Bring it On Nazi Faggots!

Who else can't wait to see the proud faggots and nazi cucks get BTFO again by our hero antifa boys?

I hope they bring their whole fucking arsenal because I plan to fuck up some nazi right-wing larping faggots.

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You are right about larping.
No body in their right mind will be there who is not a larper

Funny you bring this up...
Currently dating a fat girl, we've been together for about five years.
Creativity is essential to maintaining a well groomed obese girlfriend. Every day I have to think of exciting and interesting ways to interest her in showering. At least four or five days a week I have to shower with her, and the only reason she even gets in the shower is because she can lean against me while I finger her. After she gets off, she lets me shampoo her hair, and soap her up.
The worst part though, the part that I cannot even remotely enjoy, is the wiping. She has trouble really reaching back there after a particularly wet bowel movement, so I have to help her wipe. It's not TERRIBLE, but it is unpleasant.
I don't really enjoy it, but it's better than the alternative of having this smelly fat chick masturbating on your sofa and then touching your controllers with those hands. Before I knew to bathe with her and wipe her, I actually found FECES between the buttons and under the analog stick of my PS4 controller.

"Antifa hero's"

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that picture makes me rock hard comrade

>getting this upsett about a march.
you commies and leftiests have had heaps of marches let them rightwingers have theirs

and this time no yelling, just a quiet day.
that would be really, really nice.

Also, stop in calling people nazis you have no idea what a real nazi is or was also name calling is rude.

t.traditionalist rightwinger
my budda's from another mother
the classical liberal would agree.

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