Was Hitler unironically one of the greatest men in modern history?

I’m curious. Especially as a Jew. I find his rise to power and sheer will fascinating. Why would he kill himself?

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Because you exist you digusting fucking rodent, all jews should be dead. Its too bad he didnt eliminate all the fucking kikes, but it was undoubtedly one of the greatest efforts put forth!

A kike. Gas it already.

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>Why would he kill himself?
Better than being in the hands of the same kikes who made up propaganda about gas chambers and acid ponds

There were highly loyal Jews who served as Nazis

He didn't, he fled to Argentina.

Lived out his years in comfort with his aryan waifu - feels good man

What’s your flag? Israel?

>Was Hitler unironically one of the greatest men in modern history?
Of course. This is without question
It may very well be said, in all history.

There's some pretty compelling evidence that he didn't kill himself. The jawbone the Russians allege to have kept of Hitler for identification purposes turned out to be that of a woman. Either Hitler was a tranny, or he didn't die in the way that's commonly accepted. American Intelligence agencies certainly didn't think he offed himself at the bunker.


Don't you know there were Jews in the German ranks? Lel the whole world is actually run by Nazis as seen by trump being apologetic with nazis ans Netanahyu straight up cucks for Hitler.

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That or Canada, they're the two biggest meme flag user

What about pooland? Id probably use a meme flag if i was from India. Saves you from getting POO as a response for all your posts

He knew that unspeakable horrors awaited him if the Jews were to get their hands on him.


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>"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived". - JFK

You're damned right he was, kike.

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He shot himself because he saw what Communist partisans had done to Mussolini. He was sure that however he was going to die, he wasn't going to go out tortured like that.

And ya, if you bean "great" in terms of sheer accomplishments, good or bad, he definitely is a great man. He's very Napoleonic like.

Thanks for the support guys. If you don’t reply to my post and give me (You)s your Dad will die in his sleep tonight and you’ll regret not replying.

Just to make sure for myself.

Test. jews butthurt. Test

Hitler escaped to S.A. you fucking normies!

what about Mao and Stalin?

>Why would he kill himself?
To avoid being hanged up like a pig for slaughter like Mussolini?

You're an idiot

You need to read more.

In 2009, three US professors with access to Adolf Hitler’s alleged remains startled the world with scientific DNA proof that the skull and bones that Russia had claimed since the end of World War II were Hitler’s actually belonged to a middle-aged woman whose identity remains unknown. This announcement has rekindled interest in the claim made by Joseph Stalin, maintained to the end of his life, that Hitler got away. The truth is that no one saw Hitler and Eva Braun die in the bunker in Berlin on April 30, 1945. No photographs were taken to document claims Hitler and Evan Braun committed suicide. Hitler’s body was never recovered. No definitive physical evidence exists proving Hitler died in the bunker in Berlin.

Dr. Jerome Corsi explores the historical possibility that Hitler escaped Nazi Germany at the end of World War II. FBI and CIA records maintained at the National Archives indicate that the US government took seriously reports at the end of World War II that Hitler had escaped to Argentina. More recent evidence suggests Hitler may have fled to Indonesia, where he married and worked at a hospital in Sumbawa. Even the chief of the US trial counsel at Nuremburg, Thomas J. Dodd, was quoted as saying, “No one for sure can say Adolf Hitler is dead.”

Putting massive amounts of evidence and research under a critical eye, Dr. Corsi shows that perhaps modern history’s most tantalizing question has yet to be definitively answered: Did Hitler escaped Nazi Germany at the end of World War II to plot revenge and to plan the rise of the Fourth Reich?

Skyhorse Publishing

Took a special U Boat after a night flight to the Gibraltar coastline...from what I've gleaned from documenteies I've watched.


>Was Hitler unironically one of the greatest men in modern history?

Is this even a question?

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Of course when I went to school, I was taught 30 years ago in Social Studies 10 in Canada .Hitler did commit suicide. But that is not the reality now in 2018.

