Debunking ashkenazi 115 IQ claim in 30 seconds

Average IQ in Israel (excluding arab Israelis):
Average ashkenazi IQ (as claimed by ashkenazis):
Ashkenazis make up approximately 50% of the Israeli jewish population. Mathematically, this means that the non-ashkenazi jews (sephardic, mizrahi) would have to have an IQ of around 75 for the total IQ to average out at 95. The rest of the Middle East has an average IQ of 85-90. Either the mizrahi and sephardi jews are literally nigger-tier and subhuman compared to the other semitic peoples, or the ashkenazi kikes are lying. In addition to this mathematical fact, the primary sources for kikes having high IQ are approximately three tests, conducted on kikes from jew york and other areas filled with "elite" kikes. The selected sample groups used were almost undoubtedly biased to begin with.
Kikes lying about their IQ is beyond reasonable doubt.

This has been a public service announcement for the benefit of retarded newfags.

Attached: Why_Jews_Fear_Europeans.jpg (2600x1976, 781K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Every kike I know is pretty fucking retarded and unable to follow simple logic.


If you're so high iq how come you worshio a jewish god?

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Part kike here.
Don't underestimate your enemies.

fucking coalburners, flaunting their niglets

>another retard enters the game

If whites are so smart then why do they always fall for jewish tricks?

It's not real.

I'm smarter than Ashkenazi's. They waste their brains on lies and that prevents the brain from growing more into the undiscovered zone of genius.

Genius was a term given to people who heard voices, where they were gifted information.

AlexJones interdimensional aliens.

I think anybody can become a genius if the rid their mind of negative thoughts and keep the toxic people out of your life. They are like driving with the parking brake on.

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I'm pretty sure the 112 number is only for american Jews. The ones in Israel are stupider.

>Either the mizrahi and sephardi jews are literally nigger-tier and subhuman compared to the other semitic peoples
But most Jews are really this dumb. They follow a uniform sort of retardation no matter where in Israel they come from. Always saying, doing and believing the same dumb shit, while the deviation from the norm includes even dumber shit.

I find it hard to believe they have an IQ of 75 though too, it must most probably be around 80-85.

This. The Jews who went to America were smarter than the rest which is why they came.

except we dont. hence why we are here

If jews are so smart, why do they fall for other jews' tricks?

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I'm half mexican half white

My mitochondrial haplogroup is K which apparently 32% of ashkenazi jews share with me.

I have a measured total lung capacity of 7L. The average adult male has 4.6L and the average female has 3.1L. 7L lungs are > 2 STDevs above the mean. I have outlasted everyone I've ever met in every competitive sport (tennis basketball boxing etc) despite being a fat fuck.

Yes I'm fat as fuck (44.5 BMI), average height and have no job but have a hot girlfriend with a good paying job that spoils me because I am smart enough to know that most people simply follow whoever is the loudest and most sure of themselves. My IQ has been measured at 140 (and no it wasn't a lame "descramble these words" or "pete is taller than jane who has a cock longer than buck, whos cock is longest?" test. A REAL pattern solving IQ test.)

believe me or not, I don't care.

I love my ashkenazi genes.

Debunking your debunking in 30 seconds:
>every source there is, says 95 is including arabs
>high percentage of ashkenazi jews in israel are orthodox jews, that don't study basic school subjects, but almost only religious studies. So you can be born an einstein but you're not nurtured like the average person

>The ones in Israel are stupider.

The proper way to say would be.

The ones in Israel are more stupid.
The ones in Israel are less intelligent.

>My mitochondrial haplogroup is K which apparently 32% of ashkenazi jews share with me.
>I love my ashkenazi genes.
Sharing genes with Ashkenazi doesn't make you (or your genes) ashkenazi genes, especially not at 32%.

Attached: hitler-african-DNA_full.jpg (1500x6000, 1.48M)

stop projecting mate

It originated from some whore northeast of constantinople which suggests a GYPSY slag.

