redpill me on this cunt
Redpill me on this cunt
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We had a choice between him and a millionaire Jewish Rothschild Banker. White Brits are a minority in London.
I mean, just look at him.
He's actually surprisingly based, Jow Forums just judges him negatively for having brown skin like the brainlets they are
Too busy getting Transport for London to take down body shaming billboards to care about the massive murder and violent crime rate which definitely isn't linked to him saying stop and search is racist and making the police reduce the numbers they conducted.
>just for having brown skin
>not "part and parcel"
>doing nothing about muslim rape gangs
>telling trump he's not welcome
>just in general being an overall cuck
Yeah but no just cuz he's brown
Queentwosensually Brappish.
what a cunt
He's nose looks polished. 7 captchas for this post.