>ywn know the feel of having a loaded 9mm on your nightstand when youre home alone
>tfw knowing the feeling that i dont need one, as i wont get shot up in a mall or school or even in my own home
feels good not living in retardland desu
>tfw knowing the feeling that my relatives won’t get rape by some Muslims.
So much developed countries.
Take your childish shit to kiddo
replace that by some "mexicans" in retardland or some drunk tourist for a bucky bucky for a sucky in thailand because you're a ladyboy
Ofc. I admit my country is shithole and full of sex.
But do you?
Do you admit your country have problems?
>wake up
>look in mirror
>100% white anglo genes stare back at me
>mfw Amerigoblins will never know this feel
nice try pict, how is running around with your peepe
I know the feeling of fearing that police will shoot me if I defend against armed foreign intruders who might invade my home.
>liking being a bug-eyed, ruddy-faced, potato head
I dont
>liking being a 56% shitskinned goblin
>Eurofags will never drink Yoohoo as they clean their arsenal of guns, because they really want chocolate milkums-ku, and it takes a really long time to clean the guns hmmmmmmm
>Londonniggers will never sharpen their knife before going on a camping trip so you can show it off to everyone as you shave your ass hairs so the dingleberries don't get real.
You never get yoohoo and poki at a gas station at 3 am in the morning as you smoke a couple bowls, out of your shotgun. never ever!
>loaded gun
>alone at night
Don't do it Burgerbro
english are inbred benders, still have 100% euro genetics...have only been here for two generations
>when youre home alone
you get scared when youre alone? what a faggot. i hope mummy gets back from the shop soon
even if i wanted to shoot myself i can't bc rich roll moved the bar up crazy high to kys yesterday. mais merci pour votre attention
yes, i hope she does too. i've been saving up my good boy points
>100% white anglo genes
>conquered by romans
>conquered by french
>french and spanish kings
>100% anglo
tfw you have the best mixture of genes
>roman-celtic genes
>blue eyes
>brown hair
>light skin
How can angloniggers and germaniggers even compete against the Celto-Roman Chad
OOOOiiiiii you have Loicense for that Mirror
LARPing at it's finest
Go and collect your welfare Jamal
Try responding like a nigger wouldn't, makes your role play more immersive.