It would explain my huge brain volume (most hats do not fit me) and my curved, beak like nose

jews go to jewpiter to get more stupider

IQ is an irrelevant shit invented by jews to pretend they are smarter by using flawied stats. The facts that you're taking seriously means you bought their shit. you can't measure human intelligence with simplistic tests like this. Also, it doesn't measure the laziness. Jews are the fucking laziest people, always looking for someone to do their job and taking credit for other people's work without shame. Their most famous scientist is known for ripping of a frenchman's work without crediting him.
Also nazi Germany became the most scientifically advan,ced country in the world when they expelled jewish academics from their universities and labs. That means not only jews aren't more intelligent, but their presence is undermining scientific progress. Anyone confronted to them knows why. If they find a very intelligent goy, they would do everything to prevent him from accessing the bestr position. Meanwhile they do everything to give the dumbest jews the best ones.

>you can't measure human intelligence with simplistic tests like this.
False. g is a well-defined measure of human cognitive performance.

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Tis is why you are 1 foreskin too short, fernando?

Iq is a meme moron. They rule you and me, what more evidence you need of their mental superiority? We are using their currency system ffs. Unless we wake up and fight, we cannot claim in our right minds that jews are manipulating the fuck out of us on average.

Nepotism hidden
By a convenient excuse

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Jews, Juden, Kikes... they're the last resort, a scapegoat for elites when shit hits the fan a King, Queen or (((Dictator))) would blame da Joos. In reality we are very much and easy capable of removing all Jews and Jewish influence from our countries and deporting them all to Israel. Stripping Rothschild and Goldman Sachs families of status and fortune and replace our financial system and currencies and start over. Divide and conquer started with Jesus the Jew faggots

>sephardi jews are literally nigger-tier and subhuman compared to the other semitic peoples

Yeah? So you didn't fall for:
>giving jews the power over your own money in medieval times
>giving women the right to vote
>diversity (but not for Israel!)
>aaaaaand of course Israel being the greatest ally that you always need to protect.

Also these tests are completely irrelevant if you train for them. They are supposed to be taken by surprise. You can train for these tests are they are all very much similar, then you will get far higher IQ. That's why chinks get the best results, they just train for this tests. That doesn't make them more intelligent than anybody.

I think the Chinese lie about their IQ's too.

I mean FFS they cant even operate a vehicle properly.

heres even simpler math:
>10 million Ashkenazim
>8 billion non-Ashkenazim
>Ashkenazim control world

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Jews are the reason why anglos succeeded in the first place. The industrial revolution was above all a financial revolution. No invention is worth shit without cash to bankroll it.

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Online link to such type of test?

>burger iq

>greekroach noises
pay debnts =]

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You took a spatial intelligence test, online, you low iq idiot. Spatial intelligence has no relevance to anything in life.

Where online can i test for it?

I wouldn't really trust any IQ you take online, but this one is decent:

Done that, getting 135 from it, dont think thats legit
Its from (((mensa)))

People who post on the Internet that they have a high iq have taken a spatial intelligence test multiple times to get the highest score.

Iq tests not only have to be taken once but also have to be taken by a qualified person who can time you and check that you are not cheating

Its a standard RPM style test.

Diagram is a bit of a non-sequitur. Someone being a genius of another ethnic group isn't reason enough to fear them. Geniuses tend not to be racist.

idk i'm like 3% and have 147; the rest is native american, german, and dutch. i grew up poor and it likely could have been higher, fwiw
not sure if 3% counts unless you're a US dem "one drop" faggot
come at me

You do not have an iq of 147. Retard.

Yeah but its easy as fuck and tests only 1 aspect of intelligence very narrowly
i think everyone that has taken it gets a good scoring out of it. Doubt there are so many smart people in this shitty population

>Geniuses tend not to be racist.

Attached: chris langan worlds highest IQ on migration and parasites.jpg (992x582, 106K)

>Geniuses tend not to be racist...

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>Geniuses tend not to be racist....

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>Geniuses tend not to be racist.....

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>Geniuses tend not to be racist.......

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>Geniuses tend not to be racist.........

