If you aren't horrified by this, you should be..
If you aren't horrified by this, you should be
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What, by dems falling from +13 to +4?
The Red Wave is coming.
>plz care what Nate Silver is saying
Because of the high density of dem voters in urban areas dems need to have a 5 point advantage in the average to garuntee taking the house. 3-5 and its 50/50. Anything less than that and its in the bag.
If you aren't horrified by this, you should be..
Also as the election gets closer conservatives who hate republicans for being the biggest pieces of shit on the planet will start to rationalize sucking it up and voting for these retards to keep dems from power.
They're actually anchoring recent polls with older ones which have better dem results. Republicans got a tie recently which is the better they've done all year. Considering the dems had +13 back in Christman, this is a fucking disaster for them.
Their breakthrough point is closer to 7 or 8 points.
>Hillary has a 99% chance to win
How old does a boomer need to be to remember when the Republicans had a generic ballot advantage? Have they ever had an edge on the generic ballot?
Reading the updated graphics, using the previous logic, it should be Trump winning with 98% of votes? Impressive.
Republicans polled well in 2010.
>generic congressional vote
what you dumb fucks dont realize is that all of us republicans voted for the worst dem in the primary to boondoggle them. fuck you dems!
do right wing retards still think this is a poll?
pol is too lazy to give a shit or even work towards victory. lazy motherfuckers you deserve the leftist wave
>0.981 + 0.016 = 0.997 < 1
Any poll that gave Jill Stein and Gary Johnson a combined 0.3% odds of winning the 2016 election must have been deeply flawed.
where else did they get the results, dipshit?
thought them up? they calculated that based on polls, which showed shillary winning
The mainstream political system doesn't matter.
We're going to fuck your blue wave right in its body positive queer disabled tranny ass
>Hurr it's in the bag they can't win
Yes they fucking can.
Always assume your vote will be THE vote. Don't you dare get comfortable. Don't you dare give them an inch. Get the fuck out to the voting booths and declare your intent to keep power away from the child fucking degenerates.