So yesterday I almost got raped by three refugees and the only thing that saved my dick from catching goat fucker herpes was a police car.
I’m kind of shaken up but I’m playing with the thought of actually stabbing them next time they cross my path. Yet I don’t wanna go to jail. How tf do I handle his?
Stab them and cry you're a transgender jew and they were antisemitic
William Phillips
Stop being such a racist honney’
Joshua Martinez
Time to man up - go to gym, learn martial arts, punch a punching bag, anything really. Become a man that people don't want to fuck with.
Zachary Watson
Go hooded up, wear gloves and go to the same spot you saw them first and stab the fuck out of all of them.
Or just gather some friends and go smash the life out of all of them.
Jose Peterson
Junge was? Erzähl.
Also, get big.
Chase Lee
they were just having a sexual emergency.
Joshua Moore
get a gun
Ethan Ross
Gibt’s nicht wirklich viel zum sagen, nur dass die Situation verdammt heikel war. Wär ich nicht ruhig geblieben, wär warscheinlich eh mehr passiert. Das war das letzte mal, dass ich wärend der Nacht allein heimgeh. Werd jetzt mal trainieren, wie bereits vorgeschlagen.
Charles Hill
>So yesterday I almost got raped by three refugees >So yesterday i saw three men who weren't white you soft shit.
Brody Hernandez
Stab in the neck, chest, legs and run. Don't stick around
Dylan Kelly
>Become a man that people don't want to fuck with. the only sensible answer. in a way i actual pity anybody who didn't grow up poor in a bad neighborhood. you subconsciously learn how to act, how to walk and dress and talk in a fashion that doesn't project weakness. your ideal goal is to be in a state that when a women walks pass you she checks you out but still clutches her handbag just in case.
Juan Peterson
Zip ties around the throat. They must all die as an xample space it out.
Austin Thomas
>carrying a gun >in Austria Yeah no. I've got a hunting license, a license to buy and sell arms (I don't, just got it because it sounded fun) and every other piece of paper that'd let me use firearms, but it was still impossible to get a permission to actually carry one outside of my own property. Shit's fucked. You're required to transport weapon and ammunition in separate, locked containers and if you were to use it to defend yourself you'd get fucked by the law.
Hat die Polizei eingegriffen/ gesehn was passiert ist oder sind die kameltreiber nur abgeschreckt worden? Wenn ersteres, wäre das die perfekte Situation um einen Waffenpass zu bekommen.
Hudson Thomas
I know you're not allowed to carry in most of the EU but in your situation it could be worth it. And if you get caught you or your lawyer can say "I feared for my life after several bad encounters in the area"
Caleb Thompson
Gesehn hat die Polizei nicht sofort was, hab dann aber eine Anzeige gemacht. Anscheinend sind die drei Ausländer bekannt, aber das is Österreich, keiner wird was tun bis wirklich was passiert. Ich hoff nur, dass ich die nicht wieder seh.
Anthony Jackson
Alter.. Wo ungefähr? Am Land/Stadt? Bundesland?
Christopher Flores
Robert Ward
let yourself get raped another one for the statistic
Liam Taylor
Eine Säuberung wär ned schlecht, aber wer fängt schon an..
Liam Carter
Gut. Dann hast du den ersten Schritt gemacht. Beantrag einen Waffenpass und nimm das als einen der Gründe - falls du keine Erfahrung mit sachgemäßem Umgang hast (kein Bundesheer o.ä.) dann fang mit Waffenkarte an. Mehr als ablehnen können sie nicht und sollte doch in Zukunft was passieren und du überlebst, hast du eine gute Grundlage für diverse Klagen etc.
Dominic Bell
I get this shit all the time. Little old ladies at the atm, shitting themselves because I'm standing behind them. A couple of times I've said to them >don't worry grandma out of everyone on this street I'm the one most likely to protect you from the rapists Irritates fuck out of me.
David Brown
Werd ich machen, danke für die Hilfe! :]
Hudson Adams
>just get big is the same as >just be yourself
some of us are limited by frame and height brudi
Tyler Sanders
>grew up in poor af area >circle of friends where immigrants and gypsy kids >robbing and fist fighting everyone over stupid shit >10 years after and im a insecure beta No matter where you grow up, if you are a beta you remain a beta
only political measures, manning up on your own wont solve the systemic problem, you need to form a political force to defend your land from the invasion, remove all the politicians who are ant-white and who try to replace indigenous europeans, make the law-enforcemt work to remove the criminals
Wyatt Scott
I'll touch your cheese at night
Carson Jones
Ooo that's nasty but effective
Elijah Long
There is not really much to say, only that the situation was damn delicate. If I had not stayed calm, probably more would have happened. That was the last time I went home alone during the night. Will train now, as already suggested.
Eli Barnes
>Gesehn hat die Polizei nicht sofort was, hab dann aber eine Anzeige gemacht. Anscheinend sind die drei Ausländer bekannt, aber das is Österreich, keiner wird was tun bis wirklich was passiert. Ich hoff nur, dass ich die nicht wieder seh. Seen the police did not immediately what, but then have made a complaint. Apparently, the three foreigners are known, but that is Austria, no one will do anything until really what happens. I just hope that I do not see them again.
Parker Russell
Good. Then you have taken the first step. Apply for a weapon pass and take this as one of the reasons - if you have no experience with proper handling (no federal army, etc.) then start with weapon card. They can not refuse more than they can and in the future something should happen and you survive, you have a good basis for various complaints, etc.
Colton Nelson
Buy a g- >flag Ha ha, ouf
Jose Gray
I don't know your area, but up here, the centre of Oslo is pretty much Mogadishu. Like other anons I suggest training (helps a lot) but if you know where these packs of immigrants are then: A - Bring friends B - Act and talk like they do. I always try to dress niggerish if I need to go to these areas after dark and speak kebab-norwegian.
Sebastian Kelly
If someone stayed around after "disabling" some of our lovely "new blood", no matter how self-defense it turned out to be, being prepared would show intent to harm, you'd get sent to the gulag, share a cell with an HIV positive Congolese gorilla. Any perps you left alive, would double their welfare payouts, and get upgraded from block apartment to bungalow. Maybe a better idea would be to make it look like it was done by some other sub-Saharan cretin.
Grayson Bennett
Just FYI... Seems to be a lot of misconceptions about this issue.