They are trying to memory hole all the references to video game from the Seattle airplane incident

Here's one of the last article speaking about it. The last thread was 404'd for no reason at all by the 4chin mods. They are trying to suppress this uncomfortable truth.

"Before he crashed and died, the airline worker who authorities said stole and flew a passenger plane in the Seattle area Friday had a wide-ranging discussion with air traffic control — at one point expressing confidence in his flying ability because “I’ve played some video games.”

A couple of minutes ago I was able to find many references to this quote on search engines, such as Bing or Google, and now nothing except this article (if it's still online). What is going on? Why are they trying to erase this important detail from this tragedy? That's how he did it, he learned from playing video games. Are they afraid that people will understand the power of video games and how it could train super warriors?

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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1028142238671429633&ref_url=


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If you just now are picking up on vidya being tools for improving yourself in 100’s of ways you are too late man

You must be fucking retarded. Try Googling "plane stolen video games". Tons of articles pop up.

But clearly some angry white males are using these tools now. Should be re-classify these video games as potential WMD? Flight simulators are dangerous in thw wrong hands. I think that it's about time that we regulate these "video games".

>at one point expressing confidence in his flying ability because “I’ve played some video games.”
God what a masterful troll.

Can gamers please rise up

I just did and that's the result, what is your point exactly? Not a single article to support what you are talking about.

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Look at this article, this is where I got the quote before. They haven't corrected the headline yet. But in the article and the transcript. Magic, no mention of video game anymore. They are changing history in real time before our own eyes.

Its still the top story on the BBC and the vidya game reference is still in the article


Yeah but MSN removed it a couple of minutes ago. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they remove it in the BBC story tomorrow. Keep an eye on it and report back if they change it.

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Just give it a try. Bing, Google, etc. And see how the situation evolves. You are aware that most news agencies monitor these threads on this board right?

I just find it very interesting to see how the headlines and the content of articles change depending on what is being posted here. This is a trend that we should all be paying attention to. Historical revision, in real time. It's really shitty and scary.

Try the same search in a couple of minutes or tomorrow and report back. You will understand what I have just witnessed in real time. It's fucked up. 1984 material.

It must be Q communicating with retards.

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But the real question is why are they doing this? usually they love to use video games as a scapegoat. I feel right now like Neo in the first Matrix movie. Witnessing history/reality being erased in real time while no one cares. It's really fucked up. I'm the only witness so no one will believe me.

Try it again in a couple of minutes and see how fast the results will change.

Or not, since they are now aware that we know.

For the people who still insist QAnon is legitimate, what are your plans for a year or two from now when there have been no indictments at the top levels and more tyrannical laws have passed? Are you still planning to say “It was worth it because more people woke up and started dissing the Democrats?”

Most of you won’t be able to understand the tyranny because you’ve bought into the herd mentality.

According to QAnon, there are over 40,000 sealed indictments. That’s enough criminals to fill up a football stadium, yet the Podesta brothers are walking free, as are the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and countless others involved in everything from Wallstreet crimes to the murder of over 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001. How many more children will be taken off the streets of America and used in sex trafficking for the elite while we “hope” QAnon is right?

What we know is INTERPOL controls the Justice Department and the FBI. In all of his rants against Barack Obama, Donald Trump never mentions Obama’s Executive Order 12425 which designated INTERPOL as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities.

Although the researchers at started to analyze QAnon’s drops and breadcrumbs, we realized several months ago that clearly there is no plan. Once we found out QAnon is a psyops, we attempted to “reverse psyops” it, but found it’s nothing but the “carrot and stick” routine designed to keep people too busy to notice the tyranny coming from Congress and the AIPAC lobby.

The Zionists are using the same tactic that was used with the John Birch Society to keep conservative patriots busy while never disclosing their true agenda, that political Zionism was taking over the churches and foreign and domestic policies in America with creeping politically correct Marxism which is a direct result of the Communist Israel Lobby (AIPAC).

Exactly the same every time. Lay off the meth and get some sleep kiddo. Don't forget to make your bed in the morning.

Speak out if you can do a roll while flying an Horizon Air Q400, said no one ever.

Attached: rollsforthelulz.gif (400x300, 919K)

Try again tomorrow and report back tomorrow.

I'm not making this up. I'm a lurker and I don't usually post. I don't like posting.

The better question is what are you gonna do when they turn out to be correct?

Hey, my name is nobody Joe, let me just steal an airplane and see what I can do with it. Let's see if I can do rolls.

>that happened.

Let me tell you something, there’s no way somebody who has zero experience with airplanes could get this plane off the ground. This isn’t a Cessna. Numerous switches need to be turned on

You are replying to a bot. Don't bother.

