So what is on todays agenda ? Will we see marching ? Any Livestreams going ?

So what is on todays agenda ? Will we see marching ? Any Livestreams going ?

Attached: Aesthtiiii.jpg (1200x859, 263K)

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What time is this shit show supposed to start?

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No clue I'm about to go to the store get some snacks and find a cozy stream.

Attached: 4be.png (716x915, 1.53M)

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It's tomorrow.

They said 11-12th what the fuck it's already unorganized. They're fucking it all up already.

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Trump knows false flag is imminent

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at 9.23.25 AM.png (1384x908, 472K)

Nah, the site has said 12th since it came up. Though I'm really not sure why they'd do it on a Sunday.

Preemptive strike before the world burns. All hail The God Emperor.

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I like you OP
This style was the same for Tucson generals yes?

It says at the bottom 11th and 12th in Charlottesville as well. Wtf are they doing.

Attached: Screenshot_20180811-122911.jpg (1066x1576, 161K)

lol. That probably explains why all of the media seems to think something is happening there.

says 11th and 12th

where is the stream?

>Whoa! Are you sure you want to go there? may be risky to visit.
>Website status: very risky

Christ even my anti-virus software can see this is glow in the dark from a mile away

Nigga I ain’t clicking that shit
Gonna find a bar with nobody in it and put the television on fox or whoever carries the feed. I need my two mins of hate

Wonder if we get another tiki ceremony

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Were you th OP for the Tucson generals that had the same Miami vice style pastas?

I want to see Antifa get beat down massively. Need more "OMG THE ALT-RIGHT ATTACKED ME, EVEN THOUGH ALL I WAS DOING WAS THROWING ROCKS AT THEM" memes.

Nope! Fashwave is just top tier aesthetic.

Well dammit I was hoping to get the old crew back together somehow. Oh well. Somewhere out there there’s a germancopypastabro and a drunken psyop bong that need a rematch. Goatbro can be the referee

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