Denmark is another Sweden The only difference is the dane saying one thing at home and something else on Jow Forums
Besides many danes happen to have swedish roots ( Sweden is not that far from Denmark specially Copenhaguen) Also danes like their swedish siblings don't mind about getting cucked by the sub-saharan cock Watch danish TV and/or swedish TV and you'll find those scandis worshipping niggers from Jewllywwod TV shows and movies Denmark and Sweden are not that different after all
Why is my country in that pile, you larping retard? Are you just mad because we're not hated and looked down upon by the rest of the world??
Andrew Cox
>Why is my country in that pile huh LEAF? Because it belongs there. Leafland as a whole is just a meme and not really anything wroth remembering or caring about. In 500 years time your pathetic artificial fake nation wont even be around.
Can I swap passprts with you? I don't want to stay here. I'll give you my car too for free if we can arrange this (Csvalier, 2002)
Jonathan Reed
>I'll give you my car too for free if we can arrange this (Csvalier, 2002) put three pounds of moose flesh on the counter and you have a deal
Hudson Gray
Neither will yours. Go spread the viking seed far and wide and guarantee your bloodline lives on
Robert Roberts
>fake nation Talking about nation Everyday danish women ( among which many happen to have swedish ancestry) are making babies with sub-saharan people Sooner or later Denmark will be 100% full of mulattoes with many of them looking like nafris/mid-easterns
>Neither will yours ofc it will. We have been around for almost 2000 years and there is no end in sight. Danmark have been formed naturally and our borders are not some fake once just drawn on a mad but results of over a thousand years of strife and conflict. >Go spread the viking seed far and wide and guarantee your bloodline lives on why the fuck would I care about that? I only care about Danes and I honestly dont give a shit about some half Dane mutts somewhere else. Besides Danmark is the worlds biggest seller of sperm which you new worlders gob up like its fucking candy. So goal achieved or some shit.
I dont want to send stuff to globalists like google.... >We can't post any sensitive info on here oh sure just let me know when you want to deal on [email protected]
Grayson Long
Most of danes (specially women) in Canada are mixing Melting pot all the way...
Yo will like it here in Canada, many opportunities! You can live here, and I'll live over in Denmark
Camden Anderson
>Most of danes >in Canada
Austin Taylor
Yes you can get a virgin Aryan woman and start a family here, there are many of them if you go to Montreal or Torםחto
William Cooper
>Aryan but Aryans are G*rmans... I fucking cant stand Tyskersvin. My grandmother used to tell me how you could not trust them and how they are nothing like us. More animal than man.
I am a Dane and I will never touch a nonwhite. So fuck off you shareblue nigger
Brayden Thompson
Don't worry about all that! Once I give you my passport and you give me yours and you move here and I move as far away from here as possible, you will be able to make fine distinctions and choose only the most ethnically close Europeans to be neighbors with! Canada is very European, many types of Europeans here, Toronto is a European city! All Germans and Danes here, you can live in the Danish half and only see other Danes outside!
Lots of virgin Dane waifus that you can start a family with over here in Toronto
Christian Perez
>Lots of virgin Dane waifus that you can start a family with over here in Toronto ok you won me other >Toronto wait a minute...
Jose Cox
Hey how bad is it there? Shitskin and mosque wise. Are most people openly/secretly against immigration?
Jace Garcia
Don't believe the 42kg-of-carfentanyl-having-isis-islamist stuff about my city! That's fake news
Benjamin Smith
Yeeeaaaaa Canada is super white, no minority crime here and whites aren't about to be a minority in the country in 2 days, nope
Brandon Wood
mosques on every street corner and sharia patrols roam the streets at night. Burka clad ninjas steal naughty Danish children and circumcise them. Its an islamic paradise bring the whole family (because they always do)
Angel Sullivan
Shut up fag I'm trying to con that danush piece of shit out of his passport, he can see what you're saying and you'll spook him you dumbass, go crawl back into your Somali carfent mosque's Mcdonald's
Colton Jackson
It must be so burdensome for you brother, you need to move here! Come home white man!
Bentley Thompson
Fucking pathetic.
Kevin Bennett
No seriously tell me because my family is there and I am planning to go back and reconnect with them. I will die for the sovereignty of Denmark No u
It is semi bad. We dont got that many mosques (atleast what I see) but We got a lot of shitskins roaming the night time in big cities, also they control the drugs here. Next year 20% who is born will be mudslimes. Think about that.
