"Sweden Democrats are going to win this year! Look at these polls"

"Sweden Democrats are going to win this year! Look at these polls"

*Several Weeks Later*




Attached: Sweden.png (640x400, 560)

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Please expound on your incoherent ramblings.

Recent polls show SD support dropping like a stone.

fake polls and fake politicians dancing on the controlled political theater, if you still believe in modern politics you're seriously mentally irrecoverable. Choosing any of of these payrolled to comply shitheads in suits will do jack shit about getting us off the limited western liberal boundaries that rape our countries one way or another.


Go read Carroll Quigley or something.

This a thousand times over. But Jow Forums can't into books.

Well it's depressing and hopeless so people prefer to stay wonderland. Anything politically related that happened after the establishing of the UN, Nato IMF etc. are purely controlled and are most likely social engineering stunts.
It's all an illusion of choice and at this point to the same controlled dialectic "oppositions." The people who take it seriously(non-insiders and average bob's) are either having a laugh and betting on it or plain fucking bored and got too much time so they 'protest' and 'root' for something as if it is legitimate.

you're wrong and Trump/Brexit proves it. Though it looks to me like the SwedeDems could take a full 35% of the popular vote/seats and still lose out to a grand coalition of either the left or 'right'.


Lmao cmon dude we all know they aren't going to let that shit happen. Trump is the absolute closest thing to happen that is outside the status quo and I remain unconvinced that he isn't being subverted or blackmailed into obedience.

I don't think trump can be controlled, that's why I love him

Just like Trump and Brexit then kike

You obviously did not read Carroll Quigley, because nowhere in his books did he ever claim such outlandish things as you claim.

Also i want to put babies in Ebba Busch Thor.

Everyone on Jow Forums is very aware that Sweden is the most cucked country in the world and has 0% chance of electing anything right of center. They are the biggest losers.

They are scared. Imploying this type of voter suppression

I don't think anyone seriously thought they could get to the 51% threshold. Nobody gave them a serious chance. But shitting on them because they aren't going to win is foolish. This isn't about a single election, moron. It's about a movement that is taking place across the West. These parties in Italy, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Austria and even Germany were nonexistent a year or 2 ago and now they are skyrocketing.

It's just getting started. Pandora's box has been opened. Once we start down this path of White identity we can't go back. Either we take back our nations or they take them from us.

In America the 2016 election was not about race. Clearly it made Jow Forums and the far right happy but the vast majority of Americans that voted for Trump didn't do it out of White identity. However, since the election the electorate has continued to move right past Trump nationalism into White nationalism.

The number 1 issue for Americans right now is immigration. It's never immigration. This is something new. Its almost always economy, jobs, terrorism. Not now. In polling over 80% of Americans want either a reduction, a big reduction or complete halt to immigration, as opposed to leaving it at current levels or increasing it.

Over the last year there has been an awakening among non-Boomer Whites. Over the past week or 2 this Sara Jeong deal has caused the beginning of an awakening with Boomers. The embrace of open anti-White positions by the left is causing White normies to take notice.

We are entering a new era. This isn't the regular back and forth cycle we usually see in America. The current world order is beginning to crumble. George Soros said in a recent interview:

>George Soros, the billionaire investor and liberal donor, sat in his hotel suite by Lake Zurich this week, lamenting the turn much of the world has taken in recent years: “Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.”

>His favored presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost to President Trump, whose “America First” platform runs counter to the globalism Soros embraces. Trump, he said, “is willing to destroy the world.” The European Union, which Soros once hoped would be so successful that he could end his charitable work in the region, is contending with the impending loss of Britain and a rise of anti-immigrant sentiment. And Soros himself has emerged as a political target in elections from Hungary to California, where his donations have been used as a cudgel against the causes he supports.


Something new will rise from this. The coming years will be our last chance.

Dude just look at the other polls done by "sifo". They consistently underrate the sweden democrats while "sentio" and "yougov" rate them higher than the other firms. The sweden democrats aren't falling, the polls are just being done by different firms with different methods

It's different polsters showing different results as they always had. It is completely unrealistic that SD has stayed flat for 2 years. These 2 years has been the best ones ever for SD opinion wise.

Just a shitty pollster. We had a bunch of them in the us election. Rasmussen, which was tossedd aside by the left for constantly showing higher numbers for Trump than also every other poll, ended up being the pollster with the highest accuracy of real world voting when the election happened.

I'm more interested in local elections. I wonder if they manage to take over municipalities like Hörby where neighborhood watchmen get assaulted and mugged.
Then I am eager to see how much the socialists lose up north, in places like Härnösand. Quaint and forgotten little towns that are now multicultural infernos.
Winning a local election isn't going to magically disappear the foreigners, but they can resist and be uncooperative. Forcing the Government to overrule local decisions. This will create another level of dissent.

Just die already bongland

Attached: 1531122604854.png (591x422, 24K)

Fuck are you talking about this is as fucking fake as it gets, there's no drop, only one recent (((Sifo))) poll showed a low number like they have always done every month. Look at YouGov's polls for a more accurate representation nigger

This guy knows his shit.

If the refugee and mass immigration stuff is so bad why aren't people voting against it?

They are, OP is just a misleading faggot