If there's an all knowing god, there's no free will

If there's an all knowing god, there's no free will.

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an all knowing god would know how to make free will
Check and mate

If a pipe branches off in two directions but you turn one closed with a valve i know where the water is going.

Hispanic is not a race


Even satan believes in god

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>mic drop

there is but he makes the choice for you. Your existence is analogous to thoughts of god. You’re like a synapse. You can control what you think about right? Now expand that power infinitely and you understand god.

An all knowing god would know someone is going to hell if he created the person in a certain way, and he could not create the person that way. Also, you implying god knows how to do something doesn't mean that he does it or wants to do it.

>just because every possible move you can make is known, it means you have no free will!
>What is chess

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cool, I didn't know chess pieces could move on their own


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Free Will only leads to chaos. There needs to be Law that keeps everything orderly and working, and that Law is God.

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Just because he may know the choices you make doesn't mean you didn't make them.

a GOD can't "probably" know, either he is ALL powerful and knows the future of what he created, or he isn't all powerful

either way, is like what said, a sick game

without even knowing what you're going to do, I already know that everything you will do has already been processed and booked in the future.
you still have a choice (i.e., free will) you can do whatever you want - there are simply consequences, whether you like them or not
you're also going to die, btw

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>without even knowing what you're going to do
That's because you're not omniscient, god is.

One shot, everything rides on tonight. Even if I got three strikes I'mma go for it. This moment, we own it.

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You mean he knows, but doesnt want to, so it justifies him spiting us regardless at judgement day? Free will and believing in an all knowing God is a paradox Christians have to live with. It just isn't logical. It feels like God is a woman who knows the truth but rather adhere in her emotions in an argument. He could just get everyone done with and select those in Heaven rather than this roleplay we're all forced in, and all of the unnecessary shit like Jesus's torture - fucking why? If all was void then that means all is purposeless even God's existence, hence probably why he made us so we could make him feel better about himself. It's a scary thought and it's the only one that makes real sense if the God of Abraham is real.

Free will is having choice.
Calculating all possibilities is part of what makes god , god.

If God knows all the bad things humanity will do since the beginning and he created humans anyways then he created the bad side of humanity. It was not a product of "free will"

>completely misses the point
I'm not God.
God is the one who gave everyone a choice.
He didn't have to do that.
come on, OP - use your brain

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God's an atheist. He doesn't believe in a higher power and has no purpose other than his own pleasure.

Damn, that explains a lot.

We are all computers controlled by our enviroment. There is no free will.

Not true, just because you know what choices someone is going to make, it doesnt mean that they still dont have the free will to make that choice.
God knows what door you are going to walk through, but until you decide, you dont.

"In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law...? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will."

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Good thing Im a Deist and dont believe that shit.
God is the creator, God does not move us around like pieces on a board.
God is still all knowing, but we are not. Therefore any choices we make are our own, God just knows what they will be. God does not make the choices for us.

You're contradicting yourself. I AM going to choose the door that god wants, or else he doesn't have the power to know or to decide. If god knows that I'm going to choose door X it's because he made things that way.

the fact that someone knows you'll do something doesn't mean you have no choice in doing it

he has seen you go through all the doors
quantum physics

So you believe God does not take action on Earth? So miracles are fake. Oh and by the way, you didn't choose who you are.

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that pic... trusting in thots has always been a bad idea... since the very beginning

he doesn't only know, he made me in a way that I am predestinated to make decisions, or else he doesn't know the future. Also:

Life as we know it is a miracle

he didn't make you predestinated to do anything... you have free will...

regarding the fact that he interferes on earth in some occasions doesn't mean you have absolutely no choice over anything

Religion makes sense once you realize that God is above both morality and logic.

Vou responder em português pra ser mais claro e direto. Eu não tenho livre arbitrio pois deus que escolhe o que vou fazer ou não, pois ele me criou da forma que sou sabendo o que eu iria escolher, e eu não tenho como fazer algo fora do campo de possibilidades de deus.

God isn't a single unit but a unity of many units. Just like the Internet. Personifying God would be idiotic.

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If God knows everything it knows all the harmful decisions every person will make but it created them anyways. God either doesn't know everything or God creates chaos, can't be anything other than that

Choice is direction with intent.
There are infinite directions and infinite intentions. God knows all of them.
Free will is the ability to choose
which direction based on our intention.

God created the creation. We choose it's destiny.

>And if he may lay the cause of evil upon Fate or Destiny, he will never abstain from any evil work.

An all powerful and omniscient god can choose to mitigate his own omniscience for the sake of humanity and free will

I don't know which religion you follow...
in Christianity, that's not how it works

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Not saying anything about the existence of god but your argument isn't very well thought out.

Assuming there is a God and assuming that God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then yes, everything we are going to do is already planned by God. We think we are free, but that is an illusion. We are billiard balls bouncing around on God's pool table, and God always calls & makes every shot. God made me write this. If you disagree and write a rebuttal, God made you do that, too.

This is the story of the garden of Eden.


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nah, this is the story of 10k old jewish scam

Lot of fags in this thread putting restrictions on God. Must be shitty not being elect.

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Well if that god premakes a reality for every possibility, perhaps free will is real, but god is just overly competent.

you know what is shittier?
having religion system that is supposed to make life on earth good being subverted by jews and remade into financial scam

there is truth in that pic.


