Based Pilot

"I played video games before so I know what I'm doing a little bit."

Damn, I gotta play some more airplane simulators. I want to do a barrelroll. xD

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RIP oldfag

Is it possible to fuck his family over the cost of the plane?

Explain how this is politics or I will report your thread. You have 5 minutes.

was that even close to being a true barrel roll? It looks like he tried to do an aileron roll but stalled, then recovered

This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

THe news talked about it. Trump wills it.

Stop saging based threads.


>pilot talks about how he could never get hired as a pilot "because he's white"

>Leftists: "See, this is why we need universal mental healthcare!"

Or maybe it's being told that he's a demon for being a white male that's the problem.

It never fails to amaze me how the left will take literally anything and spin it into a reason why we NEED universal healthcare. Wealth redistribution is the ultimate solution to literally every social ill. It's amazing!!!

whites stop fucking killing yourselves and dont take opioids god dammit. If you dont stay strong were going to lose this war.

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You think he was on opioids? You know what's crazy is when the Russian minority got into them in the 90s everyone looked at it as subhuman behavior. It was only the problem of a specific group. It surprises me to see Americans struggling with it.

But the deal is, you need to cut the supply. It is possible to do it and once you succeed it's basically over. So you do need that wall asap.

>If you dont stay strong were going to lose this war.
We've lost already
>Have 13 year old nephew
>He summers in Europe (Dad is German)
>Usually on a Chateau on the French Med
>Kid speaks English, German French and Finnish fluently
>Is starting to study Russian
>Live in one of the richest cites in America
>First 'girlfriend' is half-Jewish, half Lebanese.


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it's still impressive for not wrecking the thing and being the first person to even try it

>whites stop fucking killing yourselves

stop making it such an appealing option



Now we just need the pic of the burning plane with Peppy saying, "Nooooooooo"


His engine gave out almost immediately afterwards. Sooo he kinda did wreck it

War thunder is a pretty fun plane sim

They can go after his estate, yes. So any assets he has, however any outstanding mastercard bills etc will also be in the queue for his money.

I don't know how it's done with the house, if they have a mortgage together with the wife. I think they may be entitled to his share of the equity built in the house (house value minus debt).

Well, as long it's only his estate I'm fine with it. I've heard in Japan if you jump in front of a train they will literally find any kind of relatives you may have and bill them in millions of euros.

what games did he play do you think? maybe some il2 1946?

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Late to the party, but saw a post with 300 replies and still did not know what the fuck was going on until I found the article with recordings and everything. He complained about minimum wage.

He did mention minimum wage, and that he chalked it up to that, and maybe this would grease the gears.

i wonder if the past week two weeks set him off

acceptance of anti-h'White racism (Sarah Jeong) and acceptance of censorship (Alex Jones)

maybe he didnt like what he saw coming

Jesus christ, you sound like a whiney little narc bitch. I bet no one can stand being around you. I bet even your dad is disappointed in what a cunt you are.

You must be new here. faggot.

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hence why you need to stay strong, faggot.

this makes you look weak

No the guy complained about minimum wage to get his coworkers raises.
It was in almost a joke and he said lets just go with that.
He was just a depressed guy who wasn't happy.
saw the opportunity to do this and took it.
He flew around and watched the sunrise over a park and he made jokes the whole way through
He didn't want to land at the airbase cause he knew it was life in prison and said I hope someone who does this gets life in prison
He was a good guy
He did a few barrel rolls saw an amazing sunset
then found a island with no one near it and took the plan down

It's easier to commit suicide when you're doing dangerous stunts rather than point the nose down and await your doom. That's what was going on.

Fuck off faggot

He probably played ace combat


The airline industry is the whitest profession out there. Kill yourself you raging faggot.


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dude, I saw a thread yesterday declaring whites are winning now. So what is it?

He actually flew pretty well.

were number 1 in suicide, hans. Also number 1 by far in deaths due to opioids.


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RIP Jimmy Russel, our skySKING