What do we do about the beta whiteoid subhuman problem? (90% of pol)

What do we do about the beta whiteoid subhuman problem? (90% of pol)

Every whiteoid I see in public wears glasses, skinny fat, hipster, has a 0/10 gook gf like pic related

I was on a plane last night and went through some turbulence. A typical soiyboy whiteoid was next to me and started having a panic attack. He held the seat in front of him and reached for the through up bag. I took his arm rest from him and he sat submissively with a hunch back the entire time fidgeting around like a beta. This is the average white male 2018

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pics or it didn't happen

asian girls are superior to white girls. you'll need to fix white girls if you want white men to stop dating asians.

>tfw even the betas of my race are chads compared to most whiteys

>started having a panic attack
You are lucky. Last time on a 12h trip my beta neighbor was panicking and farting non stop. I can smell it was not only farts but liquid shit too. The beta smell of fear.

>y-you fix white women, I'm too beta to handle them and put them in place, so I'll settle for a subhuman FOB gook

It is men who put their women in place, and every other race on earth knows this. This is why whiteoids are finished.

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Reminder that women should be stripped of all rights, be property of their husbands or fathers, and be banned from schools and working.

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>im better than a nerd and i feel the need to brag about it to an online forum consisting of anime loving autists

teach me senpai

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>Every whiteoid I see in public wears glasses, skinny fat, hipster, has a 0/10 gook gf like pic related

most of us don't live in america my dude

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>I'm a proud beta

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You need to fix yourself if all you can pull are gook chicks who only ruv yew Rong tiem and sucky-sucky until they qualify for permanent residency

Are you ok there friend?

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t. triggered cunt

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You're right, we haven't evolved on the beta scale yet to become swedecuck trap tier

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Kek, good one Nigel

>He thinks Asian girls are like White girls

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>scanning you for profits
Though some are dummies and go after retarded whites. A Russian NEET with really really broken English got a Japanese cutie, and he can't speak Japanese either. A total failure. With a cute looking wife, like well above what well off Californians have.

They're worse than white girls:

>More materialistic
>More petty
>Image/status crazed

Azn women are basically white roasties with slitty eyes and black hair.

>T. Have a Filipino buddy all his sisters and cousins are turbo sluts who hide under that "honnahbro Asian dawtah" meme

Gook women are every more money-mongering and hypergamous than white women (only racial group that prefers to have paertners of opposite sex and race). Chinese are literally the most greedy nation in the world. Hey dont even have hips to bear your children they look like 14 yo white girls. What about your incel children later?

Whiter than you Mohammad.
>confederate boi

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Literally the only thing separating betas and alphas is lifting. I was in the gym today and while doing some preacher curls, these two dudes who were the living embodiment of onions started talking about how its "all about core strength" and how "using machines is dumb because its not natural" in between sets of dips and pushups.

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Goys are trying to get stronk for nazi punching. The gym is going to redpill half of them all on its own.

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>what do
nothing. it will weed itself out of the genepool

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Asian women are way more feminine, WAY less obese. Have you seen the average white female in America? It’s disgusting and I refuse to date it.

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Thats what you get for betraying your traditions

See her? youtube.com/watch?v=hFM40fi17bA

Her husband is a NEET with no job and with no language skills whatsoever. He can produce simple sentences in Japanese, but as others explain the only person he likely interacts with is his wife. He uses female verbs/pronouns, and fails to say anything more meaningful that "tea please".

Dude's English is beyond bad even by Slav standards too, yet the wife won't drop him as it's disgraceful or something.

You may be white but your kids will never be. My buddy has a hell of a time dating anyone being half Chinese and half white since he's no Keanu Reeves

Ah yes, the Eliot Rodgers Manifesto. Top kek good meme

How do NEETs live at all in Russia? Do you have Russian gibs?

That's because nothing is given in the gym, its fucking earned. You get out exactly what you put in. There is only equality of opportunity in the gym. There is no equality of outcome.

What is that. Geezusss

Exactly, most white dudes I've seen get cucked hard by those loyal, dutiful azn brides

Some Edgelord IG page sent it to me. I don't think it's real :/

> "your kids will never be white!!!!"
> furiously typed the complete stranger to some random guy who may or may not have a gook girlfriend and may or may not be planning on reproducing with her
> implying getting your kids out of white genocide is so bad

Unironically this. If white women are getting passed over in favor of Chinks then we need to address the WWQ.

