Let's recap: >guy not a pilot, never flown >last video on YT account is poignant life retrospective >had security clearance to get onboard and steal a fucking plane >pulls off at least a couple impressive maneuvers with no flight experience >manages to land on the smallest island in the area >nobody hurt >NYT article literally NEVER says if the guy died, no body found, no anything nytimes.com/2018/08/11/us/seattle-plane-crash-stolen.html >plane was Q400 >flies in Q-shaped flight path >hero to Jow Forums We just saw a positive Sandy Hook, boys. >TURNS OUT HE HAS THE SAME NAME AS A SUB RICHARD B RUSSELL THEIR MOTTO SAVE THE BAST FOR LAST!! SKY EVENT OLDER THREADS: 1st thread archive archive.is/lRv0O 2nd thread archive archive.is/s985F 3rd thread archive archive.is/0hLLQ 4th thread archive archive.is/T5HVy 5th thread archive
This is a garbage thread. The United Nations represents a global unity, a coming together of all citizens of earth, a bettering of our collective values. Your demand to "show my flag" is so last century. What was it Socrates said when asked where he was from? He said "I am a citizen of the world". Why just identify yourself with the exact spot your sorry body was dropped at birth?
Josiah Kelly
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
And now the fucker feels so comfortable that he even admits he's shilling. Wew. I hope the strayan anons find him and cover him in honey and then leave him naked in the outback. Even that is probably too good for him.
Tyler Lee
St Augustine. A man who felt he committed sin as an infant when wanting to suckle at mothers tit. Could you post a bigger cuck?
Jordan Price
Thisnis the faggot whonderails threads saying he's god and Satan.
He namefags as Satan Himself.
Master thread derailer
These threads must be onto something. Kek
David Ross
>I-Its just a LARP goy! >(((we))) don’t instantly flood threads because we’re scared!
So many synchronicities and frogs popping up in my life. this fucking timeline. i really feel it man praise kek. we won together fuck shills. 8/11.
Isaiah Phillips
Ok. I'm sorry guys for shitting up the thread. I'll give it a break now. I was just on a lunch break. Honestly I meant it when I said it's a bit of a leap to tie all these threads together and I do believe that some of these conspiracies are getting dangerous. But have fun. I hope I didn't give too many of you strokes. Some guys last thread got a little worked up over some harmless shit posting.
Jordan Murphy
Ketron Cottage
Dug on the Ketron Cottage found a site w/powerpoint highlighting different youth mental health treatment programs, where Ketron is listed as one.
“CLIP” facilities, w/4 listed in the state of WA.
Ketron Cottage listed as having 91 beds, for youth ages 12 to 14.
I wish I was paid to post here. Also side note- I got bigger captchas and more of them when posting under my real flag. Could mean something?
Robert Sanchez
For the people who still insist QAnon is legitimate, what are your plans for a year or two from now when there have been no indictments at the top levels and more tyrannical laws have passed? Are you still planning to say “It was worth it because more people woke up and started dissing the Democrats?”
Most of you won’t be able to understand the tyranny because you’ve bought into the herd mentality.
According to QAnon, there are over 40,000 sealed indictments. That’s enough criminals to fill up a football stadium, yet the Podesta brothers are walking free, as are the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and countless others involved in everything from Wallstreet crimes to the murder of over 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001. How many more children will be taken off the streets of America and used in sex trafficking for the elite while we “hope” QAnon is right?
What we know is INTERPOL controls the Justice Department and the FBI. In all of his rants against Barack Obama, Donald Trump never mentions Obama’s Executive Order 12425 which designated INTERPOL as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities.
Although the researchers at OpDeepState.com started to analyze QAnon’s drops and breadcrumbs, we realized several months ago that clearly there is no plan. Once we found out QAnon is a psyops, we attempted to “reverse psyops” it, but found it’s nothing but the “carrot and stick” routine designed to keep people too busy to notice the tyranny coming from Congress and the AIPAC lobby.
