"Lowlife. She's a lowlife"
I thought Trump has a good judgment. What the fuck happened?
"Lowlife. She's a lowlife"
I thought Trump has a good judgment. What the fuck happened?
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I guess there was an influence campaign on Omarossa.
he has been trying hard to include blacks and women and minorities because he has to feel good about pushing back against the mainstream media bullshit. its stupid. so he tries to prioritize women and blacks to make him look good even when theyre just going to try and make him look bad in the end. sad realli
anyone with half a brain hates niggers
it's the obvious conclusion ever from the facts
trump thinks it scores him points
"my african americans!"
>what the fuck happened?
Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Trump, when you really think about it.
The best people
She got paid money to trash on Trump and call him a racist. Trump's black support has been going up and up. So they need some nigger who knew him to say he was a big mean racist.
Imagine all those hard working real people who support Trump vs his weak celebrity endorsement game.
>I thought Trump has a good judgment. What the fuck happened?
He doesn't have good judgment. He has some good ideas and isn't afraid to speak his mind, but he's prone to giving in to suck-ups.
Which is fucking stupid because it's not gonna deter his rising black support. Omarosa can call him a racist and accuse him of saying nigger all she wants but nobody gives a fuck because she's not the one holding the keys to the gym. She already was hated as a villain throughout her time on reality TV, and yet they REALLY expect this bitch to stifle him just even a teeny bit with her bad reputation? It'd be like Red Skull accusing Captain America of being a communist with no proof. It just doesn't work.
she's an unironic nigger, so many of us would have loved her spot and would have done a good job but she just shits on potus instead
t. nigger
who called who a lowlife? gonna need a
Niggers just prove again and again, they will always be niggers, and they fail to see why.
Trump's appointments and associates are by and large white/(((white))) males, the fake news media has tried to make a big deal about how it's the whitest administration or whitest federal judge nominee cohort in decades and it hasn't taken any root because Trump won't acknowledge to them that token representation is a legitimate concern to waste time or energy addressing.
that being said, Trump and his camp still fall into the boomercon mindset of pushing any minority who seems vaguely sympathetic to their agenda into center stage and inevitably a large proportion of them wind up being greedy self promoters or snake in the grass saboteurs.
It wouldn't be feasible or wise to reject minorities outright, I'm sure there are plenty MAGA minded beaners or nogs who might be good ambassadors between communities, but to just assume some BASED poc who memorized some slogans you like is more of an asset than a liability is a big mistake. There needs to be more scrutiny and discretion behind incorporating these very potentially subversive elements into your side.
obviously she's an idiot who just will say anything to try and be relevant in the slightest
why would a reality TV show loser know anything about literally anything
how did omarosa even get to her current position? it seems like she was wildly unqualified for every single position shes held in her entire adult life but somehow she kept getting high profile jobs
She is just selling her book and trump is helping her. These two con artists have done this before, how do people not see this by now?
She supported him during the campaign and he kindly offered her a job in the administration. She's a piece of shit with no credibility, and Trump has no obligation to deal with her anymore.
am i supposed to know who this monkey is?