It is now confirmed that YouTube views are fake. I always thought it was bullshit was some Nicki Minaj video comes out and it has 50 million views in like 3 days.
>Martin Vassilev makes a good living selling fake views on YouTube videos. Working from home in Ottawa, he has sold about 15 million views so far this year, putting him on track to bring in more than $200,000, records show.
“I can deliver an unlimited amount of views to a video,” Mr. Vassilev said in an interview. “They’ve tried to stop it for so many years, but they can’t stop it. There’s always a way around.”
the real number of users is much lower than they want the advertisers to believe.
Hunter Kelly
I tough this was know already
Carter Richardson
I've always suspected that people who "make a living" on "social media" are really trust fund kids who want to LARP as being successful. You can spend about 20,000 dollars a year and have a huge social media presence, creating the illusion that your online activity is profitable.
Cooper Russell
So not only are they talentless but they are insecure losers as well.
Parker Parker
have u guys ever wondered about the celebrities on twitter with millions of followers who only get like 200 likes on their tweets? always made me wonder
most of social media is fake at this point. the only thing that will stop these sites is when advertisers and corps realize they aren't getting their cut and take them down. unfortunately it'll just be something else after that.
Camden Foster
Moar of dem titties!!
Isaiah Hill
Ok, credit where credit is due. Those are some nice tits.