Be an Elite Spend millions on luxury underground secret accommodations in preparation for ???
a. Nuclear disaster for which enough lead time was given to escape to remote locations hundreds or thousands of miles from their everyday. b. Zombie Pathogen outbreak c. Pedogate is real and if it ever sees actual scrutiny, you'll need a place to live out your life without having to mingle with the plebs at all.
Are there underground tunnels connecting different Elite underground bunkers for continuance of their society? Were they telling you the future when they made the time machine into a motion picture?
I know if I was super wealthy and could live in luxury where I have 50 years of food and drink stored with power and probably even cable television where I'd be going the day Julian Assange testifies at the US Capitol.
Maybe someone should keep track of where these properties are and who's buying them. Maybe some of them are followers of Sanctum Maybe even some of them are Luciferians and won't be able to help exosing themselves through symbolism.
The streets will not be safe for them. Where would you go?
golly gee, it looks like those kikes are safe in their bunker, it'd sure be a gosh darn shame if someone were to block that air intake over there
Eli Peterson
Rich people are fucking retarded >society collapses >thinking a bunker will do fuck all >thinking your armed guards won't betray you at the first sign
Carson Watson
Not hiding from a flood... maybe a poor people revolt? Alien invasion? Zombie plague?
Kayden Parker
>thinking you need armed guards when you have 45,000 square feet of hardened underground bunker protected behind blast shields, years worth of food, onsite well, and multiple diesel generators.
Jose Barnes
can't they get their oxygen from scrubbed hydroponics?
Jeremiah Sullivan
The real threat would be from whoever runs the security in your underground bunker. Going back to the dark ages mean dark ages power structures, only the violent leaders who can surround themselves with followers will survive. That and sociopath cockroaches who can hide well.
Ian Carter
golly this tube sure is sucking in a lot of air, it'd be a shame if someone threw a bunch of explosives down it
Alexander Reed
it would be trivial to protect air intakes
Luis Sanchez
You are retarded, in the bunker you can at least live until you die of old age, armed guards will not betray you ever because its their free pass to live the same life. Or atleast LIVE. So thats why i have a bunker 20m underground with everything for life, atleast for 45 years and enough entertainment for 30 generations
Zachary Fisher
the intake can be rather remote and obscured, they're not always a pipe sticking three feet up into the air in the midddle of a manicured lawn.
Supposedly the elites have been studying how to keep their private army loyal in a total collapse scenario. Strangely enough the answer I heard was not to be nice to the employees.
I remember hearing from some guy about how the super wealthy have genuine discussions about how to keep the guards in line when all their money is worth dick. I think shock collars were a popular suggestion.
Benjamin Williams
I'm gonna fart down their air vents and they can't stop me.
I heard it was more of a drug cartel kind of brutality to deserters so the paranoia would keep too many guards from defecting together.
Justin Hall
Just start a fire next to all vents man.
Christian Hughes
>Looters find the air intakes because you didn't want to have guards >Block them >suffocate or get raped and eaten when you try to crawl out of your bunker money well spent
Justin Bennett
Tptb most likely won't be anywhere near civilization anything pops off. They'll be in Antarctica in their bunkers or in Agartha if that place is even real.
these places tend to have massive carbon air filters designed to function in a post-bombing scenario.
Isaac Fisher
>letting anyone know where your bunker is, let alone the air intakes
Xavier Morgan
>air vent gets clogged >send security team out at night through a secret door to unclog it and kill anyone you see of course if you have a private army in a mad max scenario you can probably hold the territory above your underground complex with only a few patrols and some dug in positions.
also air vents can be miles from the complex.
Chase Murphy
Then add a tire.
Dominic Reed
>tfw might get to participate in the daily fart down the air ventilator holes of a million dollar survival complex for elites Feels pretty good man
Jayden Richardson
return to africa dummy
also >not having a years worth of compressed oxygen in one of your storage rooms
Dylan Powell
I'm surprised someone hasn't hacked the companies that builds these and find the client list. That info would be useful for sure.
They would literally have to do things much worse than ISIS or the drug cartels, bring back things like scaphism and the rack. Very few would survive, and those who do would be subject to whatever power formed afterwards, which would most certainly take all the supplies without much regard for crushing the life within. The tribal bands marauding around would have all the ground power of the modern military, all the time and resources in the world for enacting medieval style sieges. People get impressively creative during war.
