I have a couple of Coptic friends who are white pale(to be fair, both of them are from the very north of Egypt), both get really mad when I call them Arabs, the insist they are Mediterranean or white
I have a couple of Coptic friends who are white pale(to be fair, both of them are from the very north of Egypt), both get really mad when I call them Arabs, the insist they are Mediterranean or white
Caucasian, but not white.
White stands for Europeans.
I think that is what the Ancient Egyptians looked like.
Lots of them have Greek blood that goes way back from the Diadochi
>white pale
No, white skin doesn't make you white. They're just like any other group of Semitic peoples.
Would you want to be associated with arabs?
Brown eyes = not white
One of them has green eyes, other has hazel, one of their moms has blue eyes, and from what I’ve seen a lot of them have coloured eyes
I thought Copts were hamites user
well "arab" is not a race, they are probably Levantine/nafri intermediate
Christian middle easterners are honourary Whites user.
Copts, Assyrians, and Phoenicians are Arabized but not Arab; Caucasian for sure, but not white. Levantine Middle Easterners are and will be your greatest ally in fighting the scourge of Wahhabi Islam and the JQ within the Middle East. If you're not supportive of them you've essentially shot yourselves in the foot.
No they're not, there is absolutely no difference between an Arab Muslim and an Arab Christian.
how dare you post low res QTs. wtf am i supposed to do with this?
Perhaps, but there really isn't any significant genetic difference, as far as I know
What about me?
There isn’t any mixing really between the Copts and the Arab Muslims in Egypt I believe, they don’t have the heavy inbreeding the Muslims have, richest man in Egypt is a Copt, to my knowledge they are very anti Islamic and vote right wing
not white
only protestant germanic people are white
>habibi feels image saved
Great body, cute face, white features. Why didn't we get these refugees?
While googling for context, I found out that their second biggest party is the nazi party. Kek
I mean, she isn’t an Arab she’s a copt.
Sounds like you have a smart friend and you’re kind of the drooling moron type.
I was in Egypt this summer. Colored eyes are not uncommon there among the general population, though they are more frequent among the Copts.
So are the Copts Arabs or not?
She is damn hot OP
Anything with brown eyes is a nigger
Yes, she's dreamy
you're just cherrypicking.
>Levantine Middle Easterners are and will be your greatest ally in fighting the scourge of Wahhabi Islam and the JQ within the Middle East
> not realizing Jews are part of that group, and are genetically indistinct from groups like Assyrians and Georgians, except insofar as they've mixed with Slavs and Germans (Ashkenazi) or North African peoples (Sephardics)
Not white
But based Caucasians and our natural ally in the Middle East
>Why didn't we get these refugees?
Belgique bro, As a Levantine Orthodox Christian I 100% feel for the plight of the European people. The unfortunate truth is that all the crying about refugees coming from Western politicians is horseshit. They wax poetic about saving vulnerable people (and sometimes mention Middle Eastern Christians) yet do fuck all to actually help the most vulnerable, and open the floodgates for jihadis and their sympathizers. Here's the thing though, you'll find that most of us Levantine stock are pretty woke about your ZOG governments. Like I said, seeing what is happening to Europe is no different than what happened to the Levant under Wahhabism and other fringe Sunni ideologies like the Muslim Brotherhood. When those animals say they will fly a black flag over Rome, I would take that threat seriously, because clearly they can decimate a culture.
looks like a disugsting shitskin to me
the average urban copt (in cairo, alex) looks like a mexican
the rest in south of egypt and rural areas look like gypsies. anyone else are european rapebabies.
>race is just skin colour
off yourself
Y havent u let her in?
France has been succombing to the mud since 1415
Don’t look like Mexicans to me user
Also as far as I’m concerned you Muslims are Arab rape babies
She has probably more Frensh blood than you
There were Jews all over the MENA region existing within the covenant under rule of the gentile before the Balfour Declaration; from Morocco to Iraq. However, once (((Eretz Yisrael))) was fabricated, the entirety of the region forced them to emigrate to Israel. Jews are not an ethnicity; this very idea is a fabrication of Zionism and is preposterous. Their only chance for salvation is repentance.