Someone earlier said: But muh ground crew training. As far as I know, that doesn't teach you how to fly an airplane.

>Are they afraid that people will understand the power of video games and how it could train super warriors?

unironically shaking my head. are you burgers literally retarded ?????

Gamers are masters of strategy, tactics and just like Rambo can drive a tank, pilot a chopper and, yes, even fly a plane.

Better safe than sorry. I think that flight sims should be regulated. Normies should not have this kind of knowledge without a proper license.

This stuff has happened before. Here's my terrible example where I've seen it. They did it with, I think, the recovery mission for the Marcus Luttrell recovery where the helicopter crashes. All the old news articles of the story are there in the archives, but for an incident every single news site removed it. I remember finding it years ago, but can't remember now.

Well, that's kind of scary don't you think? A bit of control on this out of control industry maybe is necessary?


the guy did a Split S

>Ground crew guy.
>zero pilot training
>”played video games”
You think that motherfucker took off in THIS? No fucking way

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>split s
That’s the last thing you should do in that situation. And a huge gamble with a 30 million dollar plane.

>Numerous switches need to be turned on
Do they have the plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator?
>Numerous switches
>wow that's a big deal

The fuck is wrong with you, honestly?


Someone can learn A LOT about a plane and flying if they play enough flight simulator, seriously, look it up. They've done experiments and shit.

calm down user, you’re just jumping timelines.

A; any sim guy would NEVER say video game.
B; no one uses Microsoft flight simulator anymore. They use fsx steam if they’re gay. Real pilots use Xplane

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I watched numerous people do it in college with zero training on the 747 simulator at Boeing, which is an exact replica of the real thing.

i always knew flight simulator players where good.
gotta reinstall

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I tend to oscillate between timelines. It sucks. I don't recommend it to anyone.

Before I trained I could land a 737 100% because of xplane. But he never said simulators. He said video games. No sim pilot calls it a game.

AUDIO of him talking about video games^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1028142238671429633&ref_url=

>hurr durr (((THEY))) are trying to hide it
>CNN reported on it
holy shit why are you retards so contradicting its so cringey

you think your job is way harder than it is

being a programmer is 10 times harder than doing 15 minutes of trained work, tops 30, then taking a break, a shit, having food, sitting on your lazy ass for hours, and again doing some work for 30 minutes

my first choice in preference for jobs to be taken over by robots is pilots

you are, relative to your skillset, the most arrogant people on earth

your many strikes throughout the years disgust me

i cannot wait for you to lose your job to a robot

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>Are they afraid that people will understand the power of video games and how it could train super warriors?
No, because the Army actually released a video game called America's Army to train super-warriors, and the military invented simulation games to trian pilots in the first place.
saged and reported

So what game did he played? Somehow he learned how to do a roll with a plane that 99% of normies would crash if they attempted such a stunt. What's your explanation? Could you pull it off? Horizon Air Q400. Be my guest and replicate this what he did. You can't.

i dont think we even need robots. just computer software should do the job. the "robot" would be the actual cockpit using software inputs to change positions of levers and turn other functions on or off

it seems very programmable but im sure airline companies arent doing it yet because most people would think its too crazy, but one day it will happen, unfortunately not any of the coming decades

there must be a live atc recording?
Download, backup, and re-upload
Dont let /OurPilot/ get memory holed

peak jewish neurosis, chaim

>typing keys and feeding code into a compiler is more difficult than keeping a multi-million dollar aircraft aloft, bringing it back, and making sure nobody is hurt during the process
>doing all this is less valuable to society than some fucking donut who compiles code for a throwaway development team

Neck yourself, Hans.

“I have no idea what that all means – I wouldn’t know how to punch it in,” he tells air traffic control. “I’m off autopilot.”


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There's a fucking million copies of the transcripts and audio out already. OP is just a fucking moron.

I nominate Chris Pratt for the lead role for the future movie adaptation.

Could I pull it off? Probably, but I have experience flying. How he didn’t break the plane apart is amazing. He looked like he had it full throttle and the Va (max maneuver speed) is 204 knots. He looked pretty damn close to that.

I think you're right, but only in regards to commercial airlines, but even the smartest machines cannot make risky judgements like humans, which is why drunk pilots are considered heroes when nobody dies.
no machine can replace a combat pilot though, should that day come it would be the day man goes to war with machines
Do you happen to know the time in GMT that this happened the other day? It's all archived.
lol, what are you, a CFI?

Who cares. Do a search now. We live in the digital age. What was true a couple of minutes ago, might not be true anymore. We live in an age where history can be altered in real time. Stay sharp user.

Negative. Low hour pilot

They already forgot about the nigger who stole a jet last week to fly to a concert.