And I think people are waking up. Many woll not speak about it, but secretly they hate sandniggers
>No seriously tell me because my family is there then ask them and more importantly if that was true you would already know. >I will die for the sovereignty of Denmark too late friendo as Denmark is not a sovereign nation and has not been for nearly 30 years now.
James Harris
>Next year 20% who is born will be mudslimes not entirely true as its 20% who will be born to a foreign born mother. So its counting Germans, Swedes, bongs and middle eastern scum as well. However the highest birth number besides ethnic Danish is Syrian and Turkish so its not far from the truth.
Hudson Nguyen
Mason Johnson
Daniel Rodriguez
I haven't been to Denmark in over 10 years and I am just reconnecting with my relatives now and I haven't asked if they hate niggers and shitskins because they do not know my power level and I don't know theirs and I don't want them to hate me. I know they dislike it but I don't know to what degree and they haven't said how bad it is just that it is a nuisance. I haven't talked to them in many years, the crisis has made me want to go back and I am just reconnecting with them now and I am feeling out if it's safe to say how I feel. >30 years Don't cave, this can still be won.
Nolan Powell
Why does that mutt child look so fucking smug?
Jackson Foster
OP is shithead fag, but it gave me an opportunity to ask a couple questions. I'll stop bumping it in a moment
Logan Powell
>muh 30 years
The EU has ZERO chance of staying together; Denmark will be alright and it's always been more stable and better off than the rest of Europe pretty much since the Reformation.
Tyler Green
i love you
Cameron Stewart
>Are you just mad because we're not hated and looked down upon by the rest of the world?? yes you are lmao
Jacob Lewis
>Don't cave, this can still be won. hahahaha nej 17% of ALL new borns are brown shit skins right now. Immigration is rampant and none Danes make up 20% of the entire population now. When the old 70+ Danes die that 20% will join to closer to 35%. Denmark is only Danish in name now as the entire country is just a multikulti copy of the new world. You might as well go to the states as there is nothing for you here.
If you love to Jutland and find a small city you wont see many sandniggers. Where do your relatives live? Btw, we dont have that many niggers here. And desu, the niggers seems so much cooler than the sandniggers.
Cameron Miller
read what I wrote you cunt. In 2016 it was 48.000 Danish births, 4.000 western births and an insane level of 9.300 shitskin invader spawns. This shit is done. I can barely recognize parts of the country I grew up in. Not only are there shitskins subhuman EVERYWHERE they also have this foul stench.
Jordan Ramirez
>leaf >not hated and looked down upon by the rest of the world
>Eat shit and die Dane dont worry Danes will be gone soon mutt. The mongrels will inherit the earth
Josiah Baker
>And desu, the niggers seems so much cooler than the sandniggers. hæng dig selv >we dont have that many niggers here nah just a step increase from 0 to 2% in less than 20 years. Its all great!
Adrian Wood
STAY STRONG! I am coming to Denmark soon. I hate that my dumbass grandparents left, I belong with the Danes, fuck Canada (sorry leafbro) and I love you too haha The EU will fall, I know, but my concern is all the shitskins and niggers thinking Denmark is their home now. They need to be removed. I would rather lose trying to save Denmark than hide in the states like a coward. kys
Daniel Green
I am leaving this bait thread now. Thanks to those who answered my questions
Anthony Evans
>t. some village retard, who is too stupid to survive in a big city
Go fuck a pig, Rasmus. I'm sure your some retarded autist cleaning up pig shit in some redneck village.
Austin Edwards
Ah well fuck you, i see it now
Also, yes they smell toxic. I have been to vollsmose a couple of times, and it stinks of mudslime as soon as you step outside the car, not even kidding faggot..
Where is my old Denmark :'-(
Isaac Carter
And what ethnicy they are?
Oliver Adams
Oh I just saw this, I have a lot of relatives in copenhagen and some other cities but I don't recall the names
Hunter Cruz
Faggot I live in sandnigger heaven, Odense.
Go die in a fire krattemut
Gavin Butler
Lol not saying the niggers wont be like animals when they get together as a group, because they do. But i've met some niggers who were al-right people.
But only al-right
Carter Cox
Ive lived in both environments and country living is much healthier and leads to happier more active lives.
City people are constantly aggressive from being caged like rats and having too little privacy/personal space as well as no connection to nature or natural beauty. This pent up frustration tunnels inward into their psyche until they become the only thing that can be; pretentious narcissists who like to pretend they are better than everyone else.