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Economics and finance in general is a jewish scam. Everything a righteous man needs is on a farm. If you live in a city you should hang yourself for being good goyim.

civilization is jewish scam
Ted Kaczynski had it right, humanity will fuck itself up and there is no escape
blackpilled > redpill > blupill > nopill

Breaking out of religious discussion. If it was proven, scientifically, that all physical laws of the universe are mathematically predictable to the smallest, quantum level, then what is free will but ignorance? If every interaction at subatomic level is predictable, given enough computing power, and even if such a computer couldn't be built in this world, then the fact remains that all things are predictable. You don't even need to believe in anything supernatural to understand this. Free Will doesn't exist, at least not at the metaphysical level. That said, people's inability to see the future gives people a sense of free will. We can call that existential free will. It exists at the mercy of man's inability to predict the future. If technology advanced to the point that this changes, where machines can fatalistically predict future outcomes, where there is nothing anyone can do to avoid their fate, humanity will have to shitcan most of its universally accepted value system.

You are mixing it up.

If nature and evolution are absolute then consciousness is irrelevant.
If we follow predestination then our ability to be aware of it is simply unnecessary.

Consciousness is just our ability to be aware of our stupidity and to thrive within the human condition.


where can I read more about it?

Digital philosophy and gnosticism kind of overlap on this topic, also forums discussing entheogen substances (though taking psychedelic drugs is risky for many people)

The free will dilemma isn't neccessarily a theological one. Nor is determinism and free will mutually exclusive. This is a pretty good read: en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Historical_Introduction_to_Philosophy/Compatibilism

I was 12 once too.

I tell people this all the time, you're on your way to whatever you're on your way to and no matter what happens from here to there that path inevitably leads to death in every circumstance which you absolutely have no choice in.


Just because God knows what you're going to do doesn't mean that your choice isn't given to you to do what you will with.

What if your consciousness transfers to whatever reality you continue to survive in, and we are all immortals, just not immortal in this reality we presently share?

how is that a refutation?
if god is all knowing, he's supposed to know what you will do
if he knows that you will reject him, then him specifically creating you means he did so for you to reject him
i just want sound reasoning please, i'm not here to convince anyone, rather i'm seeking to be convinced

>What if
Sorry, no hypothetical question changes the undeniable truth of my statement. The mortality rate is 100% without exception.

Actually there are immortals on this planet that science knows of. They happen to be jelly fish.

If an immortal jelly fish fucks a water bear and goes into outerspace, that fucking thing could outlast stars. Don't shut your brain down just because you think you already know everything, because you don't.

So, op, you are saying that if a computer knows everything, there is no god?

Sorry you have a hard time accepting reality buddy, you're not a jellyfish and you're going to die. You don't have a choice.

someone pls respond

I'd recommend a more pragmatic, less etherial approach to truth.


What's the point if he knows what's going to happen anyway? He could very well prevent you from going down the wrong valve, but he doesn't. Why did he make the wrong valve in the first place if he doesn't want us going that way?

Unless he's powerless to control his own creation or too lazy or indifferent to do anything. Then there's the possibility that he's just plain evil and sadistic himself! Why would he do that?

It just doesn't make any sense. I can see why you need faith to accept a faulty premise like that.

But if free will is established and planned by a creator, is it still free will?

nigger there's no free will regardless, learn to causality and consequence you fucking monkeysoup eating monkey

If God did not give us free will, and instead chose to dictate our every move without choice, then how are we free to choose to love God or not? If you are forced to love something, isn't that a false love?
The point of having free will, is God wants us to love. Multiple religions agree that God is a form of love as well.

Having order of the universe and letting humans have free will are not exclusive of each other

You just think you do. Take any decision from initial impulse to final action and you'll see nothing but a string of cause and effect, perpetually throughout your entire life.

All encompassing God doesn't have to imply a personal one.

if God changes his mind about his plan for you he can change the present or even the past. maybe free will is just the fact that humans are stable constants in an eternally fluctuating causation equation and so because they contrast their environment and are "free" of its changes they may be said to have a free will in their ability to remain themselves. this stability is most likely due to God's love and the eternal nature of souls but idk man I've also questioned free will myself and so far I've just typed a random thought

>the wrong valve
And what if there is no wrong valve?

if god created us, then he created free will on purpose

Free will doesn't mean that we are free to choose our will, but that our will has full control over us. And our wills were all predetermined.

Correction, the Was free will, man's laws took that away from us. True free will is chaos... We're getting there shortly user.

It's a paradox, you fool. Can God create a boulder so big even he can't move it? If A is a set of all sets that don't contain themselves, does A contain itself?

All truth manifests itself as a paradox. Somehow, in a manner that eludes the stupidity of mere mortals, God does know everything, and yet, even as we fulfill our destiny, we do so as free agents. How can up and down be different, but lead to the same place?

How can objects be distinct, and yet be one? By asking this question, OP, you have surpassed the philosophical limitations of Christianity. Outside that sphere is darkness, where a priori and observation is meaningless, and few if any answers are forthcoming.


There are many strings to choose from. Your life is not a linear series of cause and effect. It's multidimensional, and thus sufficiently complex to call you a person who is free to choose.