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pro tip: you can't
Map Thread
We don't want entire fucking Albania, just Kosovo
compensation for lost teritories to Bulgaria
Good map, you didn't give us Skånelandene though.
They already get DVA MORETA they don't need our shit
>giving land to Serbia and Greece
>Czeh-Slovakia, West-Hungary
>Italy not chopped up to represent pre-roman era
>Germany not chopped up to represent the different germanic peoples
>Russia having land beyond Ural
>Russia having Belarus and Ukraine
So much wrong with this map
Seething Magyar
>Germany not chopped up to represent the different germanic peoples
like this ?
nice try, monkeydonian
we're gonna make sure you stay a separate country
Russia is too fucking big on this one
They have everything
more natural borders
This is how it should and needs to be.
Germany needs to be a confederation again.
You don't know how to live in peace with others. Thats why I would not give you anything beyond your presentda borders.
It is already a deeply decentralized state
but a bit more can't be bad
I mean this map isn't balanced at all. At least Ukraine and Belarus should be highlighted differently
>giving land to Serbia and Greece
removing zergs and Megali idea
>Czeh-Slovakia, West-Hungary
Czechoslovak corridor, connecting south slavs to the rest
>Italy not chopped up to represent pre-roman era
makes no sense
>Germany not chopped up to represent the different germanic peoples
german=germans, austrians, german speaking swiss people
germanic=germans danes swedes norweigans dutch and english people
>Russia having land beyond Ural
agree actually
>Russia having Belarus and Ukraine
they are basically the same thing
really retarded of you
I agree, but instead of France there should be Grote Nederland.
I like it :3
>no u
10IQ response mate
whatever mate, that is what brainwashing does to people, just remember the old times
iam a fan desu