Pretty much exactly what your post displayed. Its believable that you have spent too many years as a caged rat. Youd actually probably get some genuine therapy out of country living but your master has convinced you to stay in the cage and run on the wheel of taxes.
Xavier Jackson
>I would rather lose trying to save Denmark well congratulation you already lost. Get it through your thick skull that Denmark isnt a thing anymore. Unless somehow we can get away with deporting over 500.000 people it wont matter. The fastest growing demographic in Denmark are browns and muslims. The fastest growing religion is Islam They even have a growing powerbase in our systems and a muslim mayor or state minister is no longer unthinkable but only a question of time. Meanwhile NOTHING absolute NOTHING is done to prevent Danmark from just vanishing.
>it stinks of mudslime as soon as you step outside the car my brother did not believe me until we were at Noerrebro station and he just looked at me and asked "whats that smell?"
>Where is my old Denmark :'-( in the history books. Danmark died in the 1980s and we are just living out the nightmare to its end. Its going to be one shitty ride Jens.
Cameron Sanchez
Alright. Copenhagen is shit tho :-(
Brody Torres
Delete this post Dane and insult me further for my demographic struggles, like a proper user should.
Jose Jenkins
>I have a lot of relatives in copenhagen sure they are not foreigners themselves as Koebenhavn is close to 40% foreign born and their descendants. Think of London just on a smaller scale and not as far in the decomposing death spiral.
they are a stain and there is that. You start to allow the okay and fine negroes in you will soon have a infestation and filthy nigger culture. Just go to the Somalian quarter of Copenshit and see what I mean. Khat chewing useless trash that htey are.
Nathaniel Gray
why? There is still going to be "white" holdouts in the new world when Denmark is nothing but a funny fairy tale in the more old fashion history books.
Ethan Bailey
Atleast if there will be a civil war vs them, we will be a to smell them at a distance. Better note that tactic down.
>died in the 1980's Guess your right. Denmark has been too helpful.
Samuel Young
40% foreigners there already? Fucking hell, I thought you guys had tighter reigns on the floodgates than that. Still doesn't change my mind though and I know ELXKjQZe thinks I am a retard but I would rather lose trying to do what I think is right. >my brother did not believe me until we were at Noerrebro station and he just looked at me and asked "whats that smell?" ENRICHED
Bentley Peterson
dont blame yourself from what is happening as you were just born into it. The poison was already in the bloodstream when you and me got here. and now we are asked to fix the shit and somehow be o.k with the decisions made earlier.
>Atleast if there will be a civil war vs them >if there wont. We will go down like a wet fart and you know it. We lost our spark a long time ago and it will take too long awaken us as by that time it will already be a joke. Look at South Africa if you want an idea of were we are going (just with even more violence and some insane desert death cult on the top)
The only thing left to do is this: Don't leave them a paradise. Spend your resources on things they tell you not do spend them on, and spend more of them. Leave a high carbon foot print. Vote for politicians they hate, making their transition take longer. So you can work on not leaving them a paradise. Do not leave them a paradise. Scorched earth.
Charles Rogers
Nah I wont let any niggers or sandniggers inside if it were up to me, multiculturalism doesnt work
Noah Jones
>we dont have that many niggers here It's because they've mixed already Many shitskins are in fact mulatoes Sub-saharan people in Denmark never reproduce with their own it's like they always mix with danes immediately
Your country is still basically an ethnostate. Just use the shittiness of the situation in my country as an example of why you need to end this. You don't have as many yids in power positions, like Sweden. And even in Sweden there is hope.
The goal isn't making our countries comfy again or anything, that shit made us all weak in the first place. Weak and compliant. The goal is to restore sovereignty, end the madness. I would much rather have your problems than ours user. Don't give in.
Christopher Jones
>40% foreigners there already? well that is the conservative "estimate" as our government have absolutely no clue and clear idea as they lost control a long long time ago. >I thought you guys had tighter reigns on the floodgates than that. we do now but the thing is its a bit too late. Its like it does not matter what you do when you already jumped off a bridge. 550.000 Muslims dwell in Danmark. That is as mainly as there live in our capital. Ethnic Danes number 5.200.000 and that number have been dropping each year. There is no way to assimilate such a MASSIVE number of very alien foreigners so for now on and for the rest of this country's bleak history Danmark will have a strong "Islamic" presence and culture. Fuck me. >I would rather lose trying to do what I think is right that is all fine and well but just a tad bit too late. You are literally saying you will save some guy after he has been declared dead for 3 decades. Its a sweet thought but meaningless.