The Zionists are using the same tactic that was used with the John Birch Society to keep conservative patriots busy while never disclosing their true agenda, that political Zionism was taking over the churches and foreign and domestic policies in America with creeping politically correct Marxism which is a direct result of the Communist Israel Lobby (AIPAC).
Cooper Ortiz
Try the audio captcha, might be more convenient.
Levi Jenkins
>Ketron >Orcas Holy fugg the synchronicity.
From the last thread. 4crests.com/ketron-coat-of-arms.html >The surname of KETRON was a baptismal name 'the son of Catherine'. The name is of obscure origin and etymology, being first attested in the form Aikaterina, but later, affected by folk etymological associations with the Greek word KATHAROS, meaning pure. Purity in a person is what the pedos prey upon and is what the elites need for their rituals >Ketron Island, in western Pierce County, near Steilacoom. It was named by the Wilkes Expedition, 1841, as an honor for William Kittson of the Hudson’s Bay Company service. Old charts gave “Kittson Island” or “Kitson Island,” but the incorrect spelling The line just abruptly stops, as if further information was kept from being included.
1/2 from 8ch Alright guys, so I wanted to weigh in on the whole SeaTac plane hijacker event. I'll preface my opinion with a little background. I'm former military and law enforcement. I won't go into specifics about what I did in those fields, but suffice it to say, I have experience and knowledge from both of those fields that has lead me to this theory. So here it goes. We know that a rogue missile was launched off of the coast of Washington State in an attempt to take out 45. We know that there were civilians on the ground who watched it go up in real time and that they reportedly believed the source of the launch to be around the area of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, WA. What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that NAS Whidbey Island does not have surface to air missile capabilities. Which leads me to my next opinion. Given the fact that a surface to air missile was fired somewhere off of the coast of Washington State, it can be reasonably assumed that the source of it's launch was actually on Ketron Island, WA, which is roughly 60 miles due south of NAS Whidbey Island. If you aren't already aware, Ketron Island is where the alleged hijacker went down yesterday. With that in mind, I believe what we actually witnessed was a white hat covert op, masked as a suicidal hijacker, with the intention of wiping out the launch platform for the rogue missile, so as to prevent black hats from utilizing it in the future for FF operations, the F-15 Iron Eagles being the delivery vehicle for the payload that wiped out the target, and using the plane crash to cover it up, i.e. the ensuing fire at the scene of the crash/target.
Isaiah Sullivan
are you using Jow Forums-x
Lincoln Ortiz
I love user so much.
This is our spirit. It can never die.
We are rulers of our own world Jow Forums I am happy for all of the hard work you put in to make the world a better place
Benjamin Russell
2/2 from 8ch Given the speed and trajectory of the missile, it would be easy for an untrained eye to misconstrue it's flight path and assume that it came from NAS Whidbey Island, which I'm guessing was also partly just the individual assuming that's where it originated, being that it's a military base. But this would be an uneducated assumption, for the reason I stated previously, which is that NAS Whidbey Island doesn't have surface to air missile capabilities. It should also be noted that the alleged conversation between the air traffic controller and the suspect was never secured. When I say secured what I'm referring to is switching to an encrypted radio frequency that cannot be scanned by the public. You may be asking yourself why that's significant. The reason that it is significant is because for all intents and purposes, this was a real world terrorist incident, hence the scrambling of the F-15 Iron Eagles. When a situation of that magnitude occurs, operators will switch to a secure network, so as to avoid any interference that could jeopardize the situation. Any and all audio recordings should have been secured immediately, as they would now be direct evidence for the crime that was being perpetrated. In this case those comms were never secure. Why would that be you might ask? I'm guessing that it was pre recorded and pre orchestrated audio, and was played over the publicly available radio frequency so as to set the stage so to speak, having people believe that it was some guy who lost his marbles and decided to commit suicide, when in reality it was just Team 45/Team White Hat bringing down a cabal asset and adding another victory to the motherfuckin U.S. Department of Winning
Ian Murphy
Trip codes were cracked and the board hijacked....but "Trust The Plan", right?