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>status obsesssed

not exactly feminine qualities leaf, not to mention flat moonfaces and built like sticks

white burgers might be fat but france, italy, netherlandse etc. women are all very thin

>bully boy takes soibois armrest
>omg why don't they care about white people

I'm a neet too, and my wife is Korean. I had to beg her to let me spend my own money while I was there. She's never nagged me to get a job even though our plans involve opening a business together and I need to get the capital together for that.

He's probably living off of her.

I'm meeting a Korean girl for drinks in an hour. I'm going to teach her engrish and colonize her sideways pussy. Thanks for reading my blog.

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Well, I'm also thinking of the difference in the way women will treat them. Watching them turn their backs on any men in the group who don't go to the gym. Seeing how shitty they are in private.


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Only roast beef say that.

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Flips are the niggers of Asians

I honestly feel bad for you and your test levels if you find a single gook in that pic attractive

>ass so flat its concave
>flat as a board tits
>mongoloid alien face
Imagine being so desperate and beta that is the only girl who will let you stick your micropenis in her

Make IR illegal.

Make IR mandatory

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Imagine how pathetic your life is that you worry about who other people fuck.


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>gook gf

>hapa gf

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>It is men who put their women in place
Incel virgin detected. You don't put women in their, you lead them as an alpha. Women are hard-wired to respond to that. Betas like you can't understand that.

Rulebreaking troll thread

Mods do your jobs

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I asked about RUSSIAN neets, burger. I know you probably get that SSI and live like a hobo on that $700 max a month, kek

Agreed, but still Asian save for the spice blood

Imagine being an Asian dude and still you lose out to the shittiest examples of white beta men

Imagine having a country so pathetic women's only option is to ride a white man's cock all the way into the first world

No. And why does it matter.

It matters since in the olden Soviet days being a NEET was a crime punishable by gulag, it was on the law books as 'parasitism' which is what NEETdom is

Sorry but you're never going to convince me not to be attracted to this

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>What do we do about the beta whiteoid subhuman problem? (90% of pol)

Field executions.

With their Gook goblin breeders which they pair up with thanks to the internet, they are passing genetic material which was destined to die and extinguish from the gene pool.

The Gook breeders must be somwhow taken I away, so that their defective beta seed does not get carried over into the future.

I think the most effective means would be to somehow target their broadband internet connections.

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Good post Leaf, we will spare you on the Day Of The Rake

can someone post the japanese3 white dude bitmap drawing of the Asian chick with buck teeth? I want to show my JAPANESE girlfriend haha


>Jow Forums


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I've encountered this first hand.

Only physically or mentally defective men lay with the Gook Goblins. Pic related.

I knew him when he was a 27 year old virgin. Now I understand he's imported some Gook breeder from Japan.

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No white woman could ever be this pretty

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kek my partner is filipina and i lift. Find a good women m8 it the crux of a good life. Fuck everything else



If you ever stepped outside of your inbred, obese, Mid-Western county, you might discover how horribly unattractive the pan-faced, bow-legged Gook goblin breeders are.

I've lived in some of the most Gook-infested parts of Canada, and I have more experience than you can even fathom.

My sister lives in Hong Kong and there is a separate society of White expats working there who do not mingle with the Gooks in anything other than professional interactions.

carmen bagelio

>girls post on pol
>girls post on pol and care about betas with gook fever
>It's incomprehensible to think other white men find bottom tier subhuman gooks repulsive that only bottom tier whiteoid betas would go for

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Based dubu poster

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loser detected

I agree that it's pretty beta for a white guy to get an asian gf, but it's important to note that getting married is better than not getting married at all.

t.350lb child molester.

You're the minority, roastie

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m-my wife is asian..roastie!
closet pedos detected
no one's mad sweaty, you're just a beta fagboy who complains about racemixing while partaking in it. Congrats on getting played by some foreigner for a green card OR getting pegged by a liberal westernized bitch

Epic stuff guys, epic stuff.
Don't act like jews only push macerixing for white women, it's happening to you s o y boys too. Sad!

I know some really lovely Filipina women with white husbands, but it still strikes me as wrong that they prefer men of a different race to their own. The stigma should really be toward the men in these relationships, however

Did you just admit you're a butthurt roastie. I can't believe it.

Fugly lipstick pygmies

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>No white woman could ever be this pretty

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>but it's important to note that getting married is better than not getting married at all.

Why would you think passing down defective genes is good?

Betas are supposed to disappear from the gene pool. They are literally not meant to exist. That is simply how biological hierarchy works.

It's not healthy for the species for Betas to breed with inbred Asians who have even more genetic defects.

The WM-AF pairing is basically two evolutionary dead-ends trying their hardest to survive in a world where they are not desired or needed.

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