“IQ is geneti-“

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"Blacks live in pover-"

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What's his actual IQ though? Because I'm pretty sure it's not all that hight.


>”blacks don’t contribute to societ-“

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posters are going up to bring attention to Eric Clanton and the failure of justice that allowed him to avoid prison time for his attempted murders and terrorism, get in here:

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Exceptional individuals doesn't contradict overall trend. Some black people are intelligent, moral and generally good for the society, but most of them are borderline retarded and animalistic.

>not all x are that way

you’re damn straight they’re not. And don’t you forget it, buddy

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The exception proves the rule

Literally pic related.
lol well memed

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So just a question, why do you think that virtually every real life astrologer or astrophysicist is not black yet on TV every actor that talks about the fields are?

Is it because you are all a bunch of dim minded leftist pussies and they don't want to offend you?

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This is unfortunate if true. Crispr can't come soon enough.


they’re cosmetologists

Says the slavic steppe nigger.

that niggers retarded tho

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He's utterly brilliant by negro standards, believe it or not.

Can you say


Probably less intelligent than the average white college student graduating with an advanced math degree though.

Nigger Logic:

One Nigger in a Million is good.

Nigger are Good

Can you name one scientific achivement by this guy?

All he does is tweet pithy comments on Twitter. He has the insightfulness of a fortune cookie

he’s entertaining

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This desu. And beside Degrasse is just a fuckin freemasonic actor playing the "cool scientist guy", like bill nye used to, in order to indoctrinate young impressionable minds into believing in muh spinning ball earth and that they're a tiny insignificant, accidental dot in infinite space and incomprehensibly long time. i'm sure he has higher than average IQ, probably much higher average than the average based black guy, but he isn't a scientist.

the bellcurve shows that there is a high end to blacks but very few,these are the ones such as pic related

not ALL blacks are dumber than whitey but the majority of them are

Have you been around niggers, bro?
They are down syndrome levels of retarded.

It actually shocks me to see the black science man. He is so radically different from the average black.

Because he is an entertainer he is a TV personality like bill nye(who people have forgotten isnt a serious scientist)

Outliers are statistically irrelevant.

The exception to the rule doesnt define the rule. How many fucking times does god have to teach us this fucking shit

Shoulda posted Thomas Sowell

whats up with that volkswagen?


>he still thinks NDT is smart

I'm feeling kind of stupid for trying the link for #3.
But some quick searches indicate that the current population of slaves in Africa is 16.7% of what it was in the US in 1860 (660k / 3953k), which is more than I thought it was.


I dont see how a carribean dance major should have any relevance to this post

you're ignoran-

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>what's his iq though?
>because i'm pretty sure it's not all that hight
>not all that hight

But niggers are stupid

This shit is comedy gold

I see some paki or indian shit on this guy, definitely not all black, the hairline seems to confirm

This doesn’t disprove IQ being genetic, you mong. Iq is distributes on a bell curve. American Blacks have an average IQ of 85, one standard deviation below the mean of 100. It is not impossible for a black person to have a high level of intelligence. What it means is that half of all blacks have an iq of less than 85, and less than 5 percent have higher than 100.

There was that one time when she gave everyone in her audience a New Beetle.

imagine how stupid niggers are that a typo is what they use to justify their idiocy


Speaking of this, what’s the truth on the sheboon in hidden figures? Was she really the computer driving the whole operation, or just made up?

It’s funny, I know he’s brilliant, but he talks like a dumb Mooley. Literally sounds like they pulled him off a porch from south Detroit and told him to speak about the economy.

define "scientific achievement"?

Wrote the paper postulating the existence of gas rich dwarf galaxies and their effect on light sources. Later proven true.

Wrote the paper identifying and confirming the existence of a previously only postulatrd type of star. Identified dozens of such stars in the galactic center.

Wrote the paper defining how to use CCDs to photograph multiple light spectra at cosmological distances. This paper was later used to help design THE HUBBLE TELESCOPE.

So, yeah, maybe a couple.

Dude has lost his mind

No one ever said that Gaussian distributions don't have tails. He's an exception that proves the rule.

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this is a terrible infographic that
a) doesn't hit hard enough where stuff is true
b) puts idiotic stuff in that would make a normie discount all of it as propaganda
>black teen preg rate is 2-7x that of whites depending on state
>actually over 70% of blacks born to unwed mothers (Don Lemon himself said that)
>that herpes stat was actually specific to black WOMEN
>#6 is retarded conjecture =
>#7 is misleading nonsense
>black women are actually 51% OBESE and 85% overweight, sourced by CDC (try to wrap your head around that)
>#9 is psuedoscience
seriously. we have plenty of facts on our side. no need to go scaring off the blue pilled with this exaggerated and inaccurate horseshit

High-IQ; society-helping; decent dude; nigger here, this is absolutely correct. The minority of us will always be judged by the majority of us.

