I'll start.
Redpilled Musicians
Ableton is just better than FL.
Great man. We will avenge MJ one day. Damned jews. He also had alot of nazis films and clothing.
Heres another dude is pretty good hes not that well known outside the south though.
>Ay yo I can make the dootlydoots on mah computah guitars r shiet n shiet anyways bruh
Kanye West is a retarded nigger. For all his rethoric, 2Pac was pretty redpilled imo.
Also most "true" metal musicians are pretty red pilled, especially in black metal
Absolutely visionary.
In general he's pretty redpilled, but if this quote is true it's evidence he has a pretty shite musical ear, since virtual guitars sound much worse than real ones and are far more limited in ability.
Most musicians are leftards though, so it's hard to find sanity in the crowd.
I'd like to see anybody make the sounds Hendrix made on a computer
What a load of shit
confirming music to some is just about fx & ear candy
it wasnt even called fl studio in 2006
boomer gtfo
You just know that this motherfucker knows whats up.
That's cool. If you are a poorfag you can do this with the sun and a magnifying glass.
Fuck off abletonigger.
t. Cubase master race
kanye west is just saying he likes trump for the republican bux. he saw how much joy villa made, and knows republicans have more money than welfare niggers
>I'd like to see anybody make the sounds Hendrix made on a computer
There is nothing hendrix did that cant be digitally reproduced.
There are tons of dynamics to the sound of a guitar that aren't available with synths. Shut the fuck up Kanye. Lil Wayne is a better guitarist than you.
>Prodigy of Mobb Deep
>An extremely based individual
>Here’s a quote from an article online, “This dude named Adam Weishaupt started this group of powerful, rich people that basically shape popular opinion and the way the world is gonna move forward.”
>In 1995 he raps, “Illuminati want my mind, soul and my bodySecret society, trying to keep they eye on me,” on LL Cool J’s I Shot Ya (Remix)
>Fast forward to 2008, it becomes the the hook on the aptly named track, “Illuminati” where he raps about waking up to the truth after being under the spell of Kingu. He encourages others to spread the word and says it’s truth, not a conspiracy theory
>On ”Real Power is People” he goes in heavy exposing the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, mentioning a secret government that worships an owl and practices witchcraft, pedophiles raping kids for energy, satanic rituals, NWO.
>I’m sure he was well on (((their))) radar after this
>Over the past decade he’s been dropping red pills left and right
>In 2011, he appeared on Alex Jones’s Infowars, claiming that President Barack Obama was part of a bloodline that made him cousins with the Bushes and Dick Cheney. “Whether he knows it or not, he’s down with this whole conspiracy to rule the world,” Prodigy asserted of Obama. “Basically, he’s a part of it—to brainwash people and to kill people, genocide. Everything that’s going on out there that is just so fantastic [that] you really don’t want to believe it, Obama is down with it.”
>On “Black Devil” released in 2012, he goes after Obama and says he’s not fooled by the color of his skin
>Also from 2012, “Skull & Bones”
>In 2017 dropped ’The Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation)’
>The album name alone is a redpill for many
>The same year he begins working on an Illuminati musical/semi-autobiographical story
>Passes on June 20, 2017 after a hospital visit due to complications related to his sickle cell anemia
>Cause of death: Accidental choking
normie: the daw
Yes it was. Changed in 2001 to FL Studio due to Kellog's law suit. It was still referred as fruity loops for a long time though.
It's not a matter of whether virtual guitars sound good, but the fact that in theory it is possible to create any kind of guitar sound digitally.
is this the gay fish general?
Fucken baste as heck my magabros. I like the part where he shilled for blacked.com on national television too. Kardashians is my favorite show. Trump 2020!
baste & replied
Except it isn't. Show me the digital Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Gary Moore or Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Most of them who died before their time, except Jim Morrison, who faked his death and is now Rush Limbaugh.
To be a famous musician, you must sign a pact with the devil.
Rofl, says the musician that all he has is repetitive drums and spoken vocals.
>red pilled musician
>watches porn
>watches blacked
What the fuck happened to Jow Forums?
Rap music is sewage. Discuss.
Relax bro it was just a joke, low effort ironic threads are hilarious and fun which is why they're 90% of the catalog.