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>Geniuses tend not to be racist............

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so it's a long story, but i took the american mensa iq test a while back because i was interested in joining this organization that's mensa for people who actually have impressive iqs. it was a few hours, proctored, and i was pretty bummed when i didn't make the cutoff score to be in the triple 9 society (149 iirc)
if that makes me retarded by your standards, that's fine i guess. not sure what you consider yourself to be, but it shouldn't be anything approaching intelligent considering you're still in denmark. fun fact: when slavery and indentured servitude were still commonplace in the US, the estimated effective tax rate on their earnings/productivity is right around 20%. you literally pay nearly twice that at the lowest tax bracket in DK. beyond that, your society and culture are falling apart- but i probably don't have to tell you that given your posting on Jow Forums

may whatever you hold to be god have mercy on whatever you consider to be your soul

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, just wanted you to know that
isn't wrong- at least for the past 50 years or so

IT IS SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE. What do you morons not get? SPATIAL intelligence is relevant to understanding geometry, navigating on a map, drawing things on a paper.
It means NOTHING for anything useful. SPATIAL intelligence is as meaningless as social intelligence.

And you took the test more than once, which all you low iq people do. That's called cheating.

>shouldn't be anything approaching intelligent considering you're still in denmark.
Fun fact, I receive disability payments but am trying to get my own company up and running

European DNA = Repugnant DNA

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False. He's wrong, conspicuously, on two points:
>Someone being a genius of another ethnic group isn't reason enough to fear them.
Empirical evidence and common sense contradict this.
>Geniuses tend not to be racist.
The vast majority of geniuses -- even in the last 50 years -- believed that race was real, and races were not equal.


> I have outlasted everyone I've ever met in every competitive sport (tennis basketball boxing etc) despite being a fat fuck.
Either you’ve only come across terrible athletes or you’re a lying faggot, shut the fuck up

Yes I'm fat as fuck

>spatial intelligence in meaningless for anything useful
You've never built anything by hand. I'm guessing. Brunelleschi was an example of a spatial genius.

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I score low on spatial intelligence tests.
I find it difficult to willfully imagine a 3d object and to navigate it in space in my mind. I also am terrible at drawing. I can't mirror objects correctly on a piece of paper (from left to right) and I am terrible at arranging objects together (triangles, for example) to make a larger object. It took me a long time to learn left and right, I was about 16 or so before I learnt it.

But that's about all.

A bunch of specific geniuses, mostly taken from past cultures, do not counter the claim. It's like citing Newton's occult studies, or Thomas Jefferson's owning of slaves.

as far as i understand it, most iq tests primarily measure g- which is general intelligence/"g factor"
some brief reading for you if interested:

that was the one and only time i've ever taken a proctored iq test. a solid iq test, unless i'm sadly mistaken, can't be cheesed/practiced for in the same way that an online psychometric can. it was also like 20 bucks in texas in 2010; not sure how much it is now/if it costs more or less to take the international one
to be fair to your response, though, yeah- my spatial reasoning was in fact my highest iq factor measured. it (navtech) was also my highest composite score on the afoqt. so there's that
your cruise control seems to be malfunctioning, lars

>Average IQ in Israel (excluding arab Israelis):
No it doesn’t, it’s the IQ including them.
>Ashkenazis make up approximately 50% of the Israeli jewish population.
Yes, but since the the 95 figure includes Arabs that makes Ashkenazim 35% of Israel.
The average iq of Arabs and non Ashkenazi jews is around 85

People around here like to balk at "multiple intelligences" theories, but I think there are multiple types of genius to observe in history. Even types of intelligence that represent superior hand-eye coordination, like Olympic athletes posses, or people like Bruce Lee. I don't really believe that level of skill is something that is purely learned, that anyone can train and develop.