Eli Powell
imagine a world where "security teams" or ostensible navy seals continue to "take orders" from hillary clinton, from a fall out shelter bunker.
its laughable to think that not only would "elites" be able to escape to these said facilities, but that those who were tasked to upkeep and secure these places, as it would be an astronomical burden, would continue to do so simply because "hillary commanded" them.
I mean you have to be consuming a BUNCH of TV to think that celebrities or politicians would be able to retain authority in a disaster, they caused. I mean they wouldnt even be able to command someone to "DRIVE ME TO THE SHELTER" let alone make a pilot fly them to one, or command the air filtration manager to maintain the systems. If politicians destroy the world, they go with it. end of stroy, bunkers and shit is ludicrous. I mean live in a bunker untill when? the "radiation" spreads?? its silly at the premise alone
>>letting anyone know where your bunker is, let alone the air intakes
The databases of "multi-million dollar underground bunker" locations will become extremely valuable in a crisis. It's not like you can kill everyone who helped build your bunker.
Joshua Lopez
can we stop talking about how to shit down hillary clinton's lungs and start talking about buying a Jow Forums missile silo?
Leo Ward
Most of those databases will be online, and likely nonfunctional in a crisis
Daniel White
Just dig a big hose in your backyard with a large tarp overhead for the rain.
You can get a cement mixer for the floor and cinderblocks with horizontal supports for the walls. All you need is the magic number of 3 feet of dirt and you are good against dangerous levels of radiation. Put food and water down there, wait 2 weeks, rebuild.
Always have a plan is the key to any of this. So why not start now?
They will need plebs in order to get those machines working. I don't really see a richfag repairing and AC unit or even changing a bulb. So they "new" society will burn when the plebs get angry at them
Isaac Perry
Worst case, just start digging. Eventually, you'll have it excavated. Then start piling old tires and logs up, around, and over it. Set it on fire, post guards.
Same mistake the rich fucks are making. Unless you're counting on 99.99% mortality rate of the rest of the population, you want a community, not a bunker. And if you're counting on that, WTF do you need a bunker for? There's a very narrow range of things that you need a bunker for in the absence of people.
Lmao nope. You better hope you hide them well or make sure they're completely inaccessible or both. If they're anywhere on ground reachable by foot traffic they can be sealed. If you're counting on your armed guards, why have a bunker in the first place?
Daniel Gonzalez
The Art Bell call, Georgia Stones, freemasons talking about eugenics - it all adds up.
Move people to major population areas, make then racemix through mass immiration, lower IQ = easier to control and kill off.
Brayden Robinson
It's to avoid dealing with the locusts from the bottomless pit when they are released.
Julian Young
Underground bunker with multiple families would be hell
Evan Reyes
The rich will own terminator robots
Luke Jenkins
I don't even think it's possible to find a silo that hasn't been destroyed or filled in purposefully to make anything remotely close to your pic. I guess with enough money you could clean one up, but at that point you're better off making a fresh excavation.
Jayden Cruz
You forget one thing. Guards may have families to protect. That's the deal, you obey orders and your family should live.
Connor Ramirez
>build massive underground bunker requiring substantial maintenance and technology to keep its systems functioning >lock all the plebs who do the maintenance work outside
M-My gold bars will save me!
Caleb Mitchell
I always assumed that the people building these for the elite are just taking and building these, and then will screw the elite over and shelter smaller communities of user for the new world.
Ethan Wood
never underestimate the eternal cuckoldry of the slave-minded plebs
Brandon Lewis
That's a big tomb. I wonder what gases are denser than the breathable air in that tomb.
Ryder Cooper
Charles Thomas
c-can you guys make exceptions for that list? i just finished my purchase and remodeling is already underway
Revelation tells us how they will hide in caves, and they will not be saved anyway
Benjamin Wood
Fuck man. These places have filters that filter out radiation and anything else that may come down the pipe. Burning a few tires isn’t going to smoke them out.
Daniel Robinson
They don’t use their real names. No where are names mentioned. Deeds and other paperwork is held in front companies. You will never know who lives there.
the people who buy these are idiots being rich doesn't make you smart
Gabriel Nguyen
But some are more untouchable than others.
