If you could genocide one race/country the next day, what would it be?
If you could genocide one race/country the next day, what would it be?
Is this a trick to make me like Hitler?
the jews obviously
every muslims in the world without exception should be decimated
unironically Europe
Anyone that follows an abrahamic religion or talmud
Human / Pangaea
Jews could be fine if we could send all of them to Israel and cut their international presence. They are smart, we'll need them for science and technology
How is nobody saying India?
1 billion +
Half don’t have sewers
Horrid pollution
High class ones take all of the tech jobs
I'd gas all faggots including you op
All Indians, those of indian descent and indian mixed heritage (including pakis, gypsies, balochis, sikhs, some arabs, iranians, bangladeshis, sri lankas, nepalese, gypsies, south africans, carribeans and asians with shitblood of indian)
Based and Redpilled.
Jews, Muslims, gipsies, Germans.....and since that creates somewhat of an imbalance.....I would add India, China, all of Africa, and Latin America, Canada and the US.
After that I'd be pretty satisfied.....oops....forgot Eastern Europe. Yea I'd gas them too
American education
Western Europe.
A hearty kek was had on this day, thank you user
Also Jews of course
Britain. I fucking hate those snaggle toothed limey faggots with a passion
>Doesn't genocide the Jews who caused the problem
I hope your family get pack raped by niggers
Nothing wrong with Pitbull.
Indians can shit up their own country. Who literally gives a shit. And them taking tech jobs isn't their fault. You know who
Like magic? I'm tempted to say my own; the white race. Could you imagine the vacuum created? I wish I could peek out from hell to see what absolute niggerism unleashed would be.
I agree, but I wouldn't say we need them. Israel is a good containment area.
everyone without foreskin
It would help in the population overgrowth on the earth. Greenpeace could be happy then.
Actually, China.
every abrahamic follwer in the world without exception should be decimated
fyi, 'decimated' means to reduce by a large proportion, so logically you can't decimate 'every' member of a race.
I did kind of realize that, but i wanted to parody the fella. But the thing is it is pretty much impossible to wipe out an entire population, why do you think the black plague still exists?
At best the remaining(female) can be used as sex slaves/breeding factories.
US and A so all the far lefties and people on this board die, myself included.
This, get rid of Jews and Muslims in one go.
USA not because race but because class.
Because they're going the chink the entire fucking world. The wealth gap in China makes the west look like a socialist paradise by comparison, and there will soon be a million corrupt, greedy Chinese billionaires buying up every scrap of land on earth. Also, their culture horrible and there's way too many of them.
Chinese. You'd solve the majority of the world's problems assuming you didn't damage the land they were on in the process.
Negroids by one drop rule standard
This guy knows what's up.
Europe is not a race or Country.
So I'm saying genocide to Canada.
A missile strike on the three gorges dam will flush the chink mongrels down like a toilet
Obviously Jews. Niggers and Mexicans will be easy to take care of without Jews protecting them.
>If you could genocide one race/country the next day, what would it be?
OP, just OP.
t. jew
India. Worthless filthy curry niggers who shit in the street. Even the sound of their language makes me want to vomit.
Atleast we don't mess up with other countries unnecessarily.