Attached: 1512549320929.jpg (1322x1188, 219K)
Ryan Jackson
Other urls found in this thread:
James Williams
Thats me
Brandon Price
How can you not love boomers, really?
If they weren't trying to steal all our money for healtcare gibs they'd actually be pretty cool. Except they can't use computers. But it's our duty to teach them.
Connor Sanchez
T-the fire... rises?
Daniel Green
Well Bernstein I agree with her. You are a filthy kike.
Henry Wright
they are fat
Hunter Allen
What's the old tweet of his that he's referring to?
Owen Lopez
Joshua Davis
Jose Robinson
Colton Flores
"tweet your reply"
Hello, Joe.
Gabriel Barnes
Nah man fuckem, if they want to sell their homes at ridiculously high prices and at the same time decry the lack of millenial families they can teach themselves how to fuckin type or use netflix, maybe then their television-rotted brains will realize how selfish as a generation they were and still are.
Evan Lewis
Apparently this
Jason Hughes
Daniel Barnes
someone combine the pictures together
Blake Phillips
>bad jewjew
Lucas Lopez
they're brainwashed tools
Eli Allen
Who would you bitch about without them? Your bitching about them instead of (((them))) is a trick.
Alexander Campbell
So are you.
Levi Ramirez
this shit can't be real
is that a poltard larping as a boomer woman?
Jack Bennett
I brought you some cookies sweetie because I heard the fire was rising.
Andrew Murphy
>tfw you find out you're dear old granny browses our Cambodian rice farming board
Ryder Thomas
Wait, doesn't this mean OP is Joe Bernstein?
Jackson Rogers
i have a hard time thinking 75% of twitter is real too...its like a bot wasteland
Mason Clark
???? Busted ????
Kevin Gray
Boomers have found Jow Forums.
Levi White
They are doxxing her now. I censored the information in the picture, not them.
Kayden Parker
Carter Kelly
what the fuck. Fucking jews.
Chase Hill
yeah no shit, sherlock
it became extremely noticeable by the end of 2016
now this place is looking more and more like the twilight zone
realms are overlapping and it's getting spooky
Anthony Russell
jews will literally murder their enemies
Lucas Ward
Pussies bitching about boomers. They are so much stronger than any of you little neckbeard cunts. Bunch of vidya loving virgins.
Adrian Adams
I'm skeptical these are actual Boomers. Antisemitism is next to impossible for them.
Aaron Barnes
Twitter is literally nothing but bots, larps, niggers, and faggots.
John Barnes
OP pls tweet your reply
Carter King
Joe posted a screenshot of it and thats what OP grabbed. Solved
Jonathan Jackson
They’re awful people traumatised by authoritarianism and the failure of white elites into becoming even worse than what they rebelled against
Selfish, narcissistic, proudly adult children who rebelled against the racism of their parents by fucking over their children
James Russell
The (((globalists))) you thick skulled boomer fuck this is why nobody wants you
Kayden Thompson
The jew cries in pain as it strikes.
Hudson Nelson
Bentley Murphy
>black people feared bad juju
The wprs juju is Pidgin for Jews because Jews were the slavers who shipped Africans across the atlantic to the Americas.
Meme it
Easton Baker
fucking jews are trying to get people to harass her. isn't that illegal?
Gabriel Williams
>Tweet your reply
sup Joe.
Benjamin Ward
good work fampai
Blake Carter
>mainstream media tolerance efforts
that's an interesting way to say indoctrination
Logan Long
Thank ching chong jeong for this.
Once that jew york times thing came out, the people I saw giving her shit the most was soccer moms and boomer women.
Something glorious is happening, and we can only thank that slant and the jew york times for slipping on the banana peel.
Xavier Sanders
How does that not give credence to what she said?
Evan Rivera
We need to stop supporting boomers, make moves for integrating larger numbers of migrant workers and start pushing for universal rights to free healthcare world wide.
It starts by removing boomers.
Ethan Stewart
>activist dedicated to exposing the cult of modern medicine
Jaxson James
That's just a normal woman who has woken up to the evils of anti-white jews
Parker Roberts
Responding to my own post.
Pic related is the doxxer.
>Levin (original Russian: Лeвин) is a surname with several word origins. In most cases it is Jewish (a variant of Levy) and rarely Russian, derived from the Jewish biblical tribe of Levi, whose descendants the Levites had distinctive duties in the Temple period.
Sebastian Cox
Eli Gutierrez
>The wprs juju is Pidgin for Jews because Jews were the slavers who shipped Africans across the atlantic to the Americas.
I keep hearing this, but is there any actual evidence to back it up?
Ian Jackson
Sorry, this is the doxxer.
