Redpill me on this cunt

redpill me on this cunt

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The future of New Brazil

Younger cuter dumber bernie sanders

More influential culturally on the left than any other representative at this moment, and she didn't even get elected yet

Brown non-entity model #37

Wins votes in any locale 45% non-white or your money back!

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This piece of shit is fantastic for the US midterms.
Make her popular. Spread glurgy quotes with her insane mug on them.
The slightly rational Libs will not feel like voting

She thinks that if anyone engages her critically, she can just insinuate it's because she's an "attractive" womyn, and other deeply intuitive womyn will see that she's a victim of the patriarchy.

She's probably right.

I want to cum in her butt and make her lick the shit off my dick

unironically based and /ourgal/

She might get cucked by the guy she beat in the primary still if he runs third party.
She actively hides behind racism/sexism shields.
She's apparently studied economics and international relations but she sounds like a gender/race studies major.
She's one of the signs that the democrats are being driven further left by extremists, like the Tea Party did to the republicans a few years ago. So you can thank her and those like her for the impending civil war.

You belong in a mass grave

libtards went all-in on this strategy with the god-emperor; look how that worked out for them

dont underestimate the power of someone on the left who does not build their identity about screaming BLUMPF and wanting to bomb syria like some unironic boomer.

retarded as her commie policies might be, they might actually energize a large part of the voter base

America is fucked unless white people become racist again. Racism is natural and healthy. Brown commies in our government is not. Civic nationalist right wingers are the spawn of Satan.

That cunt has a dick

>libtards went all-in on this strategy with the god-emperor; look how that worked out for them
You have a good point there tulip-bro

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you belong in a bread line with all the socialism you mutts are pushing

dumber than a bucket of split washers, socialist beaner who claims working class up bringing but grew up in basically toorak

shes going to look like a cross between Mr Ed and a wrinkly version of Kate Ceberano within a year

/ourgirl/ wants to legalize the NEET lifestyle.

Universal basic income and free services now!

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um, kikeanon, who's pushing the socialism?

Read the sticky you fucking australian prick.

Stop voting against your own interests.

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She has crazy Charles Manson eyes.

Type of bitch who would cut your dick off in the middle of the night for coming home from work late.

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You should only ever pay Israel and the MIC. Work harder, peasant!

uwu, heebkun, why are you importing incompatible people to our nation (^o^)

Hot as hell and supports investing in America instead of pissing our money away on bombs and walls

Very sassy and demolishes conservatives with regularity, gave Ben Shapiro a noogie, will probably cause more boomer heartattacks than any Democrat in modern history. Promotes solidarity between the middle-class and poor, raises class consciousness, doesn't let herself get dragged into media battles with those who argue in bad faith, i.e. most of the American right-wing.

Will lead a vanguard of social democrats and help establish another New Deal to drastically shrink income inequality, which is at its highest since the Gilded Age.

She is /mygal/

Fuck off spic.

she is a godsend for the conservatives. she just starts making shit up every time she is in an interview. shes all shaft and no testicles.

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Behold, the Triggered Nazi

>implying any leftists are even slightly rational

Behold the unwanted and uninvited wetback. Go dream somewhere else Pedro.

Unironically the most important politician since Reagan. A few years of talking to the media will make her a much more fluent speaker, and she'll coast to the presidency some time in the 2030s. She'll put in massive social programs that will never go away.

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>best thing to happen to trumps reelection campaign

I wanna fuck that dumb sluts throat