>What about me?
you got cucked by sheep fuckers
>Jews are not an ethnicity
they will be if israel survives a few hundred years
They're not white, but they're kinda like our "cousins". They're in the same category as other ME ethnic minorities like the assyrians and maronites.
I think most Middle Eastern Christians are literally descended from Caucasoid populations
I think a lot of Syrian Christians are descended from ancient Greeks, for example
Busting a gut laughing at that fucking joke right fucking knee slapper
>they will be if israel survives a few hundred years
Inshallah it won't.
See Also, I did some digging into my 'clans' name a while back and Macedonia popped up. This wouldn't surprise me but I have no way of verifying this 100% though, as record keeping in the Middle East is fairly shoddy. Most people rely on oral tradition to pass down information.
They are not Arabs, Arabs are the Invaders and probably quite inferior.
again, you are cherrypicking, you post some nice greek rapebabies
Don’t look like Mexicans to me again
user you seem to know a good bit about Copts and Assyrians, what are they?
also Christianity exists in syria, and middle east, many arab christians are married to egyptian copts , also the majority of egypt is muslim and according to this chart doesn't that make us more North africans ?
why dont you stop shilling and take your meme flag off i think its pointless to argue with someone who hides his identity.
Meh, they're white enough.
beautiful white copts
you can clearly see their coloured eyes.
At this point, if you identify as White, and aren't kike, Arab, or nigger, you're in. We need all the allies we can get.
Please remember that 99% of the people left on this site are shills, kikes, or their unwitting puppets who will never accomplish anything as they'll be too busy drawing arbitrary lines around their own "whiteness" while poring over their 23nMe results
No, but they are actual native egyptians instead of arab rape seed mixed with negro slave from Sudan aka modern day egyptian, an arab mullato.
Either way I see all Middle Eastern Christians as our allies, would ally with them over the zionists or Muslims
look at these copts untouched by arabs
why are we even discussing this
also mods pls ban op it's specifically stated that
>is X white?
should result in getting banhammered
although this is somewhat relevant as all Arabic mongrels should be wiped out
the copts should get their country back
>Hiding identity
>anonymous board
>Proxies, VPN
Stupid cunt
Coptic is a religious sect. So any color person could be Coptic.
Y'all should play EU4, really fills in the gaps of my burger education.
White pic related
short answer: no
long answer: no
>another meme flag
opinion discarded
>Are X white?
fuck off back your bar mitzvah kid
sure this is what you'd say now, in the end you'll wish them genocided for whatever excuse you have
They are subhuman inbred niggers. One drop rule
Achmed thinks I care what he thinks about my opinion
kys subhuman
They're mixed.
lmao. with “””””””standards””””” like this in a few centuries time all racial Europeans will end up looking like Greek roaches look today.
If you are not a purebred European without any southern heritage whatsoever, you are not fucking White
>One drop rule
russians confirmed for mongols
New bread on Indo-Europeans! Join
I wouldn't say that I do. The thing is it's very difficult to determine in that region because thousands of years ago this was a very active region for many ethnic groups who migrated and/or were absorbed or destroyed by others. I think it would be safe to bet that Copts would have more Greek influence in their bloodlines than say Maronites who have more of a Phoenician (Canaanite) influence. Iranid and Balkan influence may be present in some of these groups, but probably not as pronounced as what I would consider to be more indigenous to the region (Assyrians). Again, Caucasoid even Aryan, but not White, which is distinctively European. No one ever talks about the Sumerians, in schools though; really makes you think.
oh Sasha Grey, this is what happens when your porn director thinks he's an artist...
New bread on Indo-Europeans! Join us
A lot of Lebanese people refuse to be called Arabs as well. Mainly the Christians insist that they are Mediterranean or white as well. I did a DNA test and I'm only like 20% Arabic and mostly white/caucasian.
this. i want me a copt whife
copts are cucks unfortunately
Nobody said anything about interbreeding, Eurotard.
But you know that, don't you, rabbi?
"Yes, goyim-- whittle down who is considered white to a fraction of a percent of your already outnumbered people."
