What one thing can a single person do in order to kickstart this? If America goes into war, obviously Republicans would win, and the world would follow suit. So, what can you do to help the world?
American Civil War
Provoke leftist as much as you can.
Drive them to the brink and watch them snap.
but they just reeeee like snowflakes or soibois
How does (((Jared Diamind))) explain away the fact that Native Americans had countless animals to domesticate, some of the most fertile soil in the world, and still hadn't invented advanced civilization? After hundreds of thousands of years.
In fact, they had only invented basic agriculture. They didn't even have steel weapons.
WHAT is the explanation of that?
Do that thing where the electricity stops like in that show revolution. Can’t be that hard.
We're too fucking comfy for war, and by the time our comfort ends, we'll be too scared and unarmed. The game is already over. Now queue the Bubbas who tell me for the 30th year in a row, "any day now...!"
The explanation is that you have not read '1491' or 'Indian Givers'. Ignorance, basically.
Where's the proof for this shit? Don't just tell me to "read a book" like a self-satisfied smug leftist faggot. I read a lot of books. The problem is that YOU never read books that disagree with your dogmatic idealogy.
His explanation for africa is equally silly. Zebra are harder to tame than horses because horses were captured and bred for domestication over millennia.
Assassinate a right wing or left wing politician.
Make it public and use an AR15. If false flagging make sure to have an exit strategy and/or completely scrub your social media pages.
I'm aware. I skimmed through that god-awful jewish propaganda/nigger apologia just enough to form a cursory understanding of the arguments used.
Even in a highly liberal discipline like anthropology, there is great contention among scholars about Diamond's conclusions. I'm sure the other two book recommendations I just got are similar.
Just look at the cover. I know judging a book by its cover is considered "declasse" for faggy shitlibs, but just look at it. Where were the contemporary historical accounts for such advanced civilizations? Where is the archeological evidence? I'm assuming there's tons in the book, but why didn't anyone ever mention it before?
Sounds like ad-hoc bullshit invented to cover up the low IQ of indigenous (INDIan) people.
Assassinating Donald Trump would probably spark a powder keg
They were too spread out to have enough people for a city. What they had were essentially small 'villages' with a communal farm. But yeah no metallurgy is kinda stupid with all the ore in the US, But the Mayans and Aztecs did mine and make bronze and iron weapons.
I have no idea about this book's content, but if I follow you about this book's cover, I think you're exaggerating a bit. There were multiple south american civilizations, mathematics, and relatively advanced architecture and agriculture. North america? Not so much, the only thing that comes close would be the Mississippian population, and that civ was destroyed before western contact so it's kind of up in the air how advanced they were compared to the inans or aztec. But it's safe to assume that they didn't have metal or written language, so probably a lot less advanced. In general, north american natives were essentially neo-lithic, other than perhaps the pueblo and the north eastern tribes.
>What one thing can a single person do in order to kickstart this?
Well, I mean you could go shoot up a democratic convention. But the idea a single person could kickstart a civil war is kind of naive.
> If America goes into war, obviously Republicans would win, and the world would follow suit.
Not obvious. I don't mean to be black pilled, but we can't speak of victory when we don't even have an army, generals, or leaders. Right now, we are losing.
>So, what can you do to help the world?
The world has done nothing for me, why should I help the world?
I also do not think Republicans are going to lead the next civil war. Republicans so far have proven to be really retarded. And I hope to God that we don't end the civil war with another shitty democracy/republic.
There were millions and millions of people living on these two continents. That a few of them managed to build some stone structures to sacrifice people to volcano gods isn't surprising.
The fact that the other 90% of savages didn't do jack diddly squat is what's anomalous. They have to be retarded, or there's no other explanation.
Most of these people simply didn't live in large, structured communities. They didn't. No historical source corroborates that fantasy. And Columbus was very fair with the natives he encountered on Hispaniola, going so far as to say they'd make good subjects of the crown.
What generals and leaders to the dems have? Tyrone and Ahmed?
Neither of us have generals right now. Neither side is prepared to fight right now. But that still doesn't change the fact we NEED to get our shit together and get GOOD leadership for the right. I know I criticized the idea of a single person kicking off a civil war, but the thing to do right now is to organize.
However even if we organize and find leaders, that doesn't change that we are losing.
They have pretty rich people on their side. We don't.
They have pretty powerful organizations on their side. We don't.
They have immigration on their side. We don't.
We have guns. Corporations won't risk international profits due to war, and a lot of rich people are Republicans. Celebrities aren't the only rich people.
We should rally. Nogs and spics won't fight, they can barely keep themselves alive, I've never met a capable liberal.
Guns are the least of the concern. If leftists are going to war with us, guns are literally no concern for the US.
Also, no, believe me, there are rich leftist CEOs who would be interested in fighting against our right insurrection. They already do it now, what's stopping them from fighting our side in a civil war through funding?
I'll grant you that there are some rich republicans that MAY help out, however, tons of them would cuck out to whoever would maintain the US.
Any relation to Dustin
In America if they attack you you can legally shoot them
100% agree with that pic. Why should the government provide a single penny for the elderly?