TL;DR: Last night protest went violent, armed police were beaten, firearms were stolen; at 10 to 11 PM our time it is to be expected violence is going to flare up again.
So I'm basically waiting for the libtards to start their civil war already.
John Sanders
and the protesting people are a bunch of globalist soiboys who want to put in charge a party made of losers (USR)
Daniel Butler
Why the fuck don't we make our own party
Angel Martinez
alternativ for romania
Austin Sanders
because we're all greedy on the inside we're of gypsy descent after all and stealing is instinctual
Kayden Myers
Out politics is literally based on whoever gives the most gibs. Old people will just go and vote for the psd for that sweet oil and flour wether we like it or not. And then again we don't have an alternative party, it's all the same people. We should just make our own and clean the system desu
Aiden Davis
I am on team gendarmerie even though PSD sucks ass.
Joshua Allen
Our* and how the fuck did "desu" get there
Owen Ramirez
European din Provincie?
Eli Flores
USR are a bunch of neomarxists. Why would you support them?
Connor Roberts
I don't know mate but that word annoys me
Julian Lee
t b h gets transformed into desu on 4chinz
Jacob Peterson
Oh ok
Jacob Morgan
Neither. The guys protesting are a bunch of crypto-communists. The government is full of ex-communist scum. I support the police because I want to see these hipsters get fucked in the ass.
Please, I just don't want the government to fall before they sign for the rest of the HIMARS launchers, the Patriot and especially the 4 corvettes. PSD has been the only party truly investing in modernizing our army. Give them a few more months.
Let them claw each other to death and enjoy the show.
Easton Perez
>talking about how your political system is run by those who can give the most gibs so degenerates and old people will vote for them >still expect to be able to build a political party from the ground up and to be able to run against this and win >implying the corrupt jews in charge won't exterminate you at the half-way point even if you somehow do gain some traction
I think it's weird that the media supports the protestors tho. Usually the media is on the side of the power. This whole incompetent and obviously retarded government trying to literally legalize crime might just be a show to get normies angry and vote for a more jew-puppet party. Just a theory tho, the government might just be retarded and it's nothing underhanded going on
Things aren't as simple anymore, I'm afraid. Still, I wish you the best of luck.
Jose Anderson
The origin of the holy Romanians:
As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.
Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't left space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.
Source: Gesta Romanium
>pic related, ancient warrior of the army of The Romanian Empire
>people asking for the prime minister to resign >implying the next prime minister will not be Dragnea's puppet as well
Wake up sheeple
Grayson Brooks
Juan Kelly
most young people that can rule at the moment are either gay soiboys or corrupt incompetents nobody in this disaster of a country is worthy of ruling the system because the system itself is made in such a way that values money over anything else and everyone that wants or tries to change that get fucked over hard
Blake Lewis
Take pictures for us
Lucas Ross
Va luati bataie si voi le dati flori jandarmilor ziua urmatoare. HAAHHAHAHA, Wow ce masochist e poporul roman.
E ok baieti. Turcia o duce destul de bine dupa cum vedeti. Daca romania devine Turcia 2.0 tot o sa fie ok.
the right wing are overthrowing the traitor government
Ethan Kelly
I hate your gypsies, but like your deadlift.
Parker Jones
The commies will be purged. Crucify all of them.
Liam Torres
>Protestors blocked my city center, stopping all bus trafick >Just got out of a 2-hour gym session ,want to take the bus home >Have to walk 10km home T..thanks.
Brayden Campbell
The fuck's your problem, are you happy with this shit?
Adrian James
I cannot read gypsy
Ethan Myers
Who cares they are irrelevant, I just want one of these gypsie fucks to take pics of the chaos
Brayden Diaz
Nicholas Jenkins
>chilli >having an opinion on anything
Aiden Hernandez
and what the fuck will you replace it with? burning everything would mean to literally tear the entire nation down, remove it from the maps and let other countries take its pieces like vultures, then retrying the thing from late 19th century all over again, and you know that shit won't work with today's superpower agenda
>PSD has been the only party truly investing in modernizing our army. Give them a few more months. lies and bullshit. they were forced by NATO agreements , otherwise they would have stolen the money, as they always do.
Romanian youtuber Vee released a video about yesterday's protests, and an intro into Romanian politics: TL;DR: all parties are socialists, #rezist fags are all progressivist corporatist liberals who dox and attack IRL everyone who criticizes them, points out their hypocrisy and lies.
it's actually pro EU liberals protesting against corrupt pseudo-communists
Lucas Cooper
Nice allies. We lose hundreds of sons and daughters in your wars in the past 20 years and you're still being a lil bitch. Luckily we're the golden boys of the Pentagon and Congress in the region.
Jacob Johnson
Well you can't really change shit within the system already put in place. It needs a complete overhaul and the old ex-communist faggots have to go
Ian Perry
dead cert
Levi Anderson
Bazat si rosupastilat
Luke Wood
They weren't force by shit, you fucking retard. Not until 2022. It's about protecting our offshore assets and Transgaz distribution rights in the region with the new gas discoveries.
Stay the fuck where you are we don't need any more of your intervention we already have enough
Sebastian Thompson
send steve bannon
Lucas Wright
nothing to see then
Dominic Gray
Iesiti in strada.
Nicholas Gutierrez
Socialist-democrat deputy Cătălin Rădulescu declared today to the protesters: "Don't provoke us or 1 million of us (socialists) will come and tread on you"