>1. The US is deeply in debt >2. US National Parks are worth a LOT of money
Fact #2 can help solve Fact #1. It is estimated that selling the land in only six of the system's 60 parks (Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, Grand Canyon, Arches, and Great Smoky Mountains) could raise several TRILLION dollars for the federal budget.
But most Americans are strongly opposed to letting the free market do its work. How can we change these attitudes and solve the National Parks Problem, Jow Forums?
these faggots dont have to deal with the problem of tourists
Jason Bailey
Or we could stop funding niggers, Mexicans, and kikes while building gay bombs, private airports for Senators, and examining the sex life of worms. While we're at it can always get rid of the military industrial complex.
Robert Gutierrez
Millions of miles of animals, clean air, plant life, all feeding the health of the Nation and world itself.
>I dont like the tourists! Burn it down and pay the Jews their debt loans!
boohoo fucking move hikers are all white and sometimes asian anyway. white trash and black/hispanics will congregate around the 30-minute, paved entrance trail w/ railed viewpoint though.
William Foster
Absolutely 0% chance we cut spending. Even Trump is running $77 billion deficits each month. We have to be realistic - to avoid a financial crisis, we're going to have to raise revenue. Since nobody has the political will to cut spending, we need to look at where revenue can be generated quickly. The US National Parks system is definitely right near the top of the list. Do you have any idea how much money investors/hedge funds/sovereign wealth funds would be willing to pay for the right to build luxury homes at the rim of the Grand Canyon, for example?
Christopher Miller
Zinke please go. Also kys.
Parker Cruz
all tourists are non whites
Bentley Kelly
If the federal government is too incompetent to cut spending then it deserves to die and be replaced by a better system.
Carter Fisher
You deserve to be sodomized for even suggesting this. The national parks are for future generations, not foreign investors.
the idea of federal land being sold isn't bad, but start with some of the huge national forests which could use development. the parks are preserved for a reason you kike
Zachary Perry
>Nothing is more terrifying than the words "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
>-Ronald Reagan
Get government out of the way, out of the land management business, and let the free market do its magic.
Josiah Gutierrez
THIS Fuck off shill, don't pretend to be a right winger if you don't conserve anything left to you by you ancestors
Good Goy! Destroy what little there's left of nature! We can build cheap housing on it for the millions of spics we will continue to import. Anything for economic growth!
Brandon Young
we don't have to raise money for shit you gullible boomer. I know Fox news makes a big deal out of the deficit to trick you into voting for whatever Israeli zionist shill they need you to vote for, but the U.S. owing debt is not that same as you owing the bank money for your new motorcycle or boat or RV or whatever.
Not to mention the fact that we still have yet to pay countries like China what we owe them is one of the main deterrents for them nuking/invading/crippling us beyond repair
Ian Jackson
reagan was a california (((hollywood))) faggot that stood for gun control. Your words have no power over me.
Reagan was a traitor no one should listen to that airhead. The last thing America needs is more fucking Walmarts and mansions for John McCain.
Alexander Nguyen
I hate crowds of tourists as well. But luckily, they mostly stick to the beaten path and the comforts of civilization. Camp in the National Parks and hike the trails to avoid tourists.
Nicholas Hill
End welfare for everyone who isn't physically disabled, no government assistance for non citizens. Tell China to go fuck itself, because they aren't getting paid back.
Austin Sanders
eat shit cowboy-boot-licker. Aren't you content that you've turned only most of the most beautiful and pristine continents on earth into a soulless, barren, cultureless strip-mall instead of all of it?
We didn't sell the national parks. They already gave them to the (((UN))) for "protection".
James Cruz
A bit harsh but I understand.
Friends and I did a backpacking trip in the back country just a but after the bears had given birth.
I had a rifle slung up next to my backpack, and some hippy we passed on a trail (leading into the back country) had a shit fit and seemed to think we must be evil.
I tried to explain about the many mother bears, the bear scatt just down the trail we passed and she just kept ranting how evil we were.
Total scum lady, hoped she would be eaten by a bear.
Grayson Jackson
That's only true to a point. When people make that argument, they usually don't look at the actual details of how US debt works. Let's say the US defaults on its debt by failing to make a full interest payment on its outstanding Treasury bills. The effect of that is to:
1. Destroy the ability to float new treasury bills unless the government purchases the debt itself (huge inflation risk)
2. Set off a massive banking/financial crisis by destroying the ability of private/corporate investors to use treasury notes to back other things. If no one has faith in T-bills, then much of the current American financial system grinds to a halt or collapses.
Yes, China would get hit somewhat in that process, but the main effect would be to absolutely ream the banking and corporate sectors.
Christopher Garcia
>waaaah other people kill yourself autistic millennial scum
Levi Gutierrez
Jaxson Phillips
Fuck OFF Those are National Parks you fucking jew. They shall stay in the hands of their rightful owners: Mother Nature.
Evan Phillips
Jacob Martinez
Chinks all trundle out of their tour bus to take a picture, then get back in their bus and go home. How many of them actually want to live in Montana?
Spics come for work and gibs, not for the mountain.
Also, as long as our government is kiked I do not want to sell one square mile of public land or one mile of dysfunctional, decaying rail line.
The park will be sold to the fucking Rothschilds for 1/10 of what it is actually worth, and even that money will be counterfeited because that is the Rothschilds' main crime business. They will wall off the park and make Glacier brand bottled water. $2 per bottle, and pure except for an unusually high amount of tranny-inducing microplastics!
The government will spend the money on war for Israel, bailouts for kikes and gibs for nonwhite invaders. In other words, pay for Rothschild minions.