>A bunch of specific geniuses
Should I ONLY be paying attention to "non-specific geniuses"?
wtf does that even mean?
>mostly taken from past cultures
There are more geniuses "from the past" than from any other source, thus, the vast majority of geniuses throughout history have been racist by varying definitions we hold today, or held in the past. Geniuses from the present are not inherently more valid, especially not if knowledge of race is deliberately indoctrinated against or suppressed. That being said, most of the examples I gave were more recent than "in the past".
> It's like citing Newton's occult studies, or Thomas Jefferson's owning of slaves.
Why would these people have been inherently wrong -- there was no discrete distinction between alchemy and "chemistry" as we have today, so all his work was "occult", and Jefferson was not inherently wrong to own slaves, just as many freed blacks weren't. When one lives in a slave society, even if one believes slavery is inherently wrong, there remain moral reasons to own slaves or participate in their traffic.

You're wrong.

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ah yes- sucking off the teet of government
in truth, there exists no greater indicator of intellect than collecting money stolen from other people

in all seriousness, though, i do hope you get better and that you're able to start and run a successful company. in some ways, denmark is a freer and less regulatorily burdensome market. i wish you all the best, my dude

I managed to save 6000 usd over a few years, so there's that.

>denmark is a freer and less regulatorily burdensome market
Oh no no no it's the worst, high taxes and extreme regulations. We have extreme socialism with government control of everything.

race is indeed real. races are certainly not equal, but that's not the same as categorically holding a particular race to be better/worse than any other- or especially to determine someone's worth based primarily upon a circumstance of birth
literally what is a multiple linear regression

>races are certainly not equal, but that's not the same as categorically holding a particular race to be better/worse than any other-
In fact, that's exactly what it is. If I admit that sub-saharan Africans average two standard deviations below Europids, there are a lot of negative generalizations based on race implicit in that admission. By accepting the fact, you accept a patently racist proposition: that a negative (or positive) characteristic can be generalized by race, and that racial comparisons reveal inherent inequalities. That's racist, and it's a useful thing to be racist. If you're scared of the word still, its because you're stills tuck in your "anti-racists" indoctrination.
>to determine someone's worth based primarily upon a circumstance of birth
Circumstances of birth determine almost everything about us as individuals, and as a society. Why would you pretend otherwise? What does that gain you?

Well, you're right in that historically minority groups can come under threat, simply for being different. Minorities are always in a vulnerable position. But what I don't see is geniuses being some particular threat. Dumb people in huge numbers scare me more.

I think we're thinking of racism in different ways. I wouldn't count a belief in differences in average IQs as the sort of racism that would make someone a threat, unless it's coupled with an elitist belief that intelligence is what makes a human have value. For example, my dog's a lot dumber than I am, but I'd risk my life to save him.
comparing that to the US- where you basically have to do this twice (state and federal, in most cases), i'd say that denmark seems prima facie easier
beyond that, i'd point you to your business tax rate vs. personal income and sales taxes:

i wonder what the marginal tax rate is for businesses in the US. i also wonder what the statutory rate is in major markets (i.e. big, blue states on the coasts). maybe you could help me out with that

Its around 110- 112 according to the last text
You can even use proxy metric as university graduates where euro- americans have a 33% of graduation rate
Chinks 47 and jews 58%
They real strenght is verbal iq that is around 120

It's true that we're all a little bit racist, even though who think they're not; anyone who thinks they're not can easily take an implicit bias test.

Now I think where we might disagree is in the usefulness or the accuracy of these biases. There may be some truth to them, but they'd get adjusted quickly in the first 5 minutes that you talk to a person, which is going to be a better indicator of how smart they are then the color of their skin. After that the sticky stereotype is probably going to work against you.

>But what I don't see is geniuses being some particular threat.
The more geniuses a competitor group has, potentially, the more they can out produce, out organize, out manipulate, and out strategise you.
>Dumb people in huge numbers scare me more.
I don't think it's an either/or. A lot of dumbs are a threat, but smart people can manipulate them fairly easily. Most societies are armies of dumbs led by smaller cadres of smarts.
>I wouldn't count a belief in differences in average IQs as the sort of racism that would make someone a threat, unless it's coupled with an elitist belief that intelligence is what makes a human have value.
But all useful education serves as a sorting mechanism for intelligence inequality; conversely, education fails when it can't distinguish inequality and tell you who to assign to engineering, and who should be a footsoldier or janitor. You can't organize society if you can't do meaningful accounting of inherent differences. On a broader scale, you can't understand why race mixing is bad if you can't comprehend regression to the mean and dysgenics.
>For example, my dog's a lot dumber than I am, but I'd risk my life to save him.
But would you save your dog over your own offspring? Why is your own species more valuable than your dog?