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Va is a general aviation term. Regardless, those things are build damned tough, most transport category planes have a +2.5G/-1.0G limitation, and then there's probably twice that built in for safety.

Have any of you mongs ever heard of Occam's Razor? Obviously not, because these shit tier threads keep fucking up the catalog.

That is very telling about the condition of the human race. Not going to dig more into that. Up to you to draw your own conclusions.

IIRC he was futzing around in an American Eagle CRJ or something trying to figure out how to get it started. The Horizon guy was smart enough to find a plane that doesn't park on a jetway so he could crank it up and move it without a pushback crew.

This needs to be discussed. This "hero" used video games for training. It's time to have a discussion about this. Don't you think?

you will never do a barrel roll,

Mentally ill people shouldn't have access to secured areas?

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And yet he did. Truly a modern hero. Icarus would be proud of him.

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if you think being a cuck to pilots is fine, and not wanting to worship their dicks once they whip it out for pressing some buttons, levers and a wheel, then id gladly be a neurotic chaim

I would be happy if it was correct, but there is zero evidence that Q is legitimate and plenty of evidence that it's a malicious psyop.

>reddit spacing
Fuck off boomer.

All planes have V speeds.

Can you imagine for a moment if that man wanted to kill many people? Gosh. What a nightmare scenario. And what disgrace it is to think that it was that easy for him to steal an airplane.

The flight software that 'trains the terrorists'

The guy was a fucking loony tunes asshole, but let's over analyze irrelevant bullshit because, maybe...just maybe there's a conspiracy involved or QTardAnon ties into all this. This shit is seriously getting fucked retarded to the max.

Fuck off boomer.

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That's the way the modern news cycle works you mouthbreathing fuckwit. As new details come to light, stories get altered.

FFS, as this was happening, people were initially reporting it as a potential jihadi planning to take out the Space Needle.

Learn to take shit with a grain of salt, and maybe you won't be obsessively paranoid all the time. Just a thought, anyways.

Actually there is much evidence. Just not obvious evidence. The coincidences would be almost impossible. I mean if you don’t believe, cool. But I see the shit happening and it’s hard to ignore the momentum and types of things actually happening. I too am waiting for arrests. But I also know These are the most powerful people in human history, and it’s gonna take a minute to oust the corruption in the DOJ just to even get them prosecuted at all, let alone prosecuted with effectiveness.

>people will understand the power of video games

I used to play all kinds of flying sims. Mostly Jane's.
There was a time when I think I would genuinely be able to fly a AH64. IN THEORY I knew everything about the tech and abilities of the AH64 and how they worked.
Most people who play flight sims know that as well.
If you master FALCON 4.0 you can in theory pilot an F16 without any problem whatsoever. The limitations arise with the physical limitations the average person has vs an actual pilot (fear, G-force, etc).

Sorry for pressing the enter key trying to format my paragraphs. This Jow Forums meme needs to die a painful death. It's the equivalent of this. (pic related).

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You idiotic mutts, schizos, and niggers will probably ignore this but you need to read up on Colton Harris Moore. AKA the Barefoot Bandit.

> It is believed that he learned how to fly small planes by reading aircraft manuals, handbooks, watching a "How to fly a small airplane" DVD, and playing flight simulator computer games

Flying a plane is not fucking hard.

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>any sim guy would NEVER say video game
Yeah they would, why not? He's talking to normies

Could he not have been an fsx nerd or similar?

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The whole damned Q thing is just an effort to discredit any conservative opinion on the internet. It's working quite well. It's amazing how it's managed to chase content creators away from here and how it's created a whole community of nutters that discredit anyone who supports conservative thought.

its already being used and tested

the software is there

you neck yourself, walmart sharter

this job is systematic, it requires no last minute decision bullshit

boeing and others are probably going to expand this system a lot further through the years

if an obviously at best average intelligence person can fly an airplane, the job is easy enough for a TRAINED MONKEY to do

the only thing actually requiring learning is landing


how hard can flying be if an average intelligence 0 actual experience guy can do it?

pilots are the most worthless, arrogant, overpaid assholes out there and i hate them as a group deeply

individually i can like some, but thats rare, only the modest ones

How fucking autistic do you have to be to not recognize that the video game line was a fucking joke? "Hey I'll be totally fine flying this real life commercial airliner because I've played video games." It was tongue-in-cheek. Fucking kill yourself harder than he did you braindead mong.

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Now, xplane is so real with the add ons, I have SoCal loaded up as the actual hi res satellite imagery and I can literally see the neighbors cars in the street over my house. Not to mention the flight physics are very accurate

>Cargo fire bell
What do you do?
What does the computer do?
How does everyone live?

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