>this island doesn't have SAMs >so obviously they just mistook it for the actual launch site, which was 60 miles away and also doesn't have SAMs.
Jackson Morgan
Op is the most based leaf in history.
Josiah Morgan
Shills are out in force lads. We must be over the target. Remember the more they shill the more it validates us. Shilling has the opposite effect. Think Streisand Effect. Keep it going, Keep it up
I live very close to Whidbey NAS and if a missile had been fired from there I would have probably seen or heard it. This is an interesting theory you've got going here. Also note that there has been ZERO air traffic today, highly unusual.
Noah Wright
We need to get back to where we were in thread three before the infestation. Most of those anons are probably sleeping now.
Xavier Williams
Yeah bro. Once in a blue moon a based Canadian steps out of the darkness and into the light. #leafbro
They are using Q to paint everyone a Trump nazi supporter.
But its going to backfire on them. Everyone has at least once in lives gone into the net searching for conspiracies. And now its the boomers going full autismo mode. So every generation at once is gettig redpilled once they go and search "q" and find the chans.
(((They))) are done.
Ethan Gonzalez
I'm getting burnt out myself following along, but will bake the next bread if it comes down to it.
I wish this is true only to be that he's still alive and well in this world.
Jackson Morris
>from last night:
Ok, Dude just stole a plane an heroed. He said on the radio he learned to fly from video games... He says he wants to do a barrel roll. Fighter tailing him thinks hes gonna crash, so tries to blow him up first. Because hes barrel rolling, the pressure vortexes from the twin props throw off the sidewinders path, while the rolling Q400s speed slows, making the missile miss and over shoot the target. → → # is the moment
Point is the barrel roll maneuver worked, the missile missed him The game this is from is of course, Starfox. But the character who keeps telling Fox to "Do a Barrel Roll!" Is a hare named....
stay mad shillary. your authoritarian way has come to an end
Kevin Phillips
Link to new board?
Alexander Reed
It's not going to backfire. Q is a fucking psy-ops orchestrated by the NSA, maybe the CIA, and even (((them)))to get one of you dumb fuckers to do something so incredibly stupid, that our government will strip us of more of our ever eroding freedom.
Ethan White
its a 8ch board where q post additional info under trip code unrelated to find it google cause Jow Forums picks up 8ch links as spam wonder why
To you, does it look like the plane stalled then recovered above the water?
Truly something one could learn on a flight sim
Michael Brooks
But how do you explain the video from the webcam clearly showing the Rocket rising up?
Leo Clark
Yes. Q is Military intel. Yes its fucking bad the goverment is up to date and knowledgeable of chan culture. Imagine how many of those spooks have we redpilled.
They are literally redpilling everyone on the satanic cabal.
Judgement has come.
Gabriel Bell
good question from another thead:::
why hasnt the wife been plastered all over the news? Seems they would try to sell the female's perspective on this and trash the husband for leaving the wife like this.. seems to be how they do things to me at least.. MSM I speak of.. like their "reporting" is way off on this.. lacking in..
any anons got any sauce other than the wifes social i mean like news interview
Josiah White
> get one of you dumb fuckers to do something so incredibly stupid, Something like crash a plane into a pedo island with no survivors triggering a massive autist pepe nazi racist cis male army into investigation?
My only worry with all this is Michael Aquino an Army Intelligence general that is a known Satanist. Look at the resemblance between him and khillary. It's uncanny.
Recordings like this always remind me that there highly stupid people in the world. That plan turned in their compass direction from easily a few miles away and that idiot with camera made it about her.
John Ross
But, who is Q?
Owen Brooks
There are way more infos on where the cam is located. Screencaps and collages are strewn around the net. THis is just the fastest picture I could find