Joseph Barnes
They'll be safe until their guard has had enough of their shit and slaughters them all, leaving the entire bunker to himself
Gavin Peterson
>be Mark Zuckerberg >plan to rule your guards post collapse by using your incredible charisma, massive physical presence, and knack for inspiring loyalty >get killed in 1 week
Carrots and sticks need enforcement user. How does that work when there's no cops to call?
Levi Hernandez
Filters don't put O2 back in the air. If you think you're gonna run a scrubber plant for very long, you better have a nuclear reactor down there.
Dominic Turner
I think you missed the point.--------O-->
Leo Foster
The most secure ones are probably unknown even to most top level government operatives of their respectful countries. I'm sure every super power has these for their leadership and families and the bankers/jews have their own. The most secure ones can even be on the bottom of the ocean or in Antarctica since no one really has access there and google earth has a shitload of censored spots it's a highly likely scenario. Keep in mind Antarctica might be kept unpopulated in case a nuclear war breaks out and humanity has to restart there.
Angel Young
Juan James
>Are there underground tunnels connecting different Elite underground bunkers for continuance of their society? Well there's the age old conspiracy of a tunnel network connecting all major cities in USA. Although that one usually spirals down to aliens living in the tunnels and that takes care of most suspicions. There's been vids every now and then about people entering those tunnels, but they disappear pretty quick as well.
Chase Young
By simply threatening their families. Lock their wives/kids and you ensure that there won't be any betrayals.
Or just get a nuclear reactor or some doomsday device you can activate of your life is at risk. They won't dare to touch you a single hair.
Charles Robinson
My plan if shit hit the fan was always to find the nearest Mormon, and beat the end of days meetup/compound location out of him, then go there, and take the compound by force. I hear Mormons can be pretty mean though when it comes down to it, so I'll have my work cut out for me.
Cameron Garcia
>remote locations hundreds or thousands of miles from their everyday >hundreds or thousands of miles so they have space bunkers?
Luke Robinson
Living in a hole like a rat is not Jow Forums. Men live like men and they die like men. If these rats want to dig a nest under the earth thats fine with me, but when the dust settles we are going to find every single one of these stupid bunkers and we are going to block the exits and leave the rats to stay where they belong.
Mason Roberts
>having a wife and kids
Colton Perry
The only way would be a dead man's switch that you made it very well known to possess. Something that will nuke the entire facility if you die.
Luis Parker
that's why you but highly radioactive waste around all the vulnerable spots Make them earn it
James Butler
>threaten their families One person isn't going to do that by himself.
>doomsday device When Recreational McNukes (tm) have entered the conversation it's time to realize you aren't making sense.
Jace Harris
If the world goes to shit by their design hunting elite families and cutting off their faces will be everyone's top goal. Bunker or not, they will suffer for their karma.
>not sacrificing self to eradicate elite families and send them to hell prematurely Why live?
Parker Bell
>hundreds OR thousands miles >100's OR 1000's of miles read!!!
Leo Reyes
Mormons aren't pussies dude. Good luck, you're gonna need it.
>poison the ground where you plan to live for years Good plan, user.
Christian Hughes
You're not thinking clearly if you think the rich can't buy a nuke, or a reactor. They can buy anything they want. Look at the shit Elon Musk has control of. I can go on and on. That aside, you could just build in regular explosive devices on key systems of the bunker. No nuke needed.
Evan Mitchell
>Mormons aren't pussies dude. Good luck, you're gonna need it. Oh I know, and I pointed it out in my post ya penis.
Luis Hughes
We know. The wealthy are good at killing themselves. Just give them some coke or heroin. They are going to need it with all of that alone time.
Xavier Brown
who cares about the great happening? i would like to live like that today
Austin Thomas
You do you, user.
Julian Martinez
Just ask the people that built it. The super rich would be killed real quick. Someone useful like Elon musk would probably be fine and command respect, but financial shits and old money would be dead within days.
I bet this is why "royal bloodlines" were a thing, so people wouldn't just kill them and take their stuff.
Angel Adams
>>poison the ground where you plan to live for years >Good plan, user. You go in those to never come out again. That is where you live out your life. The only reason you would need to leave is if someone manages to break in.