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If it makes you feel better, We hate dumb criminal whites as much as We hate dumb criminal blacks.

everything is genetic, idiot. regression to the mean is the norm, but we can never make the mistake of assuming that the individual represents the group stereotype or that the group stereotype represents the individual, just as the mean is only a simple average and the iq spawned from two people can fall anywhere on the curve. do not make the mistake of judging the group by the traits of an individual. stereotypes do not fall from heaven. height, weight, disease resistance, etc. are all genetic. the only thing different about intelligence is that you cannot see it. can you see alcoholism? predisposition to alcohol and drug addiction is genetic.
the only reason you retards argue against the obvious genetics of intelligence is that the truth hurts, and you faggots are too concerned with feelings. racial groups differ in many things and intelligence is one, and it is plainly obvious. sure environment has an effect, which explains why blacks in america that benefit from european infrastructure and social systems have a full deviation higher iq that their african cousins.
your unfortunate denial of reality and lack of integrity on the subject is pathetic. remember that racism does not mean hate, it only means noting a difference, which there is.

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>cherry picking fallacy thread

>He's utterly brilliant by negro standards, believe it or not.
And utterly ordinary by white standards.

His earlier stuff he is a lot more energetic/animated

Dude just doesn't care about media he knows the game.

Not really but thanks user.

The reason American blacks have higher iqs is because they all have a swamp load of white dna in them.

It's not just her wealth that is massive.

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Firstly, we say average iq differences. Second, he’s much more a celebrity than a researcher.

"Blacks are powerle-"

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Hello. My name is Justin Trudeau and I am the Prime Minister of Canada. I enjoy watching my wonderful wife, the joy of my life getting pumped full of verile nigger semen. Sophie is just so beautiful as she gets spit-roasted by all the niggers my taxpayers can afford. The niggerer the better. I jack off into my mommies panties just thinking about how my 'father' let Fidel Castro, The Rolling Stones, their roadies and many, many more do the same. Cuckolding is a long standing Trudeau tradition and as my wife swallows their nigger semen I can't help but think of my upcoming faggot parades when I too, can eat mens cummies. My name is Justin Trudeau and I'm the biggest cockolding faggot ever alive.

Holllllllll up...what the fuck is up with her have black palms? I thought nigger palms are regular-people colored.

>tfw graph cuts off before my IQ

Oh jeez. Not another "the exception is the rule" argument. The exception proves the rule in this case. I don't mean to be crass. NDT is a smart and intelligent human being. And you can point to plenty of other African Americans who are/were of exceptional intelligence. But they will never be representative of the whole. Just like Stephen Hawking with white people. If I went around posting photos of him and telling you to look at how intelligent white people are as a collective you'd call me retarded.

You do realise putin would literally kill Obama in a real fight?

A 5'6 manlet who loses to little girls on the mat? Russkie migrant, please.

i know youre shitposting but putin would take him down within seconds and from that point on it's game over

Punches, Russkie!! Putin can't even "take down" little girls. Google it. Or Yandex it, you cunt.
Then take your novichok and fuck off back where you came from!

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Sorry to disappoint but I am definitely not Russian. Pic related is me.

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lmao nigger

My litmus test is not what he says or how he presents himself, but who watches him. Progressives who feel they have to give him a chance because of his skin color. This person bores me to death every time I hear him talk. Watching Sagan in Cosmos on the other hand made me feel like I was in a college dorm with him smoking a blunt while listening him talk about astral physics and getting a complete conceptual understanding with one hearing

Neil "The Grass" Tyson has to be one of the stupidest smart people in the world. He thinks bats are blind.

Never published a paper. Free ride affirmative action, charmed his cuck professor by memorizing some factoids about space n sheeeeit and got a reparashuns degree.

Basically this and even the successful niggers' descendants will regress to the mean in less than 2 generations

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That guy is retarded as fuck

>mfw when a leaf doesn't know the difference between North American and British spelllings.

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I have a theory on pedos. I bet most pedos have micro-penises. Which is why in their mind they think they're not harming the child. My dick isn't huge but I could never imagine putting it into little girl.

>Scaled to ethnic composition

Come the fuck on. I don't even disagree that there are proportionally more high IQ whites, but modeling the absolute number is being dishonest as it makes blacks seem dumber than they already actually are, which shouldn't be necessary.

>IQ 85
slave traders and holders were rapists. might explain the higher average IQ of american blacks compared to average IQ in Somalia.


there, i finished it for you.
as for all of you faggots, why didn't you help him finish his statement?

Anyone who knows about stats on the right, like yourself, already know how dumb blacks are. Anyone on the left who instinctively reacts negatively to the modelling will be forced to look at the real numbers like Destiny had to and make a concession that in fact the mean black intelligence is -1SD of white intelligence.

What this kind of graph is effective at is converting those you would expect to fight for your cause, the 17-25 year olds who've never progressed to statistical analysis.

Winning the propaganda war requires converting the vast majority of the standard error of the curve to your ideology. You don't do that through accurate modelling, nobody ever has.

Oh, you little, just because one nigger is "smart" (Not for me anyway, he is a godless liberal piece of shit) doesn't mean that all of them have a higher or at least same IQ as White Race. Absolute most of niggers are a retarded proto-humans monkey-like animals that needs to be purged by Right-Wing Death Squads...

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