Attached: IQ_outcomes_regressions.jpg (1500x4679, 942K)

Hispanic 17%
Blacks 15%
Middle easterners 26%

>It's true that we're all a little bit racist...
I think we should all be more consciously racist.
>anyone who thinks they're not can easily take an implicit bias test.
What's really going to bake your noodle is when you realize that newborns show implicit racial bias in those tests.

Using the graduation rate
If blacks are 85 iq
Whites 100

Hispanic would be 87
Middle eastern 96
Chinks 107
Jews 111

alright, then. in nearly any metric you could cite which is of any real consequence in modern life, east asians win
are you east asian?

i'm not pretending anything. you've fallen for some seriously fallacious thinking- that a person's value (maybe maximum value, but that's also a dubious proposition) is more or less assigned at birth. if this were the case, you could simply find "golden child"ren and pay for their school, food, clothes, et cetera as incentives to work/research/fight for you later on

i wonder if anyone's ever tried that- and if so, how it worked out for them
believe whatever you want to believe. it's pretty clear that you've never managed or taught anyone anything, and that's unlikely to change. beyond that, it's not like you're going to convince anyone with that attitude- even here; so you do you, boo

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But they can just as easily work together with you, such as being trading partners. If you just look at it as there being some additional people in the world who happen to be geniuses, generally that's going to improve things, unless you're in zero sum conditions.

That really does bake my noodle, can you cite a source on that? I imagine a newborn baby takes its mother's face (and other faces it sees) as the "default" face type.

I wonder, if a baby is raised immediately after birth by people of a different race, if it would be biased against its own race.

>in nearly any metric you could cite which is of any real consequence in modern life, east asians win
...except for their complete freeze in technological, scientific, and (general) intellectual development thousands of years ago, allowing Europids to overtake and colonize them. They still haven't caught up. So, if civilization and it productivity is the most fundamental proof of IQ, asian "IQ superiority", like jewish "IQ superiority" is highly suspect. As a race and civilization, they aren't producing superior intelligence outcomes.
>you've fallen for some seriously fallacious thinking- that a person's value (maybe maximum value, but that's also a dubious proposition) is more or less assigned at birth. if this were the case, you could simply find "golden child"ren and pay for their school, food, clothes, et cetera as incentives to work/research/fight for you later on
You don't think society is a sorting mechanism for "superior people"?

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Height is extremely important

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

Attached: West Gunpowder.png (500x960, 283K)

HOLY FUCK you cracked the code
MAMMALS--TRIBAL?! y o u d o n ' t s a y

Specific examples don't work here: It's as if I said men are typically taller than women, and you gave a bunch of examples of tall women as if it that disproved the claim.

Wait, how do you do an implicit bias test on a newborn baby, anyway?

>That really does bake my noodle, can you cite a source on that?

(2013) Karen Wynn shows that infants as young as nine months old prefer individuals who are nice to people of their race and dislike people mean to their race. In addition to this they also like people that are mean to others races and dislike people that are nice to other races.

>Specific examples don't work here
You don't have "surveys of genius opinions on race" other than what specific geniuses have written.

In Denmark the people working in what is equivalent to the IRS, literally get paid for finding out that a business owner has done something illegal or made a mistake. Thus the the tax authorities go after the smallest and most vulnerable businesses.

It's difficult to run a business in Denmark and you have to pay people to make sure you follow the law 100%.

By showing infants various stimuli, and noticing their stress responses. Same as they test fear and trauma in monkeys.

