RIP spacecowboy
Seattle plane hijacker's last known video
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Beebo... what a cohenicidence...
Looks like he was having a pretty fulfilling life desu.
From his youtube account
he seems like a cool dude. very sad he's not with us anymore :(
>The more you know
Once You Have Taken Flight
You’ll Decide
Gaze Towards The Sky You’ll Know That
That Is Where Your Heart Will Feel At Home
Once You Have Taken Flight
You’ll Decide
Gaze Towards The Sky You’ll Know That
That Is Where Your Heart Will Feel At Home
The First Great Bird Will
Take Flight Toward The Sun
Sweeping Over The Great Mount Ceceri
Filling The Universe With Wonder And Glory
Once You Have Taken Flight
You’ll Decide
Gaze Towards The Sky You’ll Know That
That Is Where Your Heart Will Feel At Home
Mankind Will Be Lifted
By His Own Creation
Just Like Birds Into The Sky
Oooh Oooh
Filling The Universe With Wonder And Glory
Once You Have Taken Flight
You’ll Decide
Gaze Towards The Sky You’ll Know That
That Is Where Your Heart Will Feel At Home
Glory! Glory!
he dindu know his screws were loose until he was in the air operating an airliner...
he just didn't know....
he was a rich white boy..
he travel the worl
I dont get how a guy like that could be sad, but then again Bourdain seemed like he had the best life possible and he an heroed too
Seems like he had rich parents. Probably felt like a failure working ground service at an airport while the rest of his family were so much more 'succesful'.
I've been away from 4ch for a while, what happened with this guy? someone give me a run down please
I can see why he wanted to kill himself after visiting France so much.
My thoughts exactly. Fucking spoiled white kids. Stable job, good money, gets to travel the world, has a qt wife, giant circle of friends and family that love him.
Compared to the KHV losers and third world shitholers this guy was having the time of his life.
>Alsace, France
beautiful, thanks brate
maybe you should have stayed away.
living in a dying civilization is not good for the man's soul.
literally fuck off, most white guys nowadays are stuck in some dead end job and have their future and nations stole from them from within by traitorous women and envious shitskins
Speaking in a "frenzied stream of consciousness", he described himself as being a man in crisis, [9] being a broken man and having a few screws loose. He also proclaimed that he did not want to harm anyone, and only wanted the traffic controller " whisper sweet nothings into my ear."
> only wanted the traffic controller " whisper sweet nothings into my ear."
dem depressed kamikaze feels
>stole a plane
>did a barrel roll
>crashed into free willy
>when the bags get too heavy
Alex the rambler??
>he dindu know his screws were loose until he was in the air operating an airliner...
he got sick from fukushima radiation because of the wigner effect
>crashes the plane with no survivors
what is with these people
His programming fucked up. Activated too soon an fought it.
looks like liberals
yeah what the fuck
guy had a wife and traveled the world and shit. I just sit in my house and cry and masturbate. Fuck this ungrateful nigger
300 grams of onions a day
He should have used the railgun to fucking demolish Washington D.C. Or would he be shot down before he even got close?
Just cause you travel doesn't mean things are good.
Girlfriend and her sister work for the airlines and we travel. It's free but you are on standby.
Most airline jobs don't pay well but people take them for the benefits.
They want to travel and spend all their money doing it because home isn't really as nice.
how do you know it isn't fake news contributing to the incel drama?
If you listen to the audio he's obviously taking the piss out of the ATCs. Dude was a mega troll who went out in a blaze of glory. God bless him.
He is one of us!!!! He learned how to fly playing VIDEO GAMES!!!!!
He wasn't rich. He had travel benefits from work. Most airline employees can travel standby for free domestically and just for the tax that would be due on a plane ticket internationally. Round trip Paris for $75.00.
the youtube jews poisoned his mind
Its only dying for you fuckfaces that live and breathe in this echo chamber of loser NEETs, ugly fat racists and prospective rapists. Go out in the world and make something of yourself its a great fucking civilization and a great time to be alive. Leave that basement & your neckbeard and the world will change.
how do I know what's fake news? the video? It is definitely him.
Adrift again 2000 man
You lost your maps,
You lost the plans
Did you hear them yell,
Land damn it land?
You say you can't
Well I hope you can
I hope you can
How's it goin 2000 man?
Welcome back to solid ground my friend
I heard all your controls were jammed
Well it's just nice to have you back again
But I guess they still don't understand
And they can never understand
And they said go find 2000 man
And they said tell him we've got new plans
But instead I'm here to tell you friend
I believe they want you to give in
Are you giving in 2000 man?
