every time I see thread by black nationalist its always with a picture of white female/black male and they comment that all white women belongs to black man or some kind of shit like that.
Im serious why they act like this?
every time I see thread by black nationalist its always with a picture of white female/black male and they comment that all white women belongs to black man or some kind of shit like that.
Im serious why they act like this?
They're insecure.
If you saw the face of a monkey in the mirror you would be insecure too
"MUH DICK" is all they got
because their women are even more garbage and scum than them
>Muh dik
compare it everything else niggers say. it’s bullshit and blown out of proportion. no amount if jew brainwashing will lead to a significant amount of white women with niggers because people instinctively find them disgusting.
it’s actually a good thing, if you think about it. white women make it so fucking easy to tell if they’re trash or not. race mixing, feminism, abortion, etc. they just throw it at us and yeah it makes us disgusted because they coulda been good white mothers but it’s a lifesaver for not wasting our time with trash. like sarah ching chong the gook dog eater whore, women ruthlessly attack those who refuse to fuck em. perfectly explains the feminist nigger lovers often attack white men while good christian girls absolutely love us.
And even that is an implanted lie by the jews
Because it triggers insecure white boys.
I can imagine you typing this with tears running down your face. Insecure as fuck.
if there were no whites, would they finally blame themselves? Do all blacks really think they are the good guys?
in more than half of case it's other whites baiting, the rest are turks
i don't think more than a dozen niggers even come on this site
you have to understand one thing my friend, first they build nothing, gave nothing great to the world, look at asia, the middle east ( bevor 1960) europe and america what will you find? Kulture and progress, the blacks never invented something that would benefit the world or build any great kingdom. With this in mind, the nogs know that they never did something great thats why they feel insecure and what is the best to ged rid of this feeling? OFC taking a white woman, and humilating withe men, god even when they have sex they think about white men, all this opression nonsense comes from this feeling of beeing lower then the withes, the inidans, the asians. African countrys are depented on help from other countrys...do you see this user? Do you now understand wy nogs allways have to be such nigger around withe people? They feel uncomfortable if withes are around, you know now why they feel like this.
Puffing their chest. A lot of the threads are also probably cuckolds pushing their fetish on other people. Go on other boards and you see it there too.
because they don't understand that on average having half an inch bigger dicks doesn't make them attractive. the reality is is that white men are considered the most attractive men worldwide, a lot of stats show this. in london, which is 50% ethnic minority at this point, they found that dark white men were considered the most attractive. they called this "white supremacy" of beauty standards. fucking insecure fucks. it's also a reality that it's far more common for black girls to fuck white guys, even though we find them less attractive than white women. also, pornstars demand more money to fuck nig nogs, because most of them find them gross.
but they keep pushing these lies.
Real black supremacists hate racemixing especially with white women
90% of Jow Forums is satire
I would give anything to have my fingers broken between her buttcheeks
Whew, it's too early in the morning for this amount of boner.
Because they're not real black nationalists, my dear redditor
Beware of (((memeflag posters)))
They basically have nothing going for them