>both are a living joke now
>both are a living joke now
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You allways get what you deserve
not we , their sons.
You got it worse, what was your sin?
>You allways get what you deserve
And now we've colonised Spain. Pottery.
What was your crime Sven?
Fuckin raped em
It's karma man. Karma is very harsh.
They haven't done anything wrong. That is why God will be on their side when the civil war breaks out. All muzzies in Sweden will die.
Half Anglo half Iberian mastermutt here. I have trouble deciding which country I hate more now. Britain has consistently been one of the top 3 most cucked but Spain is really pushing it lately. Spain will be like Sweden in 10 yrs.
The entire western world is a joke at this point
You're right Sanjeet, karma is really shitty
>Posts while attempting to re-attach his severed head which was removed by Zeta cartel members
Paco, your nation is very much a failure, Spain should have used the blanket technique.
the fucking irony
We are sending working wombs, you send your old meat to die in the sun.
Who will win?
That's what cucked government does to you.
I don't know if brits have a real alternative to vote because we pretty much don't, we have a tiny party right wing party (Vox) and that's about it. Nuke us already.
>sending your women to get blacked
>Who will win?
Your economy is reliant on our pensioners. We can get cheap labour from anywhere.
does this game really exist?
We rely way more on your youth coming here getting drunk and killing themselves jumping out the window
Spain is very useful for euthanising our lowest IQ.