(Did you love this world
And did this world not love you?)
Are you giving in 2000 man?
Don't give in 2000 man
>it evens out in the end
Got the original without text?
Most of us on Jow Forums have jobs and families to support... we still don't like seeing our children's future homes become ravaged and destroyed by jews and shitskins. :(
no shit
>his playlist
something ate away at him.dude is basically wearing a mask in every pic/video
>its a great fucking civilization and a great time to be alive
If you aren't white, maybe.
just the zoomed in version
He carried the weight for all of us
Can I get a link to his channel?
This is his channel
I want the audio though
He would have made a fine SS pilot.
just a (((regular joe)))
So you'll aim toward the sky
And you'll rise
High today, fly away
Far away, far from pain
So you'll aim toward the sky
And you'll rise
High today, fly away
Far away, far from pain
Everyone I know has had multiple relationships and has traveled the world. What am I doing wrong?
>3rd video down
I've watched that
Bourdain knew too much and was working on pedogate. An hero possible but so is assisted suicide.
apparently he was married?
Grandaddy is better...
So you'll aim toward the sky
And you'll rise
High today, fly away
Far away, far from pain
So you'll aim toward the sky
And you'll rise
High today, fly away
Far away, far from pain
So you'll aim toward the sky
And you'll rise
High today, fly away
Far away, far from pain
So you'll aim toward the sky
And you'll rise
High today, fly away
Far away, far from pain
The audio from the flight?
Thought exactly this. His life wasn't 100%, but nobodies is. He was 28, still had plenty of time to make something of himself. And even then, for a 28 year old he had a decent life. Sounds like a greedy spoiled faggot that wanted to be the next zuckerburg and off himself the second he realized it wasn't happening.
Go to 3:16 to see him dab
You dumb fuck, all that great stuff in his life and he offs himself, you don't think that's a huge red flag of some sort of mental instability?
You're not taking chances
Yeah, I want to hear the bants
what kind of uniform is that at 2:33
Based, thank you user
you're mad that you can't compete anymore? lmao stay mad white boi
>Stable job, good money
Lad was on minimum wage, pal.
Still not a hijacking you meme-flag-fake-news-faggot-cunt
>today OP was a Socialdemokrat
I'm in Edmonds like 40min North of where this happened. Literally the day before I'm supposed to fly to Poland at sea tac (it's currently operating normally, in the gate rn actually). This dude by all accounts was cool just unhinged enough to a hero by aircraft. He's lucky he didn't plow into a neighborhood in the isles around Puget Sound, lots of rich Microsoft money living on them and I can just imagine one of those fucks getting plowed by his q400. He wanted coordinates to see the mama orca whale that's been holding it's dead baby calf above water for like a week straight, it's been in the local news and sad af. But yeah cool story to top off the summer
why does a white boy have a black mans voice?
why do you keep being such an autist about that. It's just what people say when they're talking about a stolen plane, no one is trying to lie to you.
It's here:
>He wanted coordinates to see the mama orca whale that's been holding it's dead baby calf above water for like a week straight
I finally get his reference.
I made this in memory of /ourpilot/
Marine Corps officer dress whites.
go to 2:48 for panty shot
Did he feel in charge?
Unit cost: Q400 US$32.2 million
That's where you are wrong kiddo. This is 'new-speak' at it's finest. Making sure that white guy who'd had enough and went out without hurting anyone gets put in the same basket as the ones who hijacked the planes to do 9/11. You go ahead and let them have their way with this. And future statics will read.
X% aircraft deaths was caused by hijackers
Y% of aircraft hijackers was white.
Which according to new-speak includes this guy, and the guy who landed a small aircraft on the red square, and probably a shit-ton of aircraft stuff we never heard about, because nothing really happened.
Calling this a hijacking is like the first white American settlers refugees. It create false impressions, destroy linugestic accuracy, and make any kind of meaningful debate impossible when everybody get to have their own definition of a word. Other recent changes
racist = being white, nothing more required
rapist = being male, nothing more required
giving in to new-speak is to give in to the type of regime described in 1984
Cannabis-induced psychosis
Don't smoke pot. It causes schizophrenia.
Look bud, I'm from the English-speaking country. I'm telling you, "hijack" is just extremely associated with airplanes and that's why people use it. It's not something new at all and it's not a way to make white people look bad.
That job pays poorly
RIP Rich Roll
An hero