Anthony Moore
>implying jews follow the laws instead of just writing them
Elijah Butler
>Internet Racism Undoes Decades of mainstream Media Tolerance Efforts
These kikes are going to receive the worst beating of their lives once the world wakes up (appears to be happening). The 110th time they get removed will be from the planet itself. I would feel bad for them if they were human and not demonic parasites created to teach us how to live and work together homogeneously. God help us all for the things we will have to do to right the world
Christopher Brown
Evan Green
Fucking dog mom has no meaning in life so she instigates violence against boomers. Christ I hate women.
Mason James
Fuck boomers and their MAGApede cancer
Hunter Allen
Ian Kelly
Can someone post a boomer meme plz? I love them
Christian James
Aaron Campbell
Report the doxxer. Posting personal information is a clear violation of Twitter's TOS. Make sure you report it as ILLEGAL CONTENT, too, so that a human actually looks at it.
Ryan Johnson
Charles Butler
go back to sleep, dan
Jack Lopez
Samuel Myers
I need boomer meme in order to do so
Lincoln Robinson
God damn I hate kikes
Asher Ross
And when I was telling pol/ 6 months ago that the demographic change was obvious and that we are mainstream now anons were laughing at me.
Pol/ is mainstream. And it's a ....shit if I know if it's good or not. It's a thing for sure.
Elijah Wright
This whole thing reeks of false flag, and Bernstein probably fucking ruined a legit boomers life by pretending to be her, with a fake account of his, using her real name and photo.
Fucking subhuman shit.
Adrian Lee
David Phillips
>bad juju
In. Orbit.
Austin Cook
Took a look. Fucking kike bitch practically lives on Twitter.
twitter com/nancylevine
Hunter Ramirez
>66k tweets
Ian Williams
It would be a shame if she was banned.
But she won't be, reported or not.
Nolan Reed
>entire boomer voting base goes to Jow Forums
>looks for Qanon posts
>finds only redpills on kikes
>retired so no fear of firing or really life being ruined
>get enraged as much as your average Jow Forumsack but IRL
>1488 goes mainstream
user I truly believe this is a good thing. Jow Forums will probably get shitted up with stupid threads but the knowledge will leave this pandora's box. When it enters mainstream, it will make more and more people awaken to the Jew. This is how you defeat him. It took an economic calamity with rampant kike degeneracy to wake up Germany. As it happened there it will happen here. America is one of the worlds strongest super powers. I doubt international Jewry will be able to defeat a leviathan such as her once she awakens to the mass crimes committed by the synagogue of Satan
Leo Green
almost trips
them being retired and established is indeed a valuable asset
they can call the kikes out with more ease
Easton Miller
most are legitimate demons.
William Fisher
>66.3K Tweets
>It would be a shame if she was banned.
Would probably wind up screaming out the window.
So invested in Twitter, hopefully she would off herself if she was banned.
Gavin Baker
So, uhm, what is the story of that webm user?
Anthony Hall
she won't be banned
Jayden Long
the boomers can still redeem themselves and save the world
and its looking like the fire rises
Julian Scott
Dude, their generation took the hardest dose of brainwashing by jews. All they had were a couple of channels playing (((mainstream))) shows, they had (((mainstream))) education, and (((mainstream))) news. Also didn't help that their parents fought in WW2 fighting evil nazis and helping the jews.
I don't know man, I'm just saying something about that time period, america was more innocent and vulnerable to subversion. It's no wonder boomers are fucked. We can still try to wake them up, understand we grew up with advantages and alternatives they didn't have.
Austin Young
Jose Davis
>she won't be banned
I know. Found her facebook.
facebook com/nancy.levine.148
Carson Morales
indeed, I feel the harder Jews push and the more blatant and open they are it will awake the masses. Boomers still have a huge voting base and the finances. I think it will only get more interesting as time goes on, especially when they realize how much they have been getting screwed and it is due to a small diaspora and not society as a whole.
Lucas King
>mfw 30yo boomer
Hudson Roberts
how do we help her/ punch back?
Jayden Sanders
uuuugh they're such pieces of shit.
Jonathan Green
thot patrol making an arrest
Jonathan Gray
CHAD crusader purging heretical thots from his local holy gym
Connor Hughes
>You emanate BAD juju or is that jewjew.
Jace Phillips
We've reached a point in society were adults act like children.
Oliver Mitchell
*unholsters autism*
Dylan Myers
>implying adults haven't always been grown children trying to make sense of the world.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>bad jewjew
Holy shit. This should be used more often
Evan Davis
>1/4th of 18-29 year olds and 40% of 65+ have strong feelings of white identity
The whitepill feels too good. Shut it down.
Dominic Roberts
Ethan Mitchell
Benjamin Taylor