This is Tyrone, and he never been to Sub Saharan Africa

>Tyrone Keith McAllister, 18, was arrested on Wednesday for the beating of 71-year-old Sahib Singh
>Tyrone Keith McAllister's father is Union City police Chief Darryl McAllister
>71-year-old Sahib Singh originates from the oldest civilization, Indus-Sarasvati Civilization, Āryāvarta आर्यावर्त Land of the Nobles.

Say something nice about Tyrone

Attached: Tyrone.jpg (600x314, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice ethnic bling

Attached: 34i392.jpg (481x524, 27K)

Tyrone is a very violent and unpredictable individual, and should be locked up for a considerable amount of time.

> the oldest civilization

GTFO! It's a turdworld shitskin retard. xD

>t. Tyrone

Fucking turd world shitskin. Kill yourself. Where were you when we harnessed electricity? And Why does 60% of your turdworld shithole not have it yet? xDD

Maybe he should go and try that shit there.

If the shitskin didn't want to get battered by a nigger, it should have avoided planes and stayed in "The oldest civilization". I' sure there are no niggers there.

What's your point? He's a nigger.

Attached: nigeria-india-rex.jpg (968x762, 61K)

Jesus Christ, is it really so impossible to accept that these nigs ARE as just that fucking bad? I'm pretty sure the father knew who was dealing his son the drugs that overdosed him.

Sahib is a terrorist name so i guess good job?

Blacks are known to drug deal EXTENSIVELY in the east, I studied in Beijing for a year and all the blacks there were drug dealers no fucking joke.

Did you actually read the article Rajesh?

"Police detained five local Nigerian men on suspicion of drug dealing, abduction murder, but they were later released after a post mortem failed to confirm an overdose was the cause of death."

Same in Japan.
They Nig, because they Nog.

That just means the retarded poos fucked up the post-mortem. Considering the media attention this received, I would not be surprised in the slightest if the data was deliberately fudged. India is a country rife with an unhealthy mix of incompetence and corruption.

correct, however its also worth noting that they ook because they eek and also ooga because they booga.

the handcuffs match beautiful wih his skin tone

Attached: 6432131.jpg (500x507, 64K)

At least he is in his traditional attire in that image

Media attention? One article? So when the facts don't suit you, make them up.

Singh is a Sikh name. So Tyrone is too thick to tell a Sikh from a Muslim.

oh fuck i didn't realize that. i take back what i said. eat shit tyrone

Singh however belonged to an ancient race of noble sikhs decided to live in the world of the white man, for in his ancient homeland there was no running water, toilets, libraries, social welfare, free schooling, free medical care, public transport etc etc etc.
Fuck him and the rest of these shitskin ragheads.

Is it really that hard to use google, Jamal?

3 articles Kumar? All the same date? Woah, what an overwhelming sea of coverage for an international incident. Stop larping as Irish on the interwebs and kill yourself paki.

On this picture, we can see Tyrone Niggellus in his natural habitat. This non-native species has become wide spread accross North America since it's first introduction to the ecosystem through trade ships.

Here, we can see a common specimen signalling that he is ready to be double penetrated by it's natural predator, the Aryan Brotherhoodius.

>t-three articles?
Jesus you amerimutts are the worst. Those are also just three selected from the first page of results, you dumb darkie.

Darkie? Yeah right Paki. What a keen intrest you have in rajah cultural affairs. How typically Fenian. Fuck off back to africa you larping shitskin.

>After their arrest, a group of African students gathered to peacefully demonstrate
Protest fucking what?? The nog drug dealers weren't even fucking arrested. Goddamn black people are actually tribal to a fucking fault.

I sincerely hope Tyrone dies soon


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>say something nice about Tyrone
The name fits

20 years in slammer should make this nig nog worthless and harmless for society when he gets out.
Probation for life would be recomended too, just in case.

He a good boy.

Attached: black crime Police Chief’s Son Accused of Assaulting Sikh Man in Manteca Appears in Court.png (759x3219, 1.23M)

He jus playin.

Attached: blacks crime vs sikh.webm (480x320, 1.8M)

>Estranged son
Even when a nigger makes it to police chief, he's still capable of being a dead-beat absentee father.

>just young people
Doing young people things with their friends who smoke with the cigarettes. Give him no TV for a week or something.

Attached: 1365727353572.jpg (600x450, 59K)

>20 years in an American prison
>harmless on the other side

W e w

I see an engineer, a lawyer or perhaps even a doctor. The future is in safe hands guys.

Attached: happypepe.jpg (250x242, 7K)

>no TV

Attached: BET.jpg (1023x532, 28K)

For damaging a shitskin? Thats harsh.

you can take the nigs out of Africa but you can't take the Africa out of the nigs.

Even if blacks have good jobs in nice neighborhoods their kids will still be violent niggers

>well to do family
>still has a father
>given every opportunity to move up in life
>acts like a fucking monkey
why is black 'culture' so toxic

His dad is only chief because he's a nigger, not competence.

Sick of reddit retards saying "dey shot sikhs becuz white people thought they wuz muzlim and stupid rednecks."

I hate Sikhs because they are non-white and they are arrogant. End of.

The kid will get probation at most.

When blacks get control of local government and the police force your only option is to sell your house and get the fuck out. No matter how bad you want to stay and get it back, you have to leave, because the rest of the whites will already be gone or on their way out, so you will never get the votes to take the government back.

Someone give me an example of a US city that had the government taken over by blacks that did not become a shithole or ever cede power to whites again. I will be waiting.

This. There will be a 'Little Orania' in every county in the U.S. in 6 years.

based black man

>>Tyrone Keith McAllister's father is Union City police Chief Darryl McAllister

This is just proof niggers are bad no matter what their background is

Now you know why white people never want to live around niggers

Tyrone father is the chief of police in a big city.

Niggers are shit. Indians are the only brown skinned people with redeemable traits even though they shit everywhere. Fuck niggers.

If all browns and blacks killed each other the world would be a lot better.

Attached: 713849.jpg (1200x800, 52K)

Full of shitskins fucking White women? Do they let pakis into the Orania in South Africa?

He will make a nice set of Alabama wind chimes.

Attached: chair21n-1-web.jpg (635x1135, 137K)

Take that nigger apart with a chainsaw, nice and slow.

Attached: PatBateman.jpg (355x400, 61K)

>father is Union City police chief
Fuck even the good/civilized blacks still produce niggers

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Yeah because south asians are famed worldwide for their skill in crafting alabama wind chimes. Hang on a minute, thy are alabama wind chimes. xDD

he's an excellent example of his species


You can take the nigger out of africa but you can't take the africa out of the nigger. Uselessness incarnate.

Is this actual footage of the crime?

Attached: Dumb nig.png (541x609, 477K)

Live on location...

Attached: xz7nvddRxuxi26VmJwgrg67Bn94s_EkP8R9wS-cDMBQ.jpg (1024x639, 281K)


Just another day in "the oldest civilisation"

Attached: vzj3vt.jpg (360x480, 51K)

Yes. Notice the video in the article.