Christian Richardson
lol rabbibts lol
Robert Powell
>Don't leave them a paradise. we wont. They can barely function in the systems we have created already. See its more than just skin deep. Nords do well in societies like ours but the more hotblooded low IQ monstrosities of the cursed deserts do not. >Spend your resources on things they tell you not do spend them on, and spend more of them Already do. >Vote for politicians they hate Politically my mission is not to save Danmark as that ship has sailed but to make their lives as shitty as possible >Scorched earth. amen Nordmand
Juan Richardson
Yes we were born into it, and frankly you are right. Nothing will happen, we have really lost. Its as if every dane has said "fuck it" and spread their ass cheeks so they can get penetrated by Mufassa and Ali.
>Politically my mission is not to save Danmark as that ship has sailed but to make their lives as shitty as possible not to save Denmark, or the West - but to put as many cogs in their wheels as you can, so you can ruin as much as you can (within what is legal).
Jackson Campbell
>multiculturalism doesnt work ofc not its in the name. but multi racialism does not work either. We wear our uniforms on our faces and such starch differences can only lead to conflict and strife if one knows anything about mammal behaviour. You can have your juicy spicy 0.2% blacks and 0.5% browns and everything will be find and dandy. But reach critical mass like we have now and nothing can stop the friction and conflicts. Them and us is a biological phenomenon that cannot be stopped by any retard with some idiotic political ideal or theory. You cant stop people from being horny and you can stop tribalism. Its foolish to think otherwise.
Liam Perry
We're there because we got raked lmao
Jason Ward
>the niggers seems so much cooler than the sandniggers Yet another dane brainwashed by Jewllywood movies & tv shows Niggers are like sandniggers they're as bad as each other
>well that is the conservative "estimate" Okay, but it's probably at least around that amount then >for the rest of this country's bleak history Danmark will have a strong "Islamic" presence and culture IF it is allowed to remain. I am sure you have seen the strong resurgence of nationalism, right? I don't think it's impossible to imagine those sentiments growing in Denmark. And don't you have groups such as the Nordic Resistance Movement or ones like it that want an ethnostate? If it garnered enough support perhaps eventually there could be a "pay to leave" program. It's easy to tell who doesn't belong there by looking at them. >Its a sweet thought but meaningless I would say beaten and in a coma but not dead. There is still chance for life again in Denmark
Adam Smith
>Your country is still basically an ethnostate hvad? A close to 70% homogeneous ethnostate is one very pathetic one. Stop spewing lies. >Just use the shittiness of the situation in my country as an example of why you need to end this oh I do. Problem is we already jumped of the cliff with you. Difference is you jumped 5 mins ago and now rushing through the air we can see your battered corpse smashed on the rocks below. Its way to late. >And even in Sweden there is hope. hahahahaha >The goal isn't making our countries comfy again or anything ofc not that is impossible. >The goal is to restore sovereignty yeah not going to happen when even in our full number we count less than the people of a single of your coastal cities. 2x as many people live in London than there are Danes in total on this gay earth. >I would much rather have your problems than ours user. you really wouldnt you just dont know anything about our situation. See Danmark is very small so you can even self segregate as you Americans do. There is no escape here.
Levi Gonzalez
>filthy nigger culture Thanks to the US of A Danish Television full of " whitewashed" niggers tv shows and movies from Jewllywood
>Okay, but it's probably at least around that amount then yes and its a steadily growing number. The same can also be said of ethnic Danish but with the trend in reverse. >IF it is allowed to remain. if and if. >I am sure you have seen the strong resurgence of nationalism, right? fake news to tell you the truth. There has been a "resurgence" of civic nationalism focused on integrating and assimilating the masses. >And don't you have groups such as the Nordic Resistance Movement yes I am sure those brave lads of NRM are going to become a big thing counting their giant following of maybe 100 neets in Danmark. >eventually there could be a "pay to leave" program ahahaha really? We already have that. We have run a PAY to fuck off program for over 12 years now. >There is still chance for life again in Denmark I feel you only say that because you have no real idea.
Kayden Clark
>The goal is to restore sovereignty To restore danish culture and stop this flood of jewllywood made nigger tv shows and nigger movies will be a good start
>I feel you only say that because you have no real idea. I am coming there within the next year, I will see for myself soon. Do you have any recommendations of places to scope out to see how bad it is?
Jacob Perez
had that cancer since the late 1950s.
Jason Carter
The future is black because they are the scum race that consume everything the mainstream throws at them.