Ocasio-Cortez just endorsed this person

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based and redpilled

this needs to be spread far and wide

Silly goose, everybody knows God doesn't go against his chosen people.
It's okay, sweetie. Everybody makes mistakes.

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The left is anti-Israel?

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oy vey

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wtf I love her now

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only the socialist left
the (((corporate left))) is definitely not


You guys do realize how much the left hates Israel, right? This won't do anything to hurt her.

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More like anti tyrannical ethostates, but if the shoe fits

Vehemently so in Europe.
Think of the poor, oppressed Palestinians.

Not surprising. Far left almost always dislikes Israel.

this does not bode well for the democrats. if this information where to get out somehow... the brainwashed goyim are automatically repulsed by anything anti-israel because "muh notsees".
would make it very difficult for her to win the general election...

based. fuck israel and fuck zionazis.

The leftists in power hate Israel while the right-wingers in power love Israel.

>the brainwashed goyim are automatically repulsed by anything anti-israel
Are you stupid?

and does she not see the evil doings of mudslimes?

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Holy shit! I've seen this guy on BBC news many times, he's actually kind of a regular.

In Europe, perhaps
In the USA, definitely not.
Jews own both parties

>Trump isn't the biggest supporter of Jews and Israel

This bitch went from ironically entertaining to just annoying real fast, shes dumb as a post and cant or wont debate anyone that actually knows what they are talking about shes the embodiement of the stupidity of the left. Shes a gift that keeps giving tho so let her keep making stupid decisions as she expose herself and her party for what they truly are

You said the leftists in power hate israel. Im saying you're retarded.

You should go to Jow ForumsLateStageCapitalism and try to post anything remotely anti-semitic

Communism is Jewish, and you think they would hate Jews? Good joke.

Everyone is and should be anti-israel.

INB4 leftist claim Ocasio-Cortez is a Nazi sympathizer

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>The left is anti-Israel?

Yes. It's fun reminding them that the evil capitalist banks are ran by Jews and that Israel frequently murders the innocent Islamic baby killers in Palestine.

This whole "new wave" of Democrats looks an awful lot like the politicians in Europe, letting muslims rape children, and jailing people for wrongthink.

>goes on a shill show
>says something retarded
>host instinctively makes a face but doesn't correct her because the audience is retarded too

Every time

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they hate israel, not jews
they do because they think it's an aparthaid and stuff like that

you just realised?

>the Democrats in power are leftists

only the fringe people
The mainline dems are just as bad as the neocons and together form the uniparty

I hate Jews and Muslims.

Jow Forums seem to support Palestine. Why can't we just hate both? :(

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Lefty anti Israel is mostly a false/diversionary tactic, it's just trickery
If it starts to look effective it's simply neutralised with the anti semitism ploy, look at Corbyn

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not in the US
all of our big politicians are bought out by kikes

They are globalist Jews.

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what did she mean by this?

Some Jews are socialist some zionist

That's an interesting distinction...

How could you love Jews but hate Israel?

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i honestly couldn't care less if they kill each other
All I want is that the western jewish elite stop destroying western countries with mass immigration

>Debbie “washing machine” Schulz
>the left

The left is anti-Israel because it sees Israel as an outpost of white people, and wherever they are white people the left seek to undermine the state, the culture, the traditions, the way of life.

>How could you love Jews but hate Israel?

She's still a fucking cunt. Last thing we need is sand niggers and kikes running the country.


The greatest secret the average shill will tell you, is that George Soros hates the nation of Israel and has worked to subvert it.
At the end of the day, Jews will happily Jew Jews, if the Jewing makes sense to them.

Ben Shapiro NAILS filthy taconigger socialist to a CROSS with a HEBREW HAMMER OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE!

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The Jewish identity is based on wandering, on being a politically and financially influential/dominant minority in various different places instead of just one. Israel might turn the Jews lethargic, fulfilled, self-loathing, like us.

If Jewish identity dies in this century, it will be because of Israel, because of the Jews getting what they thought they wanted for two thousand years, not because of Nazis or Muslims killing them.

Yes because of Palestine but they don't equate it with Jews. It's unfortunate because Israeli Jews are better than the diaspora Jews.

based. truly /our/ girl

Yeah, those god-damn [[[european-style socialists]]]

unironically blowing my mind over here user, I never thought about that before

They’re going to make us choose between anti kike socialism, or pro kike capitalism.

Synagogue of Satan.

I'm sure this will help considering her stellar record of endorsements. At this rate if she endorsed Donald Trump, that might be the only thing to stump him.


>Yes. It's fun reminding them that the evil capitalist banks are ran by Jews and that Israel frequently murders the innocent Islamic baby killers in Palestine.
You act like the left isn't in total agreement with all those things

Labour party old boys have been around long enough to know who runs things, they haven't quite joined the dots on realising that their whole ideology is jewish long con
They also need to maintain the facade of being anti Israel or they lose the muslime vote

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No. It's a PSYOP.

>The Left is evil commies
>If evil commies hate Israel
>Then Israel must be based!



Everybody hates them.

Based belandabro

im pretty sure that's obama in drag

She's running for Keith Ellison's old position, once again Socialists>Corporatists

>shareblue is now weaponizing Jow Forums to eliminate their enemies
What a time to be alive

>The left is anti-Israel?
well, pro-muzz to be precise.

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we should meme a bunch of white nationalist support for her now so the media portrays her as a nazi

also, this. i was convinced it was a troll account with photoshop at first glance

James Thompson (KS04), Matt Morgan (MI01), Rob Davidson (MI02), Rashida Tlaib (MI13), Jamie Schoolcraft (MO07), Pramila Jayapal (WA07), Sarah Smith (WA09) all won their primaries last tuesday.

WTF I'm a Dem Soc now

Minnesota? Wtf happened to that state? Never been there

Let's see how many of them actually get elected to office, shall we?

Shut up, Adam

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OH NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If we do this the jews will coem to our side.

Are democratic socialism and Islam even compatible?

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>Time to PUSH HER IN

the west NEEDS Islam

This. We should push her a bit more

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Rashida Tlaib is running unopposed in the general. Pramila Jayapal is running in a Clinton+70 district so they are both pretty much elected already.

No the fuck we don't.....we can kill ouselves just fine.....islam =cancer

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It's literally "muh poor minority Arabs/Muslims". The Left are not calling out Jewry but are just defending what they see as a underdog in the conflict and the fact they're brown makes them even more sympathetic to Leftists.


How about "let them both rot"?

Cool. Does that mean we can stop giving them money now?

Give them money and lace it with anthrax or something.

The left used to be anti israel then they weren't now only the antiestablishment left is but only when nobody is looking.

Globohomo is not Zionism but they're all "jews".