Why is everyone fucking blind ? /Conspiracy edition/

Why ? Is it the screens ?

Is it the jews?

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people have needed glasses for centuries.
It's just that they are cheaper than ever that those that need them can get them. But I won't deny modern screens are to blame for shit eye sight.

it's the monitors, they need to be 3d instead of a flat surface

Inadequate sunlight. Your retina uses exposure to bright light as a signal to regulate eye growth. You can prevent myopia by just forcing your kids to spend an hour outside every day.

Astigmatism here. It fucking sucks and it's getting worse as I age.

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Pack it up yall

anything that will help when you're a 30 year old boomer?

I was outside as much as I was inside as a kid. The ophthalmologist said it was how much I used a computer when I was indoors.


If I do "chink eyes" with my fingers I can see 50% better.

Why is that?

The Q400 procedure.

This. I spent most of my days outside too and I grew up to be very sexy but I still need glasses just to fucking see.

They have much better surgery which is less invasive these days with short heal times.

I am so against conspiracy theories. I think it is such a lazy idiotic way of making sense of our complex World.

You put pressure on the cornea and change the lens shape fixing the issue temporarily and correcting the focus.

Astigmatism, im sure of it

Books, words, staring too long at one thing.

You can fix your eyes by changing focus from close to far every few minutes. It's hard to train yourself to do that though. Keeps your lens elastic, too, thus avoiding the "inevitable" lens hardening after age 40. There are guides available online on how to do this.

20/20 vision in a year if you do this.......



Hello my fellow egg/football eyed friend. Shit sucks man I need a new prescription every year and I can’t see more than like a foot with no glasses

eat 40 carrots every day

Hehe I am ophtalmologist, ama

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its literally just too much close up activity: reading, screens, or any hobby where you work with something small within arms reach.

Google keratoconus and be glad you only have an astygmastism.


The cure.

Nothing to do with screens or trying to read too much books

Abnormal insulin response from high sugary foods introduced in the western diet damages the retinas of the eye. Even though you do not have Diabetes, you may have diabetic retinopathy. Especially the veins of the eye are first to get damaged because they are one of the smallest veins in the human body.

>Hurr durr western diets
Like 70% of asians have glasses

too much display watching, blue light leads to macular degenerstion

Not necessarily. My parents needed strong glasses even as children, while I have a weak prescription even as an adult.

People had shitty vision before but just dealt with it

It's everyone staring at their phone, television, and computer screen all day, every day.

>it's the books
>it's the computer screens
>it's the water

I grew up reading books for at least 2 hours every day and staring at a computer screen the same or more every night.

I have better than 20/20.

I was at a party tonight and I noticed most of the guests had something wrong with them.
Those diabetes monitors, glasses, etc: everyone had an outward sign of a malady.
From personal knowledge of these people, I knew he rest had something less apparent but no less real with which they were struggling.
Everyone, that is, except myself and my immediate family members who were also there.

It would seem it's just genetics.

Being an asshole, I asked a group what it was like for the genetically inferior, every day life, always having something nagging at you.
I got a few chuckles, some awkward silence, and then a life story from a diabetic.

Maybe we should just stop allowing the infirm to breed.

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Here in Norway there is no sun half the year. I don't think we have worse eye-sight than equatorials. What now?

That would suck. I have almost no night vision. Just Sparks and spikes and stars off of every light.

Looking at my phone in the dark/watching tv in the dark gave me the shitty vision I have today.
You can fix your eyes, but it requires sacrifice, like most stuff.

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Did you try being in darkness for more than 5 minutes?

Yes, I have cornea problems though, so it wouldn't make a difference.

40 carrots? That's as many as four tens

plastered in front of crt's and the lcd's my entire life and still 20/20
Neet with 20/20
It is all genetics.

>Maybe we should just stop allowing the infirm to breed
True, blacks and muslims should be sterilized. But sadly your reddit spacing makes you a faggot

And That's A Good Thing.


Tits or ass?

How the fuck did anyone manage to get anything done in life before glasses were invented?


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fuck If only I knew it
I watched tv in complete darkness for about 2 years and Now I can't see anything past 5 meters

I have better than 20/20 vision and I've been a screen autist for at least 20 years. It's genetics. Modern human genes are shit for the most part.


35yrs/old here
I stared at the sun during the last eclipse for 2-4 seconds, will i go blind when i get old?

and how many time has (((science))) been proven wrong by later generations of scientists.
it is all an (((educated))) guessing game.

>More than a century ago, Henry Edward Juler, a renowned British eye surgeon, offered similar advice. In 1904, he wrote in A Handbook of Ophthalmic Science and Practice that when “the myopia had become stationary, change of air — a sea voyage if possible — should be prescribed”. As Wildsoet points out: “We've taken a hundred years to go back to what people were intuitively thinking was the case.”
quite interesting desu, wouldnt have expected sunlight to play a role. but then again the nordic countries have zero/barely any sunlight for long periods. it may be more of a case of needing daylight rather than necessarily sunlight

no one had bad vision until glasses were invented by italian catholic jews

they were specifically invented to read small text written in the Torah and other manuscripts

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You took on a role that you could do.

Modern windows block UVs. Blame the window Jew.

you will die poor before you are fully blind

using glasses cause your eyes to adjust to them. It's not really the glasses though, it has a lot to do with your eye muscles. It's good to exercise them, looking straight forward all the time, or at a screen is bad for your eyes, and like anything else you can rebuild muscle or lose it.

Its a conspiracy.

We are extremely complex self contained automated entities made of biological material that have been pre prgrammed to consume other entities of the same relative origin to exist and to self perpetuate with built in error checking for unknown reasons from an unknown origin.

