Why did you call the police? Please tell me this is satire.
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Animals are rare in europe, and europeans never go hunting so most of them are terrified of any kind of animal
Look how fucking scary Siberian Flying Squirrels are and tell me you would piss yourself if it approached you.
>Death From Above.
German man seems like a real pussy compared to Florida man.
womp womp fake news
btw, nice source you got there
>inb4 skinwalker
>inb4 bigfoot
How big was the baby squirrel?
Fake news.
So stupid it HAS to be fake news
>People kick 10 foot alligators to get them off the fucking porch for the 15th time
>People run in terror from babby rodents
GenZ squirrels hate the new tanned germans
Yea, no... It's a real news story. I already knew you faggots were scared of Muslims and liberal women. But baby squirrels??
USA is wayyyyy worse
The friendly NSA honeypot says it's real.
whoa...... so this..... is the power...... of being 100% white......
Did the police shoot it
Where's the one where a grown man called the police on a small infant rodent?
the law probably required him to not hurt the animal. we don´t have any dangerous animals here but we have a lot of animals under protection. you are unironically not allowed to kill a wasp even if it stings you because they are considered an endangered species and you would get a fine for it. doesnt really happen in reality but still it´s the law.
It was a red squirrel
Most have been wiped out invading Gray ones
German man couldnt understand how a native infant was daring to be alive instead of embracing diversity and being replaced
Seems any german men with any testicles died in 1945. What's next in this absurd overreliance on the state? "Help police, I have a leaky faucet. Help me bundesweher, there's a spider in the bathtub"
Watch Brazil
germans are arabs and there are no squirrels in the middle east so he was obviously spooked by this newly discovered critter
the euros who didnt escape to america are gay as fuck
>Siberian Flying Squirrel
It really is always the Russians, isn't it?
Hunting culture is strong here you stupid amerimutt.
>Animals are rare in europe
U-uh, Euros...is this true?
No, they import millions of them from the middle east every year.
More like cuddly hugs from above
Of course not you dumb fuck.
There is literally nothing wrong with Veronica. I love to poop too.
The exist from Japan's Norther Island all the way to Finland, Estonia and Northern Latvia.
They're considered Endangered in the EU.
It would be good if these little Death Machines went extinct.
What do you think, retard?
How would I know? I've never been to your faggy continent.
We have that for praying mantises.
How is this not a good thing? Honeybees I'd understand but wasps are dicks and deserve extinction. I killed a nest on the side of my house last night after it cooled down, good riddance.
That's not worse, that's comedic.
Alligators are fucking slow and stupid.
Squirrels on the other hand are agile and fast and good climbers also rabies.
It has nothing to do with race, Joe
They're tasty, but not much meat. You have to bag 12-20 of them and eat them like buffalo wings.
yes, migrants "hunted" a huge proportion of the animal population before they were registered for gibs and given somewhere to live. some specied even went extinct. wild migrants are like locusts
based muslim squirrel
Meanwhile you live in the capital of degeneracy.
You're on the internet aren't you? No excuse for the level of ignorance you cunts seem so proud of.
Colonising the new world was a mistake.
>aligators are slow
nigga you dumb
Didnt you guys kill off all your wolves a long time ago?
whew. strong
Just by looking at the picture I can easily tell you couldn't eat 20 of those. You probably never ate one.
On this island? Yes. Europe as a whole? No.
>hurr durr durr
Makes sense, any other notable animals missing from your island nation?
wasps are the giganiggers of insects.
Every Finn has a pet Sauna Bear.
Based quints, didn't you guys kill EVERY large animal on your island lol
absolutely wasted
>diffusing the situation
Pretty sure they meant "defusing" the situation.
We have less ‘animals’ in the city than the United States, that is true, but we’re getting that fixed real quick
Compared to America. I lived in Austria and it was rare to see a squirrel unless you were in the mountains. In suburban US areas our yards are filled with wildlife. Squirrels, rabbits, racoons, possum, skunk, deer, coyote
Beavers and Lynx, though attempts are being made to reintroduce them. There are Beavers in a few places and a Lynx trial starting somewhere in Northumberland soon. Don't know how "Brexit" will impact those endeavors though since it's tied up with EU directives.
Pretty much. We have no real wild land left because almost everything has been farmed, forested or otherwise managed for recreational purposes.
I understand why he afraid now
>Sauna bear
Is Christopher Robin Finn?
This is fake, right?
His real name is Chriissttianinen Tuukka Robbinninniinen.
why desu ka?
>omg he made sure someone took care of a weird acting animal instead of letting it die!! fuck him, why isn't he a sociopathic asshole like me?
>is slow
Factually wrong
>is stupid
Your species doesn’t survive nearly unchanged for 65 million years by being stupid, Hans.