Also, just want to point out, that's the kind of racism that isn't really rational. It's not the same as stereotyping, which is kind of unconsciously reasoning this race is more likely to be good at X, therefore I adjust my expected probability that they a new example I encounter will be good at X, until I get to know them. It's more just, okay, I like this race more because it's my race.

Jews do the same thing China does. Only give IQ tests the the most successful people, then claim it is representative of the general population.

that had more to do with economies which could more easily scale and a culture that embraced rugged individualism. the sociocultural paradigm was superior, and it's why w europeans+e asians come to the US to make better money and enjoy a higher quality of life

society in its current form does a fairly decent job, but i ran with the reductio ad absurdum to illustrate that there are some serious limits to considering, for example, a black person by default inferior to an asian person. e.g. colin powell's kids or condoleeza rice vs. a random genetic miscreant from the phillipines

idk what height vs. suicide has to do with this discussion at a l l except to confirm/reinforce that brain:body mass is primarily deterministic of brain chemistry. bravo

i don't dispute that your face very seriously affects your lot in life, first impressions, et cetera

yeah- the halo effect is a pretty serious problem, but that goes back to our flaws as a socially hierarchical and generally competitive species

yeah duh it affects marriage potential, and it's probably why i'm on lucky #3

that seems more a problem with women than with men. i'd address it as a cultural rather than a biological issue, even if the culture exploits biology for political ends

yes it is. what's your argument here? there are lots of very tall black people. compare, for example, tall warrior tribes (e.g. the zulu) and japs/jews

i'm aware of this, and i seriously don't know how any of it is relevant to a discussion about how race affects overall societal value. if you're bad with women or don't take care of yourself- i don't know what to tell you. you're going to die alone. adapt or experience genetic death. it's really that simple

any other peripheral and mostly unrelated bullshit you wanted to share, or was that it?

this is also a problem in large, heavily (D)-controlled states in the US

this is a problem everywhere in the developed world except maybe pockets of true free market capitalism in east asia

I'm referring to the various studies on intelligence and prejudice.

You know, I imagine if you look through all of history, a majority of geniuses would probably be in favor of a lot of terrible things, just because many terrible things have been "normal" for so long. If you want to link racism to intelligence throughout history I think you'd have to compare their opinion to the general opinions of people at the same time and see if they were more or less racist than was fashionable at the time.

What's worse is that they are automatically right and you have to pay a layer to prove them wrong.

>that's the kind of racism that isn't really rational
Not if we're born with discrimination as an instinct, of course not, but what is rational is to recognize that this is part of evolution and general temperament as a species, and not to engage in idealistic or ideological attempts to force its suppression willy-nilly. That's not really in anyone's interest.
>It's more just, okay, I like this race more because it's my race.
Yes, but that preference we are all born with is healthy.

>that had more to do with economies which could more easily scale and a culture that embraced rugged individualism.
Except that the particular way in which Asians demonstrably excel over Europids is what's called "hydraulic bureaucracies"; Asians are superior at the kind of intelligence that organizes large scale societies. They aren't generally creative thinkers. Thats why their technological advancement was always subordinate to their bureaucratic and cultural fetishism.
>idk what height vs. suicide has to do with this discussion
There are endless ways in which your birth determines your status socially and your experience individually. Attractive people have demonstrably easier lives, more opportunities, etc. Something similar occurs for intelligent people, or strong people, etc. People who are clearly superior trigger specific behaviors in others -- this is why "celebrity" exists as a "thing". On a larger scale, the sum of individual potentials constitutes the biological infrastructure of any given society. That's why it matters whether you start shitting in any given genepool, or haphazardly ignoring biological reality, trying to mix and match with no rhyme or reason.

>I'm referring to the various studies on intelligence and prejudice.
A lot of these are poorly done and part of the larger collapse in quality of peer review (ie, the peer review crisis).

also a problem in CA and NY, but i don't know if that's a pervasive issue in the US overall or one that permeates both coasts on the whole
this type of racket, i think we can all agree, is a human rights violation and a half
that's the glory of socialism™ i guess