mr.Patel running your local convenience store got there.
They're coming to poo up the west
> tfw you get on with indians at work and at local store, and see them as future allies and a balance to the chinkies
Commonwealth strong.
ICE agents just need to follow the trail of poo.
They are bad Indians. Sorry.
>implying there is such a thing as a good Indian
The search for bobs continue
Nothing new in American history honestly. The Chinese also crossed through the Mexican border by the thousands during the Gold Rush and would pay Mexican guides for directions to safe houses.
>Why are Indians fleeing the future superpower?
Their suburban streets are full of shit.
They need new streets to shit in
there are good indians, they like to be called americans and dont like to think too much about their village
They heard about the designated shitting streets in san fran.
>why are brown people fleeing their countries and throwing themselves into white ones?
Are you a newfag or something?
Great. I love when my county is swarmed with welfare taking brown people
Are poos from Jharkhand and Orissa based?
They ran out of places to poo?