> Why would he kill himself?

It was actually common for german generals to kill themselves if they were to get captured or lose.
A lot of german generals and high ups were surprised when they advanced over the soviet forces cutting them like butter and finding that all their generals and litenautes surrendered and were captured alive instead of doing the honorable thing and killing themselves.
Germans were autist of the best kind.

Also there were tons of prisioners, video extremely releated for reference

> Argentinian
Nice try, Mr. Hitler-In-A-Jar

Maybe one of the most psychopathic evil men in history. Next to Stalin, Pol pot, Mao, and Bush jr and sr. and Kissinger and Cheney.

personally, i find Kalagri one of the more interesthing people in history
not just because a lot of his influence is how the world is today
but because how much of his life was full of contradictions
he ends up killing himself as well

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Lurk moar you stupid leaf.
>unironically took the jew revisionism pill.

Oh and I forgot Goldman Sachs, Gotheburgs(Royal Family), Rothchilds and Rockerfellers they are cunts too.

Anonymous (ID: cazOyanV) 08/11/18(Sat)01:28:22 No.181900701▶

Lurk moar you stupid leaf.
>unironically took the jew revisionism pill.


Reminder that Hitler himself had jews in his army, and close personal staff

Larping retards who want to gas all jews are acting out a charicature of a white nationalist that the media has ironically programmed into them

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Do you have anything constructive to add? If not STFU NUB.

Yes and to add to this Heir Hitler was Jewish.

unironically 150.000 jews were part of the reich.
And there was a famous jew in a very high position.

Not to mention the 8 million Ukrainians who were killed off by the S.S.

Hitler was able to visit his soldiers, with their weapons ready on the front lines late as 1945
When Bush visited American troops in Afghanistan, they had to be unloaded
Says enough for me
Not only did they recruit jews, but commies too
It's about changing the hearts and minds of the people to make them see the beauty of your vision

He killed himself because he wanted to die with his German people, defending Berlin.

What happens when you are in the middle of such crowd and you need to pee or get a diarrhea?

What the fuck did the leaf mean by this? Top tier scitzo-posting, my dude.

Sea monkeys supported the 4th Riech. youtube.com/watch?v=A0xXKCOSZuQ :D

>Why would he kill himself?
Because he wouldn't want the same that happened to Mussolini happen to him.

Meh. I find Italian fascists much more interesting and respectable because for example they didn't commit genocide against your people. Anyway, fascism isn't the way to go nowadays, as Mussolini said there's no use in dwelling in the past and its ideologies. (I'm paraphrasing here)

This is true story brethren. youtu.be/Py_IndUbcxc

his rise to power always fascinated me too. he came from nothing, from the dirty streets and united a nation of millions. did this within 2 decades. fucking impressive.

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>Why would he kill himself?
Being a fragile white male does that to you when reality hits hard as a fuck up

>didn't hardly last 10 years in power

No, he wasn't that great. He fucked up.

My philosophy is that if your ideology/strategy fails, then you failed. He failed. That's that.

Also, he was probably funded by (((somebody))), you don't rise to political power without donors.

How dare you disrespect your true leader you fucking oven fodder?

exclude Hitler's ideology and focus on what he achieved. what do you get?

judge by the consequences for his people

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A very gifted orator and successful politician. Not the best when it came to military strategy, but other than that an intelligent human being.
Don't know much about his childhood though.

Hello cia


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Extraordinarily overrated, yes I know I say that as a nobody loser called me a worthless loser isn't an argument for hitlers greatness

Read into my last img post the implications are staggering I must admit heheh.

"Why would he kill himself?"

Because he was a stupid faggot

Pic related

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He was a meth head too! LMAO a pedo and weak Vegan too the cunt.

