So Apparently gooks don't like how their eyes look. So in order not to be racist...

So Apparently gooks don't like how their eyes look. So in order not to be racist ,draw them looking like white people (specifically med european people.)

Honestly this is fascinating levels of mental gymnastics all to cover white wide eyed envy.

Attached: gooks dont like how they look.png (599x623, 219K)

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe stop having slanty eyes, slanteyes

I guess the old days where better. My father used to call them rat-munchers but made business deals with them and he told me they called us long-noses. I was not offended. what is the fucking problem?

uh i'm asian and we actually have more people with the eyes like on the left then the ones on the right

they try to via plastic surgery but....

Attached: original.jpg (800x625, 87K)

This is why the race rheotic is a sham. Liberals and SJWs are as racist as the right wing themselves. You cant fix racism. It will always exist.

>human skin tone

You don't, trust me. I live in a 32% Asian area. It's somewhere between the two but definitely not the left.

We get it you guys have cheap plastic surgery.
It's the mere fact this cunt suggest drawing natural asian eyes is racist. Why didnt nobody give that kike Rebecca Sugar shit for drawing big ass nigger lips

(refer to this post)

I will draw my ching chongs however I want

But my gf has eyes like the girl on the left and she's Asian

>long noses
The Jews cries out in pain

I actually like the right one, just not the literal yellow skin. Left with right eyes goat.


>Makeup for $1000 Alex

Indeed the one on the right is goat thats why many gooks slice off the excess fat.

That's a korean thing not a Japanese one, Japanese have naturally larger eyes than Korean because we were not raped by Mongol

Asians should stop appropriating white beauty

Attached: asian_beauties.webm (180x320, 2.86M)

It's important to remember that the asians are not any different. They're as anti-white as everyone else. The disgusting gook-lovers here should learn that.

And oc it's always a K*rean.

>A human skintone

Fuckin baaassed

Attached: Saturn V Components.jpg (3000x2338, 1.13M)

>a human skin tone
You can't make this up.

She didn't even do a 3 second Google search to show an actual example.

sorry sushi.

Attached: sorry sushi.png (1320x509, 206K)

they meant all whites.

so what? a loto f times, white characters have pink skin

Attached: b93.jpg (411x550, 41K)

are you japanese?

These all look like Koreans, which should come as no surprise to anybody.

I can tell you guys in denial by how you people draw 'Japanese women' in animation.

Attached: A-5.jpg (800x400, 49K)

Can confirm

Attached: 1529041363.png (653x679, 663K)

No one is born anti-white, except a certain tribe. That tribe controls the media and pushes an anti-white agenda towards non-whites.

I never knew they gave themselves nose bridges.

stay mad mutt

Attached: 1532977992385.jpg (1474x982, 338K)

these sjw freaks are out of control, who cares?

Attached: chinkette.png (583x684, 123K)

Into my cringe compilation

Bang! And the yellow fever is gone. That webm is surprisingly effective.

Attached: seuss-japan-1.png (781x653, 330K)

I see there is a little high sodium content in your basedsauce , sushi.

All Koreans and Japanese women want to be Eurasians so badly.

There is more than one race of Asian people. These virtue-signalers are so blind and hypocritical.

>English teacher
Gooks not working out for you?

>implying this isn't an accurate depiction of a 25 year old Japanese woman
bigots baka

Attached: hobo.jpg (1280x720, 250K)

Just went on her twitter. Has a White BF. Is there an “Every Time” for East Asian women complaining about something online while having White boyfriends?

All the other races covet caucasian genes

Attached: 1489767519429.jpg (2500x1407, 1.72M)

fucking based Uk saves europe from the nazis and is promptly ethnically replaced by asians

California rasians are retarded beyond measure.
They police every culture in Asia but they know nothing about any of them beyond what their mothers shout while angry.

Attached: tumblr_ofib2dafUj1u8gbl7o1_1280.jpg (720x843, 104K)

Japan mixed with Ainu unlike Koreans.

Japan therefore contains more white DNA

higly related

The second one was really qt.
Link to the full video?