I'd like to add one more thing. 3/4 of my family is from Bethlehem, but I speak with a Lebanese dialect because I learned from my mother. Lebanese Arabic is probably the easiest on the ears (Syrian is a close second), and I have an Idea as to why. Before the Arabs invaded people were not speaking Arabic in the Levant, they were speaking Aramaic. Even the town where my family comes from in Lebanon has an Aramaic name. Native Arabic speakers can understand me, but if they aren't from the Levant region I have trouble understanding them. Interesting thing is, I once met a Libyan from Tripoli who I could understand fully. I was surprised when he told me he was Libyan because his accent/dialect was very similar to the one I'm used to. My theory is that this is because Tripoli was a Phoenician port thousands of years ago that may have had an influence on the way they speak. It's a stretch but just a guess. Egyptians I cannot understand at all.
Jag trodde du var död
Guys, this thread brought me to look up DNA charts of europe/middle east and I had an epiphany.
Look where ashkenazi jews fall on this chart, right in between lebanese, which we know are 90% canannites, and EEF ( early european farmers). This jives with the story of israelite men (EEF's) taking canannite wives and worshiping their god remphan/saturn, the star of remphan being the star of saturn, "israel's" modern flag. It demonstrates who they are and still worship.
Modern jews are descended from those israelites who where expelled with their canannite wives and half israelite/eef familys.
We also know that EEF's migrated from the levant and anatolia ~7,000 years ago.
They're not. I call them ''curry niggers''.
I would not want my daughter marrying one. They are not white. Whites are fully european.
It doesn't matter. They are christian brothers and sisters living under cruel muslims.
We love that Party
they have a good mentality
>White stands for Europeans.
No it does not. In US the historical definition of white is people who have English ancestry. It doesn't refer to anything else (If it was anything else, explain the Irish situation). I find it funny that we exported our white ideas and other people are clinging really hard on it.
>Copts, Assyrians, and Phoenicians are Arabized but not Arab
By that definition Arabs don't even exist considering their entire "enthnicity" is just various peoples who were arabized during the caliphates.
Some of them can look somewhat white
Most Syrians are Arabs.
Assad is an Arab. Non-Arabs Semites in Syria do exist but Arabs are the majority.
Literally invaded MENA and controlled it and had greater culture and expanded in science yet you call them "inferior".
Let me tell you, an Arab from Yemen is more Phoenician than the Lebanese, have you guys forgot about the crusades? Don't you know or think that the Lebanese are crusades leftovers? Product of Semites mixing with Europeans?
Phoenicians stopped existing a long time ago, who knows who's a Phoenician and who is?
>greater culture and expanded in science
I disagree. You have to understand that most Levantine "Arabs" adopted this monkier during the rise of the Pan-Arabist movement which swept across the Middle East in the mid-20th century. It was a means of uniting the region under a common language and cultural similarities.
You have to understand that Syria had Arabs even before Islam, southern Syria has been inhabited by Arabian tribes and some Arabs mixed with people of the major cities in Syria.
Assad is in fact an Arab and he belongs to an Arabian tribe and probably more Arab than Saddam.
It's childish to say Arabs haven't contributed in science, do you want me to post inventions and discoveries by Arabs?
You niggas don't understand that not just Copts but 85% of Egyptians are not Arabs, they might have some tiny drip of Arab in them but they're not. They speak Arabic and they follow an Arabian religion, but that's about it, genetically and culturally they're different from rest of Arabs.
So it's safe to say that the difference between Copts and Egyptians is not a major difference genetically speaking, they do look very similar they just follow different religions.
Close enough, I'm Italian Hindu, but I'm more white than her at least two shades.
Nobody really wants to be white anymore or at least considered "white."
Literally Jow Forums is the only place where people actively enjoy and aspire to be white on the entire internet. That being said it’s a nice forum.
Hebrew is a Phoenician langauge. Lebanese are Bedouin rape babies, butthurt mutt, speaking non-Levantine sand language, LARPing as Phoenician or Bedouin when convenient. Please learn Hebrew and adopt Judaism or another Phoenician religion. Thank you.
the two largest new churches in my area are both Coptic Orthodox, so I'm still learning about them.
from what I understand, they subscribe to a non-degenerate form of traditional Christianity. they've got a distinctive form of architecture, I'll give them that