>tfw the Space Nazis haven't came down yet to fix the world
>tfw you know we stopped going to the moon because they're on the Dark Side, but nobody in the government will talk about it
>tfw you want to join the Space Nazis but you have no skills to offer

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Let's see them 'gas' pictures goys

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so basically he was everything a good leader should aspire to be if you exclude his ideology. why aren't there leaders like that nowadays?
his childhood? violent father, who died early. young hitler refused to work, he wanted acces to the vienna university of arts. failed twice. lived in a homeless shelter, selled his paintings and then joined a political party (not sure if it was the early NSDAP).

Probably because his ass was about to get caught and the utter humiliation was too much to take.

the party was the DAP or German Workers Party (Socialist essentially). he reformed it to be the NSDAP

An old British war song the boys used to sing while they marched to frontlines..."Hitler had only one brass ball! Himmler had something similar! and there was Gorring who had no balls at all!

I've seen enough Omen movies to know where this is going.....

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I really have grown to hate Jews with a passion since I was redpilled on Hitler.

Interesting you bring up Dodd. Later in life, as a Senator for Connecticut, that piece of shit would have his own personal copy of the Reichswaffengesetz of 1938 translated, and passed as American law. Dodd got a nazi gun law passed as the GCA of 1968. Fucking scumbag.


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All you had to do to dodge the gas chambers was prove that you fought for germany in ww1. Its strange how all the heebs and gyppos ended up there anyway.


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Well it seems Staley Kubrick oher than being a perfectionist when it came to making movies but was also secretly trying to reveal the earths owners the reality, The Shining re; no moon landing, Dr Strangelove the infitration of Nazi's after ww2 with project paperclip, and what the illumitanus are really like with Eyes Wide Shut. Of course they removed a whole whack load of footage from Kubricks version before it went to theatres.

How is that different than a leaf?
Except dogs instead of kids
Probably both though


They say Hitler had two daughters after the war in his Argentinian hide away.

She wants the D.

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LOL seen it hilarious camp ville!

Moon landing impossible, why? Van Allen Belt is why.


>Why would he kill himself?
Asssuming he did: To avoid whatever worse fate the Soviets had in store for him

Assuming he didn't: Argentina only really makes for a great retirement home, not a stage for the greatness of the German people.

Supposedly they tried though.


And this. youtube.com/watch?v=QpbPcosXO-4

us jewzies are the WORST!

Hey kike.

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Herr Hitler conquered all of Europe. There are very few men who can make that claim. He is literally one of the greatest military leaders who has ever lived and is in the same league as Caesar, Alexander, Pyrrhus and Hannibal. One day in the future, when the shock of the war has finally worn off, he will be viewed in this context.

Also, not a natsoc myself, but the weight of the evidence is on the side of the holocaust deniers/revisionists. There was no "holocaust" during the war.

Once we kicked out the kikes that is user.

>Was Hitler unironically one of the greatest men in modern history?
Yes, easily.

Anonymous (ID: Wk0HznpA) 08/11/18(Sat)02:45:36 No.181904553▶ (OP)
Herr Hitler conquered all of Europe. There are very few men who can make that claim. He is literally one of the greatest military leaders who has ever lived and is in the same league as Caesar, Alexander, Pyrrhus and Hannibal. One day in the future, when the shock of the war has finally worn off, he will be viewed in this context.
Wow, you forget Attilla the Hun and the Celts on their rampage during the crusades implemented by the first pope to unify Christendom and fight back the Islamic hordes/ Turks, and you also forgot Napolepon and the Egyptians and the Romans.

Also, not a natsoc myself, but the weight of the evidence is on the side of the holocaust deniers/revisionists. There was no "holocaust" during the war.

Oh Jesus fapping

Romans and Celtic evidence of complete control of the eurozone.



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Why does everything have to be about heir hitler these days he's so damn boring and overplayed like nickelback gah!

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>Why would he kill himself?
he lived in his late 70s in Bariloche, Argentina, a swizterland-looking aryans paradise, along Eva and their two daughters, surrounded and protected by the most loyal former ss and sa.
>current year
>still falling for the kikes' lie about him doing an hero
pic related

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All I can notice is the historically inaccurate tank. Looks like an M41, an American tank produced after WW2.