Why do russians enjoy living in poverty???

why do russians enjoy living in poverty???
is it because their government brainwash them so much or whar

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no fucking idea, they spend a lot of income on alchohol and drugs

Eh compadre, you have a lot of problems there yourself in Mexico. No point wasting time thinking about other countries' issues.

Why do Mexicans enjoy sugar dances and chainsaw decapitations?

They don't actually enjoy anything therefore squalor is an acceptable state for them

Hi putinbots

They’ve been used to it
Also their government doesn’t do shit

te cagaron

Their minimal wage is like 150€, what do you think you can buy with that?
I'll give you a hint: not much

drugs and alcohol to make them believe they are superior to these evil westerners!

>Their minimal wage is like 150€
Kek, more like 100

why do russians refuse to have a democracy on their country

they don't enjoy it

- They don't.

Why do americans enjoy suffering from illness and pay giant amounts of money to hospitals, pharma and doctors?
- They also don't.

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>and pay giant amounts of money to hospitals
i am sure this is a meme

Because democracy is a fairy tale for retards.

fuck off and die Mario, Putin was democratically elected by a wide margin

They kind of tried in the late 1980's and 90's. Wasn't too good for them, the country was breaking apart, economy was crumbling and debt getting out of control. But yea, they sure weren't enemies back then.
Gorbachev and Yeltzin were best buddies with western leaders. If you are [perceived as] weak then you're not an enemy.

no wonder why russia is almost a 4th world shithole

>watching shitty countries banter.
Simple comedy.

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Well, when they had the option to decide on democracy, we kinda didn't let them get that far... Not to mention the infighting.

They're richer than you you subhuman animal

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Id stop fucking with Russia they paid off there banking debit kicked out the kike bankers. Avoided a war getting rid of crocked Hillary then sold of large usa note holding and bought gold. Be careful who you piss on where not plugged into fake news here. Russia does have a lot of shitty slums yes.


havent you see the meme where Russiaball claim it has T-I-G-E-R-S?

If the debit hammer came down tomorrow America would be 5th world slums. Russia would still be Russia as it is maybe colder idk.

They make 6 ruble per day. Not enough to buy nesting doll but enough to buy vodka

>>and pay giant amounts of money to hospitals
>i am sure this is a meme
>he doesnt know about 3000$ ambulance rides

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Because Russians are sub human morons. They blindly follow any authority that puts them in their place. First the Tsars, then the Soviet Union and now Putin. Just like niggers.

Good post i also think russians are half asiatic mongoloids with nigger behaviour who like to obey their masters

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How likely is it that these stats are manipulated?
For example, in the UK, the government will put out stats showing that, for example, house burglary has fallen.
Examination shows that the police often do not respond to house break ins, therefore people report them less, as there is no point to doing so, meaning that the stats show that there are less reported house break-ins.


Maybe, but the lie seems to work.

>sanction Russian economy
>demand stronger and stronger sanctions to make them poorer and poorer
>"why do russians enjoy living in poverty"

it's ok to approve sanctions against them. But do you have to be such colossal cunt while doing ti?

Meme flag shill

they have been living like shit before the sanctions were put against russia

Russia is a hard place but Mexico is worse m8.

they're just a happy people
I've rarely seen people more genuinely happy and the thing is, you've been brainwashed into thinking that money is necessary to be happy

No reason to think that they are. Also, although the trend is very positive, these still aren’t great numbers - the murder rate of 8.7 per 100,000 is still three times higher than the European average (3.0) and ~7 times higher than in Serbia (1.35) or the UK (1.2).

Not a meme at all, m8. $1000s before insurance for just the ride is not uncommon.

Why do Mexicans?

Also it's probably because of communism, you see, it breaks the human spirit in a way not even most anticommunists realise: it reduces people basically to helpless babies because it removes the very flame of enterprise, or proactiveness, because the state was everything. You live in state housing, the state is responsible for maintenance. Except the state doesn't actually perform the maintenance. But you can't (or won't) do it yourself, because it's the state's responsibility after all, plus the state basically destroyed any bonding between private persons and made them distrust each other so any community work is very hard (which is ironic given the name 'communism') So that's how you get those depressing, dilapidated kruschev buildings with muddy, potholed streets and a rusty playground.

Now you're depressed, you start drinking and it makes you 'forget' (i.e. stop caring about) your surroundings and you now have no money to spare even if you did want to fix some shit around you. Welcome to Russia

Mexicans do this to, all of my relatives from the poor to the well off over their seem to be obsessed with living a certain way that seems to all stem from general poor living, saving money, always eating simple, I think there's something there that is keeping them from trying to ascend to hire standards of living in their genes, like they don't seem to have any concept of wanting to strive for better.

Maybe they should flood our borders illegally and displace the Mexicans.

Median salary in Russia 300$. Then guess yourself why?

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