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Attached: 1495566380291.jpg (407x600, 83K)

Is that bitch literally self hating her race?

clearly she looks exactly how shed prefer asians to be drawn.

also eww they will spawn another hapa mass shooter no doubt.

Attached: Djr47nfUYAAlsJF.jpg (675x1200, 128K)


>'almond' eyes

Most races eyes are shaped like almonds. Why would someone draw narrow asian eyes almond shaped like an african or european?

Everyone is born tribal and so if you're non-white then you're anti-white.

Based and redpilled.

I kinda get what she means but her “style” is obviously derivative of anime inspired by Osamu Tezuka who was inspired by Walt Disney. So of course the characters look European.

I’d imagine they are more racist because they are always projecting. I learned this while debating guns rights with a leftist. She said she couldn’t own a gun because she would have shot her ex. They think everyone is like them.

if that makeup doesn't scream red flag to you even before she takes it off you're fucking blind

Attached: 7b1a915a-d2f7-45a5-8172-4315f665ebdc.jpg (456x683, 31K)

God damn. I have a filipina girlfriend that's tried to explain the extent that girls in the philippines will go to look or act white but this just seems silly. Philippines sometimes have enough Spanish in them to have white looking facial shape but then they have shitskin so they use creams that actually turn their skin white.

that guy must be so pissed off. looks like a chad and was probably expecting goodlooking kids but his roastie wife deceived him.

It's strange, because Asians do have yellow skin and small eyes

It isn't racist

i hate my own people. white gf is the only solution

Attached: gook nukem.jpg (960x471, 207K)

Who actually thought that chalk faced alien cosplay was more attractive than the average women underneath?

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All non-white races BTFO for all of eternity

I've never actually noticed asians having yellow skin and I've never understood why are they depicted that way
am I colorblind?


Attached: marvelous-how-to-choose-the-blush-for-your-skin-tone-image-of-hair-colour-asian-yellow-popular-and-t (1741x979, 111K)

Don’t they do that in your Chinese cartoons already

why are jungle Asians so unattractive
and why do so many balding/overweight older white men go after them

pretty uggo. trump is a moderate anyway. unsure why disliking illegal immigrants and wanting to reduce crime is considered "racist"

Exactly this, I noticed the shades of yellow in the skin of the natives in asian countries , and the eye shapes. Why are they so ashamed of themselves? That's how some of them look like, they just shoot themselves with the insecurity.


Attached: msl_eyes7.jpg (512x288, 65K)

I dunno, look at this girl
Doesn't she look "yellow"?

>gook nukem

They have shades of yellow.

This needs to STOP!

Attached: yellow skin.jpg (600x600, 36K)

I think Korean girls are beautiful.

Attached: tumblr_o40dn2Jmj01scm9d0o2_r3_400.png (400x318, 172K)

They're cheap, needy and prevalent. That girl isn't SEA though.

Try looking in comparation, a white person next to an asian, you will notice the difference , either that or you will need to train yout eyes


man, the cartoons I grew up with didn't give a fuck

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They are not, they have more plastic surgery than both Bogdanov and still look like retarded schoolgirls.

Why are SouthKoreans such cunts. When will based China and best Korea nuke them?

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We mustn't allow them to further uncover the white man's secret.

Attached: Untitled.png (780x957, 564K)

Asians are just so ugly I feel so bad for them

lel, no. No asians have eyes anywhere near the left-side unless they get plastic surgery done. Which is common as fuck, along with the skin-bleaching shit.

do they really see less with their eyes?

Japanese people seem to be more round eyed

silly gooks and their complex
only their fuccbois can sometime pass as the image on the left and even look human and fuggable, their women not so much
at least not all the nips have extreme slanty eyes and also come in 2D

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imagine dating a woman this desperate with that low self esteem

white dick during the occupation

You've got eyes dude, try squinting.

>still look like retarded schoolgirls

Why so angry, Kofi?

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Anti asian waifu redpill 1/3

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DAE hate kpop?

Anti asian waifu redpill 2/3

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