That's the root of it anyways. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

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Into the gas for using jidf psyop.

Neurotoxins during developmental phase (teens)

>my reddit spacing

What does that even mean?
I mean, I can guess, but I was unaware redditors had a certain way they spaced things.
I've been on here since 2005 and you're literally the only person to ever comment on what I've been doing as a way of making my posts easier to read.
It's book spacing, really.

Anyway, yeah, sterilize the Blacks, sterilize the Mohammedans, but honestly the Anglos have just about run their race into the ground.

The Slavs will carry the torch of Whitedom from here.
We'll speak of you fondly in our histories.

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>Why ? Is it the screens ?

They are not always needed.

When you get a prescription to help your eyes to see at one distance or another, your eyes adjust so you need another stronger one until you are practically blind.

Plus since there is no longer natural selection in that sphere, enough said.

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read the article moron

my eyes are amazing even though I've spent most of my life staring at screens in dark rooms

My optician told me that I must wear my glasses constantly, so that my eyes could self adjust and that my eyes could partially "self-correct" my myopia.

Who's lying ?

It's not like you can't push the plough or reap or carry the produce on your back following another villager. That's what vast majority of people did back in the day.

Your eyes won't "self-correct" but it takes a few weeks for your brain to fully adjust to a new prescription. Maybe that's what he's talking about?

Actually this.
I'm 40 and after a lifetime of reading newspapers from across the room I suddenly can't see shit the day after a sugar binge.
Playing tablet games on my phone is the only time I realise it though, that and low amp TiG welding.
Reading glasses are a quid. Fuck it pass the cakes

No. He told me that if I wear my glasses constantly, then my myopia would become weaker over the years.

This is factually incorrect. There are certain rgp contacts that can give you temporary eye improvement but glasses can't do this.
I'm just a drunk guy on Jow Forums with bad eyesight, so don't take that as gospel.

>tfw the only one out of a family of 6 to retain 20/20 vision
when will my luck run out?

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If you made it this far probably not until you're in your 50s and need reading glasses.

Maybe it's masturbation

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yo if anyone needs a new pair of specs go to zenni

>hurr siense has been proven wrong before
>therefore I can dismiss everything that csience says

if the world is so complex then why do you dismiss the concept of a conspiracy?

>I mean,
how to spot a quintessential redditor. your post is unironically sickening to me

Allegedly CRT screens are terrible for your eyesight. The generation that only had those are clearly blind as fuck, so no doubt that contributes.

Also, we're living longer, so there are more blind old people.

Oh yeah and we spend most of our time looking at an illuminated screen in often darkened environments.

No doubt there are other factors at play, but it's not hard to guess why it's like this. Then again, I've been in front of screens since birth and I'm still 20/20.

I thought this too, but there are little kids that need glasses. It is strange that modern science still doesnt know for sure what causes myopia.

I'm the only one in my family with bad eyesight and I've been in glasses since 2nd grade. I was diagnosed with a corneal disorder in my teens so who knows what causes it?

I'm half asian and half white, so my skull fucked with my eyes. In my case it isn't some kind of conspiracy, it's just a genetic issue.
>56% me now pls


Nice case against miscegenation a.k.a genetic degeneracy. Kalergi also wa a half japanese half white bastard.

Yakima shithole and high desert. Fuck that place

lol I can\t see in the dark but I did my military service above the arctic circle. was dark af

Look behind you

>blindly believe everything (((science))) tells you.
product of kike brainwashing

Myopia is caused by spending too much time indoors, mostly in childhood.


Before protective eyewear, blacksmiths eventually became blind due to the bright light caused from blacksmithing.

The real answer is somehow your genetically defect caveman ancestor with bad eyesight survived.

I read somewhere it relates to vitamin D and the development of the cornea. People who were forced to sit and study inside as children didn't get enough vitamin D to sufficiently develop the cornea, thus they needed glasses.
Statistics show that 1 or 2 generations ago, literally only something like 2% of people needed glasses, now in some places like Singapore it went from very low to like 75% needing glasses.

When you look at the pictures of old, say 30's-50's, you could see only a very few "freaks" wearing glasses. Of course you could say it was due few opticians or people couldnt afford them back then, but still, I believe the transition from rural lifestyle to urban lifestyle is behind this. People spend less time outside than before. It's always the office type people who mostly use glasses, I rarely see construction workers with glasses.

It doesn't require alot. People just spend literally 0 time outside if you think about it.
>chink family
>child wakes up, inside
>is driven by car to school
>no breaks/uses breaks in school to study so they dont dishonor famiry
>is driven home
>is forced to study under artificial light the rest of the day
>is now fat and myopic

>My anecdote disproves the stats.

the morlocks didn't wear glasses when they were abducting elois

tell more lies and fairy tales kike

it's not about lacking vitamin D, but about focusing your eyes on small distances for long periods of time. What is happening is that the eyes will grow in that focusing shape and they will not be able to return to normal when you need it.

middle aged, still don't need glasses. Do have glasses to correct an eye injury when shooting, or on long drives

>Is it the jews?
No, this time it's not the jews, europoor. It's because every idiot is looking all the time at the fukcking smartphone. I wonder how people manage to read from those displays. No wonder they all neeed glasses.

Is dysgenics

Ligma balls

That's based on the hypothesis that the amount of sun exposure affects myopia. Nothern countries like Norway, Sweden and Finland have less sun time than the rest of the countries, if this hypothesis were to be correct most of their population if not all of them would have myopia.

>That's based on the hypothesis that the amount of sun exposure affects myopia.
No. Spending too much time looking at screens, or any close objects, will lead to the stretching of the eyeball. This is what is affecting the vision.