Athiest ama
Lick lick lick my balls
When are you coming out to your parents, you aids-monkey.
>When are you coming out to your parents, you aids-monkey.
Theists, everyone.
As gay or athiest? They know I'm athiest and a little butt stuff never hurt nobody.
I'm just trying to bump down the Nazi stuff
Why are you doing your edgy-politics phase and your edgy-atheist phase at the same time. You're supposed to do them consecutively.
Do you fear death?
I'll take this bait. Dear atheist, assuming you've read about Christianity and have formed a well-documented, logical opinion, can you think of any other doctrine, aside from the Holy Trinity which can give a reasonable answer to the coincidentia oppositorum?
It's pretty mainstream.
Well said
In the sense that I don't want to die and I do feel fear for it and take actions to avoid it.
Nah fuck off.
Yeah no shit you and everyone else, what I mean is do you fear you feel your immortal soul
OP is a non answering faggot but then again he's an atheist so..
1) you don't need to be particularly well read to be an atheist you just need to not believe a god exists. I don't so I am.
2) after reading the Wikipedia article for it I assume it's one of the many high level explanations people use to try to prove that God is necessary because they cannot provide evidence for existence. The wiki mention buddism taoism and some German mystisism that discust it but honestly I'm not informed enough to bring an opinion.
Getting your world view from wiki
>Atheist commie
I fear for dying because I like existing. I don't believe I have a soul if you say I have one you would have to demonstrate that because I see no proof of it's existence. I currently exist I feel like I like existing, I fear for things I to kill and I feel I don't want to. That said I feel asthough I am emotionally prepared enough to embrace dying if was to be my condition.
I've answered every question so far.
Why can't you spell atheist correctly if you are one?
Who hates Christians more, the Jew, or the Jews Atheist puppet?
Hard to say, hard to say.
Your IQ is terribly low desu senpai
>>World view from wiki
I never heard the term bro if u want me to answer the question you gave I'd need to know the term. Your asking if any other religion explains why we preseve existence with the necessary ends of gradiants and I just personally feel it's self evidence that everything we know that exists is demonstrated by the thing that exists and the thing that doesn't exist. You don't need to develop high level philosophy believe things exist. If you want to do that have fun but I build pipelines and live in a world where I'm forced to believe things exist.
Because I know it bothers you. You don't need to spell good to not believe in something.
Is that Sam Harris? Um if I had to pick I think Jew athiest puppet just thinks their dumb but if that is Sam Harris he definitely has used stronger language.
Won't argue there.
>spell good
This is middle school grammar. You're stupid OP, but it's great you think you know everything about life.
Thanks for your answer. I converted to Christianity on existential basis.
Philosophically speaking, Truth is not a concept or an object. Truth is a person: Jesus Christ. All of the european philosophy is nothing more than a part of Truth. Lock and Hume tell us that empirism and the senses are fundamentals in knowledge, Descartes and Kant tell us that reason is the way, Schopenhauer and Nietzche tell us that will is fundamental. But all of them are wrong as they give us parts of the whole. Christ tells us that truth is a person. The Truth shall set you free.
Historically speaking, the Orthodox Church it's the only Christianity that still holds onto the original doctrines of the same people who constructed the Holy Scriptures themselves.
Metaphysically speaking, their conception of the Trinity (which exists nowhere outside of the Orthodox Church) resolves the coincidentia oppositorum like nothing else I have come across in my studies of religions.
Practically speaking, the Church offers a very sound and sober approach to life that helps you deal with things in ways nothing else can.
I don't see what's so coincidental about opposites. They pop out of mathematics all the time, so it's hard to imagine what the world would look like "without opposites", or if that even makes any sense.
Why do you even feel the need to make a thread like this? I go to church just because it's a social insutution, it also contains age old sage advice and I find it interesting to study the bible
Why not discuss something productive instead of being so proud you don't believe in God ? There are tons of people who don't care for church why bother bragging?
To the first two paragraphs I'm gonna be honest I don't care like at all.
To the practical the first point is, just because you develop a sound method of living life does not mean your supernatural claims are justified they need to be seoratly proved. However I don't necessarily feel like churches do give a moral foundation or even a good foundation to base your life on.i don't think it's wise to give your money to the church assuming they'll use it to do good because often that money gets hidden and missused. I don't think it's wise to follow the teachings of Jesus, take no though for tomorrow is a terrible bit of advise, and slaves obey their masters is evil as hell the only thing to tell slaves is to do everything you can to escape and try to hurt them on your way out. I think living your life to try to get into some afterlife is silly and you end up missing this life and thinking that you are forgiven by Jesus or good or some other atonment situation let's people treat each other unfairly when really when you harm some one it's your duty to right that wrong. This isn't even mentioning the actual crimes churches comit like the kid fucking and the African missions that spread aids. There's alot to hate.
Yeah I think it's self evident aswell.
Its not bragging it's maybe that if I talk to people about it they can escape the mental traps. And u going to church means ur activly contributing to corrupt orgonisations that indoctrinate children with lies and spread nonsense.
Steven Pinker publish an article that compiled the various studies of social and economic variables from allover the world and showed that we are currently in the best of all times and the